Papers on Book Reports
Lord Of The Flies: Primal Fear
Number of words: 651 | Number of pages: 3.... losing it, the small community of young boys are not able to effectively
and pragmatically plan ways to eventually be saved. When, having a
gathering of all the children, Jack urges everyone not to listen to Ralph's
reasoning but rather to listen to his own. This can be described as
deleterious to all the children because now not only do they have to deal
with how to survive, but also with extra internal conflicts.
As a result of Jack's fear of the unascertained, he chooses to hunt
with all the other boys rather than acknowledge Ralph's first priority, to
keep the fire lit for a chance of being saved. His fear of the unknown .....
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Review Of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... cared much for him at first. Eventually, his sister grew to like
him and his brother grew to hate him. As the years passed, Heathcliff's
brother Hindley continued to scar him emotionally and his sister Cathy grew
to love him with such a passion that when Cathy and Hindley died in their
middle ages, Heathcliff vowed to take revenge on Hindley's son and to not
rest until he lay in the ground beside Cathy. There were many instances in
the story where one was compelled to feel sorry for the way Heathcliff was
constantly barraged by Hindley's acts of contempt. However, no matter how
much damage Hindley did, there was no .....
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John Savage Desires What Makes
Number of words: 1360 | Number of pages: 5.... In absence of these feelings, they are free from emotional ties and have no reason to rape or murder someone because of inner desires. They are able to express their sexuality with others, and release sexual tension. Hurt and pain is eliminated from their minds, and these people can live the rest of their lives with child-like bliss. John Savage disagrees with these ideas and objects by stating,
“The murkiest den, the most opportune place” (the voice or conscience thundered poetically), “the strongest suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust. Never, never!” (pg. 174-175)
This occurs when .....
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The Old Man In TheSea
Number of words: 717 | Number of pages: 3.... friend. Their conversations are comfortable, like that of two friends who have known each other for a long time. When they speak it is usually about baseball or fishing, the two things they have most in common. Their favorite team is the Yankees and Santiago never loses faith in them even when the star player, Joe DiMaggio is injured with a heel spur. In this way Santiago not only teaches Manolin about fishing but also about important characteristics such as faith. In the story Santiago's bravery is unsurpassed but it is not until he hooks the "great fish" that we truly see his valor and perseverance. Through Santiago's actions .....
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So Long A Letter And A Raisin In The Sun: Love And Wealth
Number of words: 1306 | Number of pages: 5.... money from Walter Younger’s death and his wife wants to buy a house in an all white neighborhood. The Younger family consist of Lena, the mother Walter Lee and Beneatha her children, Walter Lee’s wife, Ruth, and their son Travis. This story takes place in the 1950’s when there were many racial discriminations occurring, segregations, and the Civil Rights movement.
So Long a Letter takes place where the Islamic culture and tradition is very important. In the Islamic culture a very looked upon when he has many wives, because it is a sign of wealth and power that they can afford to take care of them. Ramatoulaye was married .....
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Stephen King's The Stand: Summary
Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2.... He is always
there lurking, waiting to attack.
Harold admits to himself that he is in love with Fran and goes crazy
when he realizes how serious Fran has become with Stuart Redman, one of the
newcomers to their traveling group. Harold becomes insanely jealous and plots
to separate them, even if it means murder.
Harold doesn't admit it to any of them, but his dreams are different
from theirs. In his dreams the "Dark Man" offers Harold power and respect,
something Harold could never imagine in the past. Harold knows his destiny is
to go to Las Vegas.
The group arrives in Boulder, and soon after are joined by over one
thousand .....
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Literary Analysis Of John Updike's A & P
Number of words: 278 | Number of pages: 2.... the store manager; Stoksie, Sammy's buddy and a cashier; and Queenie
plus her two followers, who are unusual customers at the supermarket.
The setting of the story is in the early 80's in an ordinary
supermarket, which is located in a small quiet town, north of Boston. Most
of the customers are old and conservative, with a few tourists here and
A & P is surrounded around Sammy, a teenager, who is about to
become an adult. The story, basically, shows the first step of his
The events of the story are seen through eyes of the main character.
The reader is able to experience his points of view, his .....
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The Crucible
Number of words: 1236 | Number of pages: 5.... convictions of nineteen men and women and two dogs in Salem in 1692. Their bodies were buried in shallow graves or not at all. The trial of these people are perhaps the most disconcerting single episode in American history. The trials were started when several girls accused members of the community of witchcraft. These accusations led to warrants being issued on Feb 29, 1692 for the slave Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osburn. These were old women of dubious reputations. The three were examined on March 1st. Thereafter, events followed quickly. On April 4th, complaints were filed against Goodwife Close and Elizabeth Procter .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Courage
Number of words: 355 | Number of pages: 2.... debt
to Atticus; he had the courage to take something into this neighborhood. The
next display of moral courage was when Jem despite his misgivings constantly
went to Ms. Dubose's house and read to her. The next display of moral courage
was Atticus's decision to defend Tom Robinson in court and instead of just
walking in and walking out he tried his best to help him get out. There was
also Heck Tate's moral courage at the end of the book, his courage to keep
Arthur Radley from being a spectacle.
In short this book has many different displays of immense courage both
in the physical sense and in the moral sense. I also feel t .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 1167 | Number of pages: 5.... him. With a beauty unlike others, Willy thinks that doors will open and problems will all disappear. As a salesman, Willy developed many hindrances that caused his mind to deteriorate. His life as a salesman was built on a dream that he witnessed as a child. At an early age, Willy heard of a salesman, Dave Singleman, who could make his living out of a hotel room. Singleman was very successful and when he died, people from all over the country came to his funeral. It was this ideal that Willy Loman sought after. All he ever wanted was fame, popularity, and a few friends. Unfortunately, when Willy died, not a single person went to h .....
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