Papers on Book Reports
Lost Horizon
Number of words: 319 | Number of pages: 2.... of the novel.
The climax of the novel is when the High Lama dies and leaves Conway in charge of Shangri-La. Conway doesn’t tell anyone that he is in charge. The resolution of the novel is when Mallinson talks Conway into leaving Shangri-La with him and Lo-Tsen. All three leave Shangri-La and hike to the porters that are camping 5 miles away, and they leave with the porters. This is the climax and resolution of the novel.
In conclusion, the theme of the novel is how Conway and his group get hijacked and left on Shangri-La. The point of view used in the novel is 3rd person, because it is told through Conway’s view. .....
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Herman Wouk's The Winds Of War
Number of words: 660 | Number of pages: 3.... the best advice is no advice at all. Woolf expresses the conception
that when one begins to read literature he begins to enter different stages
of interpretation that will ultimately improve his pleasure and
satisfaction. It was obvious to me that I had in fact indulged in forms of
interpretation when reading literature, but it had never dawned on me until
reading Woolf's essay. Whenever I am subjected to something in literature
that is not fully comprehensive, I begin to engage in several different
forms of interpretation. The first stage would reflect much of the
philosophy composed in the essay 'Against Interpretation' wh .....
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Analysis Of Maltese Falcon
Number of words: 1130 | Number of pages: 5.... I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid O’Shaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty much the same thing Ford asked Mike in the airport. Brigid’s comment (p. 211-212) “You’ve been playing with me? Only pretending you cared-to trap me like this? You didn’t-care at all? You didn’t-don’t-I-love-me?” Ford’s “You used me...” speech is strikingly similar to Brigid’s including the reaction from Mike/Spade. The two men both refused to show sympathy and they did both had sex with their respective victims ...er women except Mike .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 1402 | Number of pages: 6.... the book so much and label it as one of my favorites.
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to hold grasp of this book and read it, it is superficially, the story of a young man’s expulsion from school. However, if you study the story, it is so much more than that.
Holden Caulfield, a teenager growing up in the 1950s in New York, has been expelled from prep school for poor achievement. In an attempt to deal with this he leaves school for a few days prior to the end of term and goes to New York to take a “vacation” before returning home to his parents. Told as a monologue, the book describes Holden’s .....
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Faulkner's "The Unvanquished"
Number of words: 436 | Number of pages: 2.... of
belief. Bayard Sartoris was a pragmatist. He 'let his conscience be his guide'.
Telling his father about Drusilla's attempt to seduce him and refusing to avenge
his father's death are two good examples of this. In the beginning of the novel,
Bayard is shown to be simple minded, but as time passes on and Bayard grows into
a young man, his mind develops and he ultimately ends the battle between
idealism and pragmatism in one carefully thought out decision.
The battle between the two philosophies is very subtle in the beginning.
But it grows and strengthens, and since there can only be one winner, the
pragmatist is victorious .....
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"The Ministers Black Veil" And "The Scarlet Letter": Judgmentalality
Number of words: 574 | Number of pages: 3.... or omen. The first is of course the letter, it meant evil,
shame, and sin to the townspeople. All it was, was a letter nothing more,
nothing less. The second object that people took as a prolific sign was
the weeds on a grave. They reasoned that the weeds were there because of
the sins of that person, and that the weeds grew because flowers could not.
People then and now take symbols too deeply and meaningful.
People often take events to be meaningful and supernatural. In The
Scarlet Letter the meteor meant some great act of God or the Devil was
about to take place. All a meteor is, is a chunk of rock of that is being .....
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How Do Elizabeth Bennet’s Relationships Show Her Process Of Moral Growth?
Number of words: 1450 | Number of pages: 6.... into superficial bindings. Not at all silly like her ditzy sisters, Elizabeth is simply disengaged and she wishes to see and understand excitement. She finds her wish in Wickham, who provides her with a strange tale that is both shocking and appealing to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth perceptiveness fails her in the situation with her friend Charlotte Lucas: she makes a terrible mistake in her judgment of Charlotte. Elizabeth is shocked and amazed at her friend’s poor choice of Mr. Collins as a husband; she believes that Charlotte is not thinking correctly when she marries Mr. Collins. Since Charlotte does not rely on roman .....
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Joy Luck Club - Literary Analy
Number of words: 1031 | Number of pages: 4.... her mother had to follow behind the word of the prodigy in town. '"Of course you can be a prodigy, too '" (141) Jing-Mei's mother, Suyuan, tells her after receiving the news of Waverly, the chess prodigy. The expectations for Jing-Mei have heightened now that her mother's friend's daughter has been held in such a spotlight, as to be called a prodigy. Suyuan takes it upon herself to make her daughter rise above the accomplishments of her peers, and prove to the mothers their family is high in the running competition, whether Jing-Mei approves or disapproves. Suyuan decides that with piano lessons she and her daughter will ris .....
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1984: Duty Or Desire
Number of words: 1313 | Number of pages: 5.... covers of the books, on banners , on posters and the
wrapping of the cigarette packing-every where the eye is watching you and
the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake ,in bath or in bed -no
If Winston does anything out of order, a voice barks out
instructions. The Party frowns on art, on sex, on the life of the mind.
Their posters warn: "Big Brother is watching you". Every Party member knows
the worst crime of all is "Thought crime": having evil thoughts against the
Party or Big Brother. Winston is also troubled by dreams and memories of
better times, inspired by secret glances form O'Brien, a powerful mem .....
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King Authur And The Knights Of The Round Table
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... word for two of the days,
but on the third day, he keeps the lady's scarf. The reason he does this
is obviously for its protective properties. This seems like a good idea,
but this violates his promise to give everything he gets back to the lord
of the manor. It also violates his faith in God's ability to save him from
being decapitated. Sir Gawain isn't as good at following the code of honor
in this story as in the other stories.
The final example I will point out is when he faces the Green
Knight. He is confident that the Green Knight can't kill him, just like he
couldn't kill the Green Knight a year ago. However, he gets .....
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