Papers on Book Reports
Anna Karenina: Foreshadowing
Number of words: 470 | Number of pages: 2.... suddenly stirred in her heart.'( page 90)This tells of what
may be the conflict in the plot.
The day after the great ball Anna announces that she must leave.
Dolly expresses her gratitude toward everything Anna has done to help her
in her time of crisis. She tells Anna that she does not know of a person
with a greater heart. Anna tells her that Kitty was depressed because
Vronsky spent the evening with her. She exclaims that it wasn't her fault.
Dolly remarks that Anna sounds exactly like Stiva. Anna appears to be
offended and says that she is nothing like Stiva. In the end she ends
acting similar to Stiva. .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Class Stucture Of Maycomb County
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... group. The third class of Ma ycomb County were the " white trash".
The Ewells, who lived at the dump, and relied on welfare for survival, were
members of this group. It is important to note that the difference between
the second and third class was not a financial one. Both w ere "poor". The
difference, however, was in the way they interacted in society. The
Cunninghams, unlike the Ewells, refused to accept charity and paid back
their debts with what little they had. The Cunninghams were also different
from the Ewells because they didn't take advantage of Negroes.
The fourth and lowest class in Maycomb was .....
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Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3.... she does. Jake’s willingness to endure and forgive Brett¹s
promiscuity and infidelity is an indication of the skewed values of the
age. It was an ³anything goes² era right after the first war, and Jake¹s
message to Brett seems to be the same: anything goes as long as you
eventually come back to me.
Jake is forced to accept living in this seemingly terrible way for more
than one reason. He a weak person socially, but he is also physically
disabled because of an injury that he suffered during the war. He suffered
an injury that caused him to be castrated. The first hint of this is when
he says to Georgeette .....
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Pearl's Contribution To The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4.... went
off to play in the brook while the two adults talked and then she stopped
when her mother called. A second example is when Pearl accompanied her
mother to the seashore where they met Chillingworth, Pearl wandered off by
herself and occupied her time by playing with seaweed and the various
animal life that happened to be around. Children can also notice small
differences in their surroundings that are normally familiar to them. When
Hester and Dimmesdale where in the woods and decided to flee Boston and
travel to Europe, Hester removed her scarlet letter happily and threw it
into the brook. When she called to Pearl to tell .....
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In To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout
Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3.... yell at children. But, they soon found out that she was in withdrawal for a very serious addiction which was why she was so angry all the time. "Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict. She took it as a pain-killer for years"(Lee 111). After she dies Scout starts to grasp the fact that Mrs. Dubose had a very hard time being happy.
Alike many other children her age, Scout is very curious. She is very interested in the peculiar life of her neighbor, Boo Radley. She believes a rumor about him killing his father. He frightens her because she thinks he is a horrible man who does not care about anyone. When she was shivering in the c .....
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Plato's Republic
Number of words: 1868 | Number of pages: 7.... politics of his time, and critics who
sided with Crito believed that The Republic was Plato's way of introducing a
political system in which he would feel comfortable supporting (Plato 204).
Conversely though, The Republic itself is summed up this way:
Well, one would be enough to effect all this reform that now seems so
incredible, if he had subjects disposed to obey; for it is surely
not impossible that they should consent to carry out our laws and
customs when laid down by a ruler. It would be no miracle if others
should think as we do; and we have, I believe, sufficiently shown that our
plan, i .....
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Richard Wright
Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2.... his mother for a gun is one good example of immaturity. Dave feels as though he can not ask his dad for the gun for fear of rejection, a perfect example of immaturity. Daves defiance to his mother’s rules is another example of immaturity. Dave’s mother agrees to allow Dave to buy the gun as long as he promises to bring it straight to her. He agrees to this, yet he does not go along with her wish. The next morning, Dave set out to the fields early to shoot his gun. He
ends up accidentally killing Mr. Hawkins mule, Jenny. The way Dave goes about dealing with this problem is childish. He panics and decides to lie about .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 258 | Number of pages: 1.... freedom. It does not present an simplified picture of achieving freedom and personal integrity; in fact, it presents the very dangers inherent in defying social traditions. Jane suffers through the cruel regimen of Lowood because her aunt wants to punish her for her defiance. She suffers heart-break for her attempt to marry her beloved Rochester. When she chooses her own personal beliefs over Rochester's desires, she spends three days wandering around as a beggar and sleeping outdoors. She nearly dies for her choice and is saved at the last moment by the Rivers siblings. Her life-long search for a sense of belonging and a lovi .....
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A Critical Analysis Of Herman Melville's Moby Dick
Number of words: 2254 | Number of pages: 9.... long once at sea, the captain of the ship, Ahab reveals his plan to
hunt down a white whale named Moby Dick. Ahab was veteran sailor, a man that had
a heart of stone. Ahab had a personal grudge against Moby Dick. Moby Dick was
responsible for taking off Ahab's leg in a previous voyage. Ahab's plan was
essentially an unauthorized takeover, what the whaling company had not in mind.
Ahab was very irrational and ludicrous; his plan seals the fate for himself and
the crew of the Pequod. In the tragic ending of Moby Dick, all of the
characters die except for Ishmael. Ishmael survived Moby Dick's attack of the
ship with the help of .....
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Ethan Frome: Life As A Failure
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... a bright light upon his dismal day. He seemed to
have found someone that cared for him, was always happy and could share his
youth, unlike his sickly wife who always nagged him. He longed to be with Mattie,
however he had loyalty to his wife. Being married to the wrong person proved to
be Ethan's first failure. Ethan's second failure was not being able to stand up
against his wife. His wife claimed that a new doctor said that she was extremely
sick, and needed more help around the house. She told him without any discussion
that Mattie had to go. Ethan could not find the words to make her alter her
decision. His wife also de .....
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