Papers on Book Reports
Who Has Seen The Wind: Brian O' Connals' Understanding Of Birth And Death
Number of words: 1031 | Number of pages: 4.... uninformed of natures way to reproduce. At this stage Brian seems to understand that humans and animals reproduce babies the same way.
Brian's second encounter with birth is again with Forbsie as the two experiences the birth of rabbits. Brian's knowledge of birth is further developed in this section of the novel as he is maturing and ageing. Brian is not too sure about the newborn rabbits at first because they look funny with no hair. '"Gee Fat,' Brian had said, 'they look funny---they haven't got any hair!"' (160). Brian and Forbsie speculate that the rabbits will soon grow up and have babies then those rabbits will have babie .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1599 | Number of pages: 6.... I also wondered how a hair ball became a way to read fortunes. I thought it was interesting when they decided the snake skin represented good luck and bad luck. They received good luck by finding the eight dollars in the pocket of an overcoat, which was a considerable find for the time. Later the bad came, when Huck ran out of tobacco. He ran into a rattle snake on his way, which he kills and leaves near Jim's blanket. At night Jim goes to his blanket to sleep, and the snake's mate bites him on the heel. Jim has Huck cut the snake's head off, then skinned it, and roast a piece of the dead snake. They tie the rattles aroun .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Jack
Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3.... of the death and destruction that accompany his every act. He does have some attractive qualities-bravery and resourcefulness. But his wrath, envy, pride, hatred, and lust for blood easily obscure these. He is constantly attempting to weaken Ralph's hold on the boys. He suggests opposite measures, he shouts abusively, he threatens, he is constantly demanding to be made chief. In all, he is a complete stranger to polite behavior. In his constant rivalry with Ralph, and in his constant preoccupation with killing, whether it is pigs or fellow human beings, he is a diabolical force, plunging the boys into chaos of brute activities. His .....
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Explication Of Dulce Et Decoru
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3.... gas is slow and painful. The soldiers who died did so painfully, it was as if they were drowning. Choking slowly, like being drown, death by compression and collapsing of the lungs. This is a horrid death. The poem is from the viewpoint of a soldier watching another soldier die. The soldier is experiencing the death of the other soldier. He is describing his dreams of choking and grasping for breath, grasping for life. As he watches the other soldier die he is thinking about his own death, about the deaths of other soldiers, about the deaths and casualties of war.
The author is discussing the realities of war...war is death. The .....
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Midsummer Nights Dream - Brief
Number of words: 1956 | Number of pages: 8.... two crazy kids decide to meet the next night in the woods to run off and elope! Suddenly, Helena enters, and Hermia quickly changes the subject: Well, Helena isn't too sure about this whole 'fair' business - considering Hermia stole her boyfriend! Helena asks Hermia to teach her how to 'sway the motion of Demetrius' heart.' Hermia assures Helena that she has done nothing to lead Demetrius on. Helena, on the other hand, has done everything to get him to notice her, but nothing has worked. Hermia, in an effort to convince Helena that she doesn't like Demetrius, tells Helena that she and Lysander are running away. Lysander tells Hele .....
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Wuthering Heights Summary
Number of words: 839 | Number of pages: 4.... Intent on revenge, Hindley treats Heathcliff as a servant and frequently attempts to break Heathcliff and Catherine’s unique bond.
Before Hindley can do more harm though, Fate seems to step in. Due to a leg injury, Catherine is forced to stay at Thrushcross Grange, the neighboring estate of Wuthering Heights, where she consequently meets Edgar and Isabella Linton and learns to act like a civilized, young lady. The return of Catherine to Wuthering Heights marks the apparent change in her personality and ultimately decides the course of her life. Uncomfortable with Catherine new refined appearance and rather condescen .....
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Beloved: American Experience With Slavery
Number of words: 766 | Number of pages: 3.... Sethe's act, and its aftermath emerges.
A universal characteristic of the survivor's tale is the subjectivity and incompleteness of the survivor's knowledge. The author works to provide a more objective view of events by including several storytellers. Digression also provides a more complete picture by including minute details, such as the story of Miss Amy Denver and her love of velvet. Entwined with digression is regression. The story is told in the present, referring back to different points in the past. These references are interrupted, and jumbled chronologically, reflecting the survivor's inability to dwell in one are .....
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London's To Build A Fire: Naturalism In Modern Life
Number of words: 1239 | Number of pages: 5.... a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold."(p.1745) At first when the man started his journey to the camp, he felt certain that he could make it back to camp before dinner. As the trip progressed, the man made mistake after mistake that sealed his fate. The man's first mistake was to step into a pool of water and soak his legs to the knees. This blunder forced the man to build a fire to dry his wet socks and shoes so his feet would not freeze and become frostbitten. When the man began to build a fire he failed to notice that he was doing so under .....
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The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: Good And Evil In Nature
Number of words: 348 | Number of pages: 2.... At times I can also have an attitude. If you catch me at the wrong moment, beware! When I am extremely tired and overwhelmed, I get frustrated and take my anger out on the people around me. When I feel repressed I often have a bad temper. Sometimes at my job I feel overworked and exhausted, and I have no patients with customers. I try not to show these evil traits to people, but they sometimes come out and I cannot help it.
My good and evil traits are a part of me and they represent what I am. Like Dr Jekyll I am often become another person when faced with opposition. I am not alone; most individua .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 641 | Number of pages: 3.... Burns. Helen teaches Jane that love doesn't always have to come from others, but that it come through having faith in god. Jane looks to Helen as a role model but doesn't feel that she can be satisfied soley through spiritual love. Through Jane's acquaitance with Helen, she finds further comfort from Ms.Temple. Ms.Temple makes Jane feel significant and gives Jane a taste of what she needs to continue her pursuit for love.
Jane's search continues at Thornfield. She has now matured into a young adult, and finds her life as agoverness rather dull and limited. She lacks a sense of fufillment and finds limited affection from Adele and .....
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