Papers on Book Reports
An Analysis Of Catch 22 By Joseph Heller
Number of words: 1283 | Number of pages: 5.... power and elitism that have become
so sought after in America. Throughout the novel, he tries to find a way to live
a fuller life as a real human individual. He looks to many of the other
characters in the book for help but only finds unsatisfactory answers.
Each of the characters in Yossarian's life at the base shows the reader
one more example of how bad society has become. Clavinger tries to live life by
reasoning. He looks for a reason in everything. In constantly looking for a
reason why, he never enjoys life to it fullest. As further proof that this life
leads nowhere, he is shot down and killed, certainly not an event wit .....
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Wuthering Heights-storm And Ca
Number of words: 759 | Number of pages: 3.... upsetting the balance between the relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff. Edgar’s love for Catherine is sincere, but the element of great passion which is strongly characterized does not compare to Heathcliff’s love. The difference between Catherine’s feeling for Heathcliff and the one she feels for Linton is that Heathcliff is a part of her nature, while Edgar is only a part of her superficial love. “For he (Heathcliff), like her, is a child of storm; and this makes a bond between them, which interweaves itself with the very nature of their existence.” (Cecil 26) Emily Bronte makes a point i .....
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Comparison Of Margaret Mead's "Coming In Age" To Russian Youth
Number of words: 2592 | Number of pages: 10.... a
culture or group that they can identify with.
Often society depicts these groups as dangerous, deviant and
delinquent. These groups, however, just show many of the valued structures
of society, but in a more radical way. They have a standard code of dress,
values, ethics and rebel in order to force their ideas onto the public and
to feel part of a recognizable group.
Margaret Mead noticed little individual differences among the Samoans.
"We have seen that the Samoans have a low level of appreciation of
personality differences" (Mead, 1973, 161). The Samoan's strong cultural
and family traditional values do not all .....
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All Around The Town By Mary Hi
Number of words: 1246 | Number of pages: 5.... person towards Opal and Laurie. Opal had long stringy hair and had a plain face. She was passive and did whatever she was told. They were con-artist who fooled everyone they met. They were mean and didn't care about anybody else but themselves. Justin Donnelly was the psychiatrist who helped Laurie with therapy and helped find the real person that was within her all along.
The story begins when Laurie Kenyon was abducted by Bic and Opal when she was four years old. They abused her sexually and mentally when they had her for those two, long, tedious years. When they were doing these things to her such as sexually abusi .....
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Catcher In The Rye 4
Number of words: 4128 | Number of pages: 16.... and the time at which it was written. Two J.D. Salinger short stories, "I'm Crazy" and "Slight Rebellion off Madison," were published in periodicals during the 1940's, and introduced Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye. Both short stories were revised for later inclusion in Salinger's novel. The Catcher in the Rye was written in a literary style similar to prose, which was enhanced by the teenage slang of the 1950's. It is a widespread belief that much of Holden Caulfield's candid outlook on life reflects issues relevant to the youth of today, and thus the novel continues to be used as an educational res .....
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Crime And Punishment--is Rasko
Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... value has the life of that sickly, stupid, ill-natured old woman in the balance of existence? (63)
Raskolnikov reasoned that it would be honorable to kill Alyona since it would supposedly benefit humanity, but the fact that “ordinary” men had the same idea should have immediately put a stop to any thoughts that he was extraordinary.
During Raskolnikov’s visit to the police station to retrieve his pledges, he and Porfiry become engaged in conversation involving the theory. Porfiry voiced concerns about ordinary people mistaking themselves as extra-ordinary. Raskolnikov responded with, “...[Ordinary p .....
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Yellow Wallpaper
Number of words: 259 | Number of pages: 1.... From the beginning of the story, the narrator doubts the proposed cure for her depression,, but she reluctantly follows the prescription for cure. As a result of her prescription, she spends most her time alone in a room with on the walls. The narrator thinks she sees an image behind the wallpaper, and becomes obsessed with determining what exactly is behind the wallpaper. Eventually she rationalizes that the image behind the wallpaper is a woman who is struggling to be set free and equates herself to this woman. Eventually he narrator builds up enough courage to tear the wallpaper off the wall, setting the woman and her sanity .....
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Emma By Jane Austen
Number of words: 844 | Number of pages: 4.... fondness of a young farmer by the name of Robert Martin. Emma feels that Mr. Martin is not worthy of her dear friend’s hand, and convinces Harriet to decline his proposal. Emma, confident of her own matchmaking abilities, then tries to make a match between her companion and Mr. Elton, who is a charming gentleman of an impetuous background. This reveals one of the themes in the story, which is social class prejudice. Although Mr. Martin’s earnings are quite respectable, Emma feels that because Harriet is a part of her life now, she should have the same opportunities and lifestyle as her own. Harriet can acquire this by .....
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Animal Farm Compare And Contra
Number of words: 1428 | Number of pages: 6.... As a result, a great deal of characterization is visible in most parts of the book, as he is constantly building upon the characters.
The movie Animal Farm on the other hand is quite different. In the movie, very little time (relative to the book) is spent on developing the characters. In some instances during the movie we discover that there are some characters in the book that are not mentioned in the movie (e.g. Molly and Mrs. Jones). Also, in Animal Farm the movie, there is little dialogue among the animals, unlike the book. In the book, it is this dialogue that really helps us understand the type of regime in Russi .....
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Mcmurphy Is A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 891 | Number of pages: 4.... the right time, awaiting her opportunity. The Big Nurse has ultimate power over the patients and this is what makes McMurphy lose to the Big Nurse. McMurphy find out the reason why the other patients are in the ward when they say to him
"Mr. McMurphy…my friend…I'm not a chicken, I'm a rabbit. The doctor is a rabbit. Cheswick there is a rabbit. Billy Bibbit is a rabbit. All of us in here are rabbits of varying ages and degrees, hippity-hopping through our Walt Disney world. Oh, don't misunderstand me, we're not in here because we are rabbits-we'd be rabbits wherever we were-we're all in here because we can't adjust to our rabb .....
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