Papers on Book Reports
The Great Gatsby: Jay's Background And His Downfall
Number of words: 309 | Number of pages: 2.... an impression on these
people. Many to these people went to these parties "...without having met
Gatsby at all" (ch. 3,p. 41).
Gatsby did not have a formal education. His background did not support
the background of the old wealth. He lived in West Egg, "...the less fashionable
of the two..." (ch. 1, p. 5). The old rich would not live there.
Jay Gatsby could have never in his life been a part of the old rich. Even
with changing his names and and lifestyle, he could have never changed his
interior. He would always been James Gatz. .....
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"Down And Out Paris And London"
Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4.... accordingly.
A casual ward will often admit a hundred tramps in one night, and these
are handled by a staff of at most three porters. A hundred ruffians could
not be controlled by three unarmed men. Indeed, when one sees how ramps
let themselves be bullied by the work house officials, it is obvious that
they are the most docile, broken-spirited creatures imaginable. "(p. 204)
About the term "drunkard" Orwell disagrees also saying:
"Or take the idea that all tramps are drunkards -- an idea ridiculous on
the face of it. No doubt many tramps would drink if they got the chance,
but in the nature of things they cannot get the .....
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Book Report On Tim O'Brien's Vietnam
Number of words: 1067 | Number of pages: 4.... was drafted into the war in the
1960's. He was a college graduate from a small town in Minnesota. I could
not imagine graduating college and then being asked to fight in some war
that you could care less about. Tim made it through boot camp and he was
sent off to war. At one point he even thought about going AWOL. That idea
was changed as he sat in a Seattle hotel room and decided to stick it out
and go off to Vietnam. Many soldiers went AWOL, either over in Vietnam or
in the States before they were sent off to fight. Tim was put into Alpha
Company when he arrived in Vietnam. Alpha company was a good company;
either tha .....
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Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... team of huskys and mix breeds from Dyea Beach, to the town of Dawson. After several trips with Perrault and Francois, Buck was traded to a know nothing, gold seeking family. they knew nothing, or hardly nothing, about managing a sled team. There trip began with a very bad start. The family had loaded up their wagon with too much unneded baggage, and it was top heavy. as the dogs began to pull away and pull around a curve, the baggage tipped over along with the sled and thus the unnecessary baggage was discarded, and the trip was barely completed because of harsh weather, inadequate supplies, and poor management skills of the dog h .....
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Mavis Gallant's Bernadette
Number of words: 1010 | Number of pages: 4.... and hard act.
The story is set in Quebec during the 1940-1950, when what you were was
the definition of who you were. As the story opens we are presented with the
main character Bernadette, who is concluding that she is one hundred and
twenty-six days pregnant. At this time in history it was quit common for young
rural girls to bare children at a young age. However, Bernadette is a single
French Canadian girl who is working and living in a urban community, where
things like that do not take place. We are here introduced to the first fear
presented in the story: --How will Bernadette tell the Knights that she is
pregna .....
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The Old Man And The Sea
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3.... other than for money. Another way that the author tells that the old man appreciates the ocean is in one of his descriptions in the book. "Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle’s heart will beat for hours after it has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs." Since Santiago has spent so many years of his life at sea he sees the beauty of the sea and the beauty of its creatures. This is also noted in another quotation from the book, "The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. But they were the falsest thing in the sea and the old man l .....
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Number of words: 1988 | Number of pages: 8.... and hardships of the emigrants' life. Anzia Yezierska's novel "Bread Givers" is a story that lets the reader to learn about the life of Jewish Emigrants in the early Twentieth Century on Manhattan's lower East Side through the eyes of a poor young Jewish woman who came from Poland and struggled to break out from poverty, from tyrant old traditions of her father, and to find happiness, security, love and understanding in the new country. The book is rich with symbolism. Different characters and situations in the novel symbolize different parts of the emigrants' community and challenges that they faced. The characters range .....
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Understanding Masculine Psychology
Number of words: 633 | Number of pages: 3.... is somewhat universal; the majority of men can find a moment where the innocent veil of boyhood was pierced, or an event in that the ease of being gives way to struggle and conflict. In this sense, “all men are Fisher Kings. Every boy has naively blundered into something that was too big for him, gotten halfway through, realized that he couldn’t handle it, and collapsed. Then he is wounded, he is hurt terribly, and he goes off to lick his wounds. A certain bitterness arises because he tries so hard to and actually touches his salmon – individuation – yet he cannot hold it. It only burns him (Johnson 10).”
Every .....
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The American Dream, And All It
Number of words: 833 | Number of pages: 4.... is impossible for all people to become rich, since wealth is
based largely on social position, and classes prevent the poor from becoming successful.
“One thing’s sure and nothing’s surer / The rich get richer and the poor get -- children”
(Fitzgerald 101). Myrtle’s attempt to break into the class which the Buchanans belong to
is doomed from the start. She enters into an affair with Tom, takes on all the negative
qualities of his social group, and not only becomes corrupt and immoral, but she scorns
people from her own class. “I thought he knew something about breeding but he wasn’t fit
to lick my shoe” (Fitzgera .....
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Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Friendship Is The Key
Number of words: 1055 | Number of pages: 4.... they feel. Many times Huck could be found causing trouble for others. One situation was when Tom and Huck decided to play a trick on Jim by putting his hat above a tree he was lying by, leading Jim to think he was "bewitched" by witches.
Tom said he slipped Jim’s hat off his head and hung it on a limb right over him, and Jim stirred a little, but he didn’t wake. Afterward Jim said the witches bewitched him and put him in a trance… (15).
Ignorance was a tool for Huck in the beginning of the story to survive. He used the ignorance in himself to look past the hurt he caused Jim. The tricks Huck played were looked upon as just .....
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