Papers on Book Reports
Number of words: 1690 | Number of pages: 7.... power that were practically undreamt of. This era saw a dramatic increase in the size of the lower classes as immigrants filled the country and jobs became scarce, and a decrease in the size of the middle class. However, despite the less than ideal conditions that existed for many people in the country, middle and upper class citizens had the impression that they were in an era of prosperity. They turned a blind eye towards all the suffering and hardships of the lower class, in their perfect, ignorant world “There were no Negroes. There were no immigrants” (3). Doctorow recognized the dominant attitude of the tim .....
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The Life Of Edward Albee
Number of words: 998 | Number of pages: 4.... boarding schools at age 11.
At Trinity, "I discovered that the required courses were not the
ones I required." So he cut the classes that bored him and audited the ones
that didn't.
"It tells you something about the management of Trinity at the time
that they didn't catch up with me until the middle of the sophomore year,"
he recalls. "That ended my formal education, and I suppose it didn't matter
much. I'd figured out how to educate myself, and keep on doing it. To be
fair to Trinity, I would have been unhappy at any college or university."
Albee was even more unhappy when his adoptive mother ejected him
from the family .....
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Gatsby As F. Scott Fitzgerald's Self-Portrait
Number of words: 893 | Number of pages: 4.... meant me no good. I was
sorry immediately I had married her, but being
patient in those days, made the best of it and got
to love her in another way...But I was a man divided.
She wanted me to work too much for her and not
enough for my dream. She realized too late that work
was dignity and the only dignity, and tried to atone
for it by working herself, but it was too late and
she broke and is broken forever.
Fitzgerald’s remarks here bring to mind the passage in The Great Gatsby where Gatsby pauses before kissing Daisy, knowing that “When he kissed this girl, and wed his unutterable visions to her perisha .....
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Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 264 | Number of pages: 1.... why
she has gone through so many husbands is because her ideal husband is one who
permits her to do whatever she wants. Of course, in the 1990's and even back in
the 1500's, that kind of spouse is hard to find.
The Wife is a pragmatist, or one who is concerned with actual practice.
She is a very sexually active person, although is said to be "gap-toothed",
overweight, and foul smelling. In her prayer, she asks for meek, youthful,
sexually vigorous husband to fulfill her needs.
Due to the Wife's feministic views, she can fulfill her needs and
desire's because of her strong opinion. She can continue to marry .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 799 | Number of pages: 3.... about hope
and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even
though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to
Lenin and Marx whose ideas would spark the communist revolution. Lenin
became the leader and teacher of the working class in Russia, and their
determination to struggle against capitalism. Like Old Major, Lenin and
Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The
working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in Animal
Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their
work. Old major tells the animals that the sour .....
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Fallen Angels: Richie Perry
Number of words: 620 | Number of pages: 3.... his fatigues at least a dozen times. He kept imagining VC popping up and him not being ready to fire. By him wiping his hand on his fatigues shows how incredibly apprehensive and nervous he was. After one of Richie’s fellow platoon members got killed, the entire company was in mourning. Richie was going over to one of the men and saw him crying. When he saw this he decided not to talk to him and turned around and walked away. The reason for this was because Richie didn’t want to insult his friend by seeing him cry. This is an example showing how respectful Richie is.
Another way Myers shows Richie’s character is thro .....
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Huckleberry Finn And The Issue Of Race In Our Country
Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3.... That should not be ... The price that a student pays when they go into the classroom [sic] to exchange any form of humiliation or degradation in exchange for their education - period." For what reason would a student be ashamed or feel degraded to read such a novel? It would be more understandable if slavery was still part of our lives today and black people were still being called niggers and going through the same hardships as in the past. However, black people now a days call each other niggers more than a light skinned person calls a dark skinned person one. And, in most cases black people are the least discriminated with .....
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Cheever's "The Nanny Dilemma": Personal Reflection
Number of words: 315 | Number of pages: 2.... of work done, some are treated like servants
and yet others are treated with respect. There is no certain job security
for a nanny, one day you may work and the next you may not.
In conclusion I think it is important that we make time for family,
yes you can have a nanny, there is no crime for that, but don't make that
person fill your shoes and your responsibilities. Make your family a true
family and not one you think it really isn't. When more time is spent
worrying about work and money, and not on raising kids-our family
infrastructure will crumble. .....
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Jay Gatsby: A Confused Man
Number of words: 551 | Number of pages: 3.... From a point early in
his life, he had a romantic fantasy and he continued to sustain this
throughout his life. He liked to focus on past events, rather than look at
what was happening at the present. For example, he and Daisy had a
beautiful romance for a long period earlier in his life. Gatsby repeated
this moment over and over again in his head,
Gatsby, also, was rumored to have told stories about his past, such
as his story about his time spent at Oxford was not quite clear. He was
also rumored to have murdered a man. No one was really completely clear
about the life that Gatsby live, not even Gatsby himself. Why he .....
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Black Boy
Number of words: 2 | Number of pages: 1.... .....
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