Papers on Book Reports
Daisy Miller
Number of words: 1650 | Number of pages: 6.... family moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. James had his first novel, Watch and Ward serialized in Atlantic Monthly in 1871. In 1877, James wrote The American, while visiting Paris and Rome. In 1878, The Watch and Ward appeared in book form, and James wrote French Poets and Novelists (criticism), and The Europeans (novel). While visiting Paris and Italy in 1879, he wrote (novella), An International Episode; the critical biography, Hawthorne; and The Madonna of the Future and Other Tales. The following year, he wrote the novel, Confidence, while traveling in Italy. In 1881, James wrote the novels, Washington Square and The Port .....
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Michael Korda's "Defining Success"
Number of words: 521 | Number of pages: 2.... or spotted by some important person. Without education then you wouldn't
have any ideas where to start on how to become successful. Also, you wouldn't
have any confidence because you would be afraid and wouldn't know how to face
obstacles that might be in the way of your dream. Education would at least give
you ideas on where to start and how to prosper. Education makes you a more
excellent person. It helps you to socialize better with other people. It takes
more than just a common sense.
Last thing is that the person you know could make you become successful.
It's like connection. If you know an important person such as a .....
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Beloved: The Degradation Of Slaves
Number of words: 869 | Number of pages: 4.... tree-like shape of the scars on her back. Like many slaves, Sethe is
whipped, only so badly that the scars form this shape; forever branding on
her tender back the agony she suffers along with many others. In addition,
Paul D. states, “ I had a bit in my mouth.” As a slave, Paul D. is
forced to wear a type of degrading mouth harness called a “bit” which
disables him from swallowing, let alone speaking. This not only belittles
slaves but it prevents Paul D. from coming to the aid of Halle during his
time of need. These displays of physical abuse that Morrison portrays in
her novel only begin to scratch t .....
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Death Of A Salesman: Willy's Escape
Number of words: 1028 | Number of pages: 4.... cheer themselves up so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive one of the happier days of his life. It was a time when no one argued, Willy and Linda were younger, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy enthusiastically welcomed their father back home from a long road trip. Willy's need for the "drug" is satiated and he is reassured that everything will turn out okay, and the family will soon be as happy as it was in the good old days.
The nex .....
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More Than A Noble Perception
Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3.... the witches. "…And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray 's in deepest consequence. Cousins, a word, I pray you. (Act1, SceneIII,line123)" This quote is stating that Banquo thinks Macbeth may do anything to get what he wants no matter what the consequences are. Duncan is the King of Scotland and Macbeth's leader. Duncan's view of Macbeth is narrow-minded. He perceives him as a loyal, noble, trustworthy, soldier whom he is very fond of. Duncan also feels Macbeth is the reason for them winning the war. There is many times in the play where this is p .....
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Contrasting Marlow And Kurtz And The Theme Of Evil In "Heart Of Darkness"
Number of words: 2608 | Number of pages: 10.... of an inner evil which has
emerged. Marlow, who defeats his evil, and gains self-knowledge, and Kurtz,
who is defeated by his darkness and falls prey to its wrath. In William
Golding's Lord of the Flies the author points out how easily people can be
over taken by the darkness, how the potential for good can be destroyed by
the evil, but ideally how good will triumph. Through an examination of
these two works we can see how the darkness within, given the correct
environment will surface. The circumstances which eventually cause the
appearance of the inner darkness in these two novels stems from the lack of
civility, the t .....
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Charles Dicken's Novels: Literary Criticism
Number of words: 2163 | Number of pages: 8.... (Constable 25).
In 1814 John Dickens was transferred from the post in Portsworth to one in
London. Three years later the family moved to Chatham to be closer to their
father who was working steadily at the post. Charles Dickens's mother taught
him to read when he was barely five and for the next few years Dickens lived
wonderfully, reading every book he could get his hands on. He quickly read
through his father's collection of Shakespeare, Cervantes, Defoe, Smollett,
Fielding, and Goldsmith. Every one of these authors left a mark on the young
mind of Charles Dickens which is easy to see in his style and attitude
throughout .....
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Jack The Ripper
Number of words: 680 | Number of pages: 3.... This type of thing has happened before, but no one knew about it
and now you know the real world. The press had created the “boogey man” and many
myths and puzzles for the public.
The Ripper was thought to know a great deal about anatomy because the body’s
were slashed at the throat and the way the body’s were mutilated suggest that. The
victims all prostitutes all slashed at the throat and mutilated. The body’s were found out
in the open were everyone could see them. Many officers and junior officers believe
there are anywhere from five to nine murders by the Ripper.
The Victims:
1) Mary Ann Nich .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Themes And Symbols
Number of words: 2108 | Number of pages: 8.... about his face; but Stradlater thought that he was
a great guy. He actually thought that there was nothing wrong with never washing
his razor. I think that what mad, Holden so made Stradlater was perpetrating in
other word being "phony" every time he went out all GQ after using that filthy
razor. Another instance is when he calls that girl in New York, Faith Cavendish,
that Eddie Birdsell had brought to a dance at Princeton. Anyway he called her
and she almost went off until Holden drooped Eddie's name. Then all of a sudden
"she was getting friendly as hell." The same person said "if you think I enjoy
bein' woke up in the .....
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Character Analysis Of Mrs Mall
Number of words: 1036 | Number of pages: 4.... really crippled by both their inability to talk to one another and Mrs. Mallard’s determination that her marriage was made by a “powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.” But she doesn’t recognize that it is not just men who put their will upon women and that the problems in marriage affect men and women equally. To me, Mrs. Mallard is a very sympathetic character, and I appreciate her will to live out the “years to come that would belong to her absolutely.” However, I also beli .....
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