Papers on Book Reports
The Crucible
Number of words: 384 | Number of pages: 2.... and using that as a last resort to
make people aware of what was happening. This last stand for
righteousness is an example of proctor's great character and rationale.
Arthur Miller wrote his play, The Crucible, a story about the Salem
witch trials, and the panic resulting from it, as an allegory to show
people the insanity of the McCarthy hearings. He wrote it as an allegory
so that, if tried by McCarthy, he could say, "it's just a play about the
witch trials in Salem. How do you get this communist idea from it?" The
story illustrates how people react to mass hysteria, created by a person
or group of people desiring fam .....
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Joshua And The Children
Number of words: 505 | Number of pages: 2.... to communicate with the children, and got to know them better the adults were amazed at how Joshua related to the children so well. He knew their names right from the second he met them, he played their games, and he even let himself lose at them too. Eventually the adults in the town began to realize that whoever this Joshua really was, he was a role model for each and every one of them.
The Muslim boy was a very important character in this book. He and one
his friends went down to the square where Joshua met with the children every day. His friend told Joshua that the boy was blind. Everybody in the square watched in disbe .....
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Biographical Influences In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 916 | Number of pages: 4.... the very vivid comparisons between Daisy Buchanan and Zelda Fitzgerald, and between Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald himself.
In many of Fitzgerald's stories he uses his real life experiences, and in The Great Gatsby he chose to use some of his wife's experiences to make the character Daisy Buchanan. Zelda Fitzgerald was an enormous part of her husband's life, as was Daisy to her fictional husband Tom Buchanan. Zelda was often viewed as a nuisance to her husband, as could be seen in "". Daisy, by being an interruption to her husband's affair with another woman, could have been seen as a nuisance. These women, trying to catch their h .....
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Shaping A Nation
Number of words: 395 | Number of pages: 2.... the power to divide this nation. Lincoln pulled these two sides together and helped them unite. He abolished slavery with the thirteenth amendment and managed to keep the southern states from seceding from the Union.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president that brought the United States out of the great depression and positioned it as a superpower. His most significant contribution was introducing the New Deal. He also was the president to create social security. Roosevelt helped the Allies in World War II with the Lend-Lease Act, which allowed Britain to place orders on supplies and weapons without paying money. Roosevel .....
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Scarlet Letter Essay
Number of words: 504 | Number of pages: 2.... her child, and her own best self. She did it all in the name of sanctity, for true love, and she paid the price. Dimmesdale was changed by the affair in a way that “ [he] grew emaciated; his voice, though still rich and sweet had a [tone] of decay.”
As a believing Puritan, Dimmesdale saw himself as “predestined” for damnation. Hawthorne explained how the poor man “kept silent by the very constitution of [his] nature.” Dimmesdale wanted to be with Hester, but he was weak. Hawthorne spoke about Dimmesdale’s bloody scourge in his closet, and how he beat himself with it. Hawthorne seemed .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country: Differences Of The Ruled And The Rulers
Number of words: 690 | Number of pages: 3.... to search for his sister and son, he is abject to find that his sister, who had become very frail, was forced to become a prostitute to support her child. Then discovers his son had murdered a white man who ironically was abetting the black people.
The first portions shows how work forced the ruled Africans to migrate from rural areas into cities, causing deviation from their heritage, where they were forced into immoral and illegal activities. The second portion of the book explains how some white men were affected by their own doings. The third and final portion illustrates how the deaths of two young men bring about reconc .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage 3
Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3.... also characterizes the toughness people can endear. "... the tattered soldier had two wounds, one in the head and the other in the arm, making that member dangle like a broken bough." (pg 51) "'Was a pretty good fight, wa'n't it?' Said the tattered man." (pg 51) Even through the harshness of war people will find something inside of them, overcome it and not let it bother them. "His homely face was suffused with a light of love for the army which was to him all things beautiful and powerful." (pg 51) The tattered solider goes out and lives through the tough endurance of war but he finds something inside of him to live thro .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Holden Caulfield's Perception And Gradual Acceptance Of The "Real" World
Number of words: 1004 | Number of pages: 4.... of peace, charity or even genuine merriment."3 Holden is
surrounded by what he views as drunks, perverts, morons and screwballs. These
convictions which Holden holds waver very momentarily during only one particular
scene in the book. The scene is that with Mr. Antolini. After Mr. Antolini
patted Holden on the head while he was sleeping, Holden jumped up and ran out
thinking that Mr. Antolini was a pervert as well. This is the only time during
the novel where Holden thinks twice about considering someone as a pervert.
After reviewing Mr. Antolini, Holden finally concludes that maybe he wasn't
making a "flitty" pass at him. .....
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Symbolism In Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 728 | Number of pages: 3.... the thrill of mischief to keep them going. Merely being surrounded by the Earth’s beautiful resources now give them satisfaction they need.
Although some days are filled with complete peacefulness, there are days when our loyalty can be tested. On what started out as a peaceful day, there became a great fog. Huck and Jim were traveling closely by one another. The awful conditions caused the raft and canoe to be separated. A true test of friendship was tried. Huck failed this test, as he played a trick on Jim. Jim spent all night brokenhearted because his great companion was missing. When Huck found his way back, he hurt J .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1009 | Number of pages: 4.... are:
1. plot structure
2. conflict
3. point of view
4. symbolism and figuration language
5. theme and author's vision
I hope this essay shows the ideas of Eric Blair and the freedom we
have under government control.
1. plot structure
The story starts off in a form called "Manor Farm." An old white
boar called "Old Major" tells all the farm animals of a day when all the
animals would be free, and of a dream that took him back to when he was
young. In his dream he remembered a song that tells of such a day. This
was the day of the Rebellion. Soon afte .....
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