Papers on Book Reports
12 Angry Men
Number of words: 332 | Number of pages: 2.... does not even
know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says
about killing the boy and shouts "your a sadist."(17) which is the absolute
truth about Three.
The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or
not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud
not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man
who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but
some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Golding's Reality - Fact Or Fiction
Number of words: 1847 | Number of pages: 7.... of boys from different
backgrounds that become stranded on an isolated and uncharted island when
their plane crashes. As the boys try to unite to try to become rescued
they begin to separate and a tribe of savage hunters is formed. After a
while the boys lose all sense of civilized behavior. This is when you
realize that the boys have lost all manners and civility that had been
instilled as they where raised, thus showing the savage beast in the heart
of all men. This book shows how easy it is for man to revert back to the
evil that is deep in his heart. This book also shows that if a bunch of
well mannered school boys .....
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Emma Jane Austen
Number of words: 737 | Number of pages: 3.... main character Emma and Harriet Smith. The character of Harriet Smith is described as being a young woman from a different social background to Emma, which results in Harriet idolising Emma because of her high social status. This type of relationship is similar to peer pressure seen in modern society.
Harriet in the novel allows Emma to dominate her life and is dragged through a number of problems in which the outcome always results in Emma's ideal conclusion. During this process Emma finds herself caught in her own crisis, but is so busy meddling in Harriet's life to realise her own situation.
Another issue of the time that .....
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Doublethink In 1984
Number of words: 1703 | Number of pages: 7.... An example of changing ones mind would believe the earth is flat and then after seeing sufficient evidence that it is not flat but actually round. Due to the new evidence you would change your mind and now believe the earth is round as you previously thought it was flat. This is clearly different from doublethink because you are not believing in two ideas at the same time and accepting both. You are believing one thing, then completely change your mind and believing in another. Changing ones mind involves completely dismissing one idea to believe in the other, which means you, cannot believe in both at the same time. Fina .....
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Battle With Fate
Number of words: 700 | Number of pages: 3.... smashed to pieces, the ocean doesn’t care. They were always trying to survive the unforgiving ocean. When the crew was finally within sight of land, and after all they had been through to stay alive, the ocean was still relentless holding the boat back from shore so it wouldn’t smash into the rocks and forcing the crew to swim in on the brink of exhaustion. The ocean was cruel despite the crew’s every effort the ocean was unforgiving.
From the beginning fate was against the crew sending signs that mocked their efforts. "The birds sat comfortably in groups, and they were envied by some in the dinghy, for the wrath of the .....
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A Separate Peace: An Analysis
Number of words: 499 | Number of pages: 2.... this concept requires and older persons maturity to understand.
Jumping off a tree into the river once is an adventure, continually attempting this act is crazy. Finney was in control of this situation. Gene hated this ritual. He continued to do it because Finney said so. It seems that Gene disliked the fact that Finney had this control over him. Could this possibly be the reason that Gene shook the branch that day? Now Finney would no longer have such control over him. Could these have been the intentions of Gene that day? This scenario needs the maturity of an adult to fully understand. Personally I am not sure of the exact int .....
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Symbolism In Silas Marner
Number of words: 1456 | Number of pages: 6.... his social class, thus being one of the reasons for him not telling anybody of their (Godfrey and Molly’s) marriage. The other reason Godfrey can not be considered free and at peace with God is because when Molly is found dead, he (Godfrey) would not even admit that he knew her, let alone say that he married her (Molly). After Godfrey found out that Eppie had toddled into Silas’s home and looked at her (Eppie) would still not acknowledge her (Eppie) as his own flesh and blood.
One night when Molly decided to let the town know about her and Godfrey’s marriage, she wound up freezing to death. Her true purpose was to set God .....
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The Chrysanthemums: Elisa Allen Comes To Life
Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2.... Her figure is completely covered by a “corduroy apron with four big pockets” (304). She wears a pair of “heavy leather gloves to protect her hands while she works” (304). Elisa has strong fingers(308). Her hair is “dark” and “pretty”(308).
Just as Steinbeck gives a physical description on Elisa’s appearance he also reveals her character and personality. Elisa’s industrious nature is symbolized by her “hard swept looking little house, with hand-polished windows and a clean mud mat on the front steps” (305). “Her terrier fingers destroyed” garden “pests before they could get started” (305). T .....
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Master And Slave. An Analysis
Number of words: 415 | Number of pages: 2.... him in a pine tree. Ariel has to play tricks and use magic in accordance with Prospero's wishes. It is apparent that Ariel wants his freedom very much. The spirit's liberation comes at the end of the play. After Ariel has served his year of servitude to Prospero, Prospero sets him free.
Caliban is in bondage to Prospero's magic, but mostly to his monstrous looks. Prospero uses him as a slave because Caliban looks sub-human. Since Caliban is actually not human, he does not have the demeanor of them. Others try to civilize him to be a noble savage, but he belongs to nature as seen through the attempted rape of Miranda. Sa .....
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Symbols In The Lottery
Number of words: 448 | Number of pages: 2.... the box is old and ripped up. When iteams are old and ragged people seem to look down on them. A second characteristic that the box had was its color. The color black always symbolizes darkness or evil happenings. Since the color of the boz is black, it indicates to the readers that the event that is going to take place is evil. If the color of the box were a briught color people might be cheerful and happy instead of worried or depressed. Another reason that the box was a symbol of darkness is because the narrator refers to the box in a high manner. Th enarrator makes the box a big issue throghout the story. If the box d .....
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