Papers on Book Reports
Great Gatsby 4
Number of words: 833 | Number of pages: 4.... loyal to his quest until death at the end of the novel. Gatsby moved into the mansion across the bay to be near Daisy. The green light symbolized that Gatsby had a hope of winning Daisy. Gatsby asked Daisy to tell Tom that she loved him, but this was too much to ask of her. Daisy told Gatsby that he asked too much and she could not leave Tom. At the end of the novel the green light was no longer a sacred symbol of hope or promise but just a light at the end of the Buchanan’s dock.
The contrast between East Egg and West Egg are represented through the dissimilarities of the lifestyles and attitudes of society. The west .....
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Thomas More's Utopia
Number of words: 986 | Number of pages: 4.... became the cause of other societal problems such as poverty, vagrancy and theft. This problem was worsened by the ruling class. The tendency of the upper class was to "keep bleeding them (lower class) white by constantly raising their rents." The economically sound Kings had outrageous spending habits and brought in money by "raising the value of currency when the King has to pay money out and lowering it abnormally when payments are due." Any means by which money could be incurred was acceptable to the Kings, even dishonesty. This only means more poverty and the societal problems that follow it. More expressed these econ .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Number of words: 1052 | Number of pages: 4.... impressed by the field workers that would constantly pass through her grandmothers grocery store, with the suffering of their ill paid work. Right from the start of the novel Angelou demonstrates a humanistic sympathy for the Southern blacks. When Maya was a young girl growing up, her brother Baily brought her to see a Kay Francis movie where she was relegated to the colored balcony. In her early adolescence Maya had a great concern for equality and self- determination for the black race, which took precedence over forging friendships, receiving love notes, exchanging valentines, sizing up a male admirer, and completing the ei .....
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Number of words: 901 | Number of pages: 4.... to deteriorate. Sethe and intrigued by the music move to the porch. "Sethe was breaking a lump of ice into chunks.When the music entered the window she was wringing a cool cloth to put on 's forehead.Sethe and she exchanged glances and started toward the window" (Morrison 261). As the Bodwin approaches in a cart with his horses to pick up Denver, Sethe is triggered by a flashback of when the schoolteacher and the slave catcher came to get her children 18 years ago. Racing towards the cart, Sethe releases the hand of and runs toward to crowd using the ice pick as an attachment of her hand to protect her . "He is coming i .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country: The Breakdown And Rebuilding Of South African Society
Number of words: 1010 | Number of pages: 4.... up the natural resources
that used to lay there. The whites pushed them out of where they used to
reside where the land is so good that it could be even referred to as “holy,
being even as it came from the Creator.” (pg. 3). In the rural areas such
as this the decay comes as a result of making the blacks live in confined
areas where the land is so bad it can't be farmed any more, and the taking
of the strong males out of these areas to go work in the mines were things
are unsafe and people rarely return. Because of this, the people leave the
tribe to go on the roads to travel to Johannesburg, because “All roads lead
to .....
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Anne Hutchinson
Number of words: 4838 | Number of pages: 18.... continued to voice his radical opinions, including that many ministers were appointed haphazardly by high church officials to preach in any manner they wanted. Eventually, Anne's father did restrain his verbal attacks on the Church of England, choosing conformity with an imperfect church over constant arrests and inquisitions. (D. Crawford, Four Women in a Violent Time, pps. 11-15.) Being educated at home, Anne read many of her father's books on theology and religion. Much of Anne's later independence and willingness to speak out was due to her father's example. Anne admired her father for his defiance of traditional church .....
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Jane Eyre: Imagery
Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3.... She says, "I was thinking, sir (you will excuse the idea;
it was involuntary), I was thinking of Hercules and Samson with their charmers"
(p.289). This statement possibly begins to suggests Janes unsatisfaction with
Rochester's position of complete dominance in their relationship. To Jane,
Rochester embodies the idea of love which she has so long been denied of. As I
stated earlier, the whole movie is about Janes journey towards acceptance, by
herself and by others. It is this journey which persuades her to move on when
she finds Rochester's physical and material love unacceptable.
Jane's next stop on her journey i .....
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Old Man And The Sea: Themes Of Santiago Against Nature, Figures Of Christ And Relationships Between Characters
Number of words: 1475 | Number of pages: 6.... every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal
pool with life called `Cannery Road'.
This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It
mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other
characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of
biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin,
his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might
be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of
time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago
needs him for the quest he sets out .....
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An Analysis Of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales": The Wife Of Bath's Tale
Number of words: 1054 | Number of pages: 4.... rarely lived up to this
ideal(Patterson 170). In a work by Muriel Bowden, Associate Professor of
English at Hunter College, she explains that the knights of the Middle Ages were
"merely mounted soldiers, . . . notorious" for their utter cruelty(18). The
tale Bath's Wife weaves exposes that Chaucer was aware of both forms of the
medieval soldier. Where as his knowledge that knights were often far from
perfect is evidenced in the beginning of Alison's tale where the "lusty" soldier
rapes a young maiden; King Arthur, whom the ladies of the country beseech to
spare the life of the guilty horse soldier, offers us the typical concepti .....
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Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 561 | Number of pages: 3.... jobs of a professional. The women in China are known for taking orders from their husbands. Another feature that is found to be different in China from America is the different roles women take in the home. The author explains that a Chinese woman is expected to be a good wife for her chosen husband. Girls are promised at an early age to a man. The story “The Red Candle” shows an arranged marriage where the author sacrificed her life to fulfill her parents’ promise of marriage when she was only two years old. At the marriage ceremony the candle is lit at both ends and if neither end goes out it will be a successful marriag .....
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