Papers on Book Reports
Arthur C. Clarke's 2061: Odyssey Three
Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... universe was assigned to go pick
up a ship that had crash landed on Europa. Universe went to pick up the
people when it was hijacked by Universe's stewardess and was forced to land
when Universe had landed The Hijacker killed her self by shooting herself
in the head. after the ship had land the landing pads had sunk into the
ground and the hijacker must have thought that they were stranded. After
the event with the hijacker the crew decided to explore the mysterious
mountain while picking up the survivors. When they got to the mountain they
realised that it was infact a diamond three times the size as Everett.
Dr.Chant took some .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Jack And Roger
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... blood-thirsty one that only wants to kill and not be
rescued. Although Jack is not satanic like Roger, he loses all sense of reason,
he is nevertheless a killer. Jack tries his best to do what is best for the
boys but his power hunger actually makes the situation much worse: "The chief
snatched one of the few remaining spears and poked Sam in the ribs" (P.182)
Jack's own name has even become a taboo, he has almost god-like power and uses
it for 'evil'. If it were not for the rescue of the boys, Jack's power-hunger
and bloodlust would have eventually gotten them all killed.
The character of Roger is also an id but he is a sa .....
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Why The Unicorn Must Lose Its Horn
Number of words: 670 | Number of pages: 3.... Laura is alluding to herself when she talks about the unicorn being the only one among the other horses. When Jim says that the unicorn is lonesome Laura replies with, "Well, if he [is] he doesn’t complain about it. He stays on a shelf with some horses that don’t have horns and all of them seem to get along nicely together"(1752). When the unicorn looses his horn the unicorn becomes just like all the other horses which is how Jim makes Laura feel. In Jim’s arms Laura begins to feel whole. It is as though she became just like all of the other girls, as the unicorn became just like all of the other horses. Once .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities - Syndney
Number of words: 686 | Number of pages: 3.... negative view, Carton's death seems an
act of giving up. These readers point out that Stryver's jackal has
little to lose. Never useful or happy, Carton has already succumbed to
the depression eating away at him. In the midst of a promising
youth, Carton had "followed his father to the grave"- that is, he's
already dead in spirit. For such a man, physical death would seem no
sacrifice, but a welcome relief.
Some readers even go so far as to claim that Carton's happy vision
of the future at the novel's close is out of place with his overall
gloominess. According to this interpretation, the bright prophecies of
better ti .....
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The Scarlet Ibis: Summary
Number of words: 263 | Number of pages: 1.... how to walk with the help of his brother, six years
older than he is. Doodle's brother didn't want to take Doodle everywhere
in a go-kart, so the both of them were determined to make Doodle walk by
his birthday, and he does.
Throughout the entire story Doodle and his brother are faced with
challenges that people believe he won't be able to accomplish, but they
show them wrong.
As Doodle grows older, his brother makes sure that he doesn't fall
behind the other kids and tries to keep Doodle ahead of, or at least at the
same level as the other children. Doodle learns to walk, run, play, and
even row a boat: all of the things the d .....
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Beowulf-canterbury Tale Alagor
Number of words: 878 | Number of pages: 4.... Æscher's severed head.
The water boiled in a bloody swirling
With seething gore as the spearmen gazed.
The trumpet sounded a martial strain;
The shield-troop halted. Their eyes beheld
The swimming forms of strange sea-dragons,
Dim serpent shapes in the watery depths,
Sea-beasts sunning on headland slopes;
Snakelike monsters that oft at sunrise
On evil errands scour the.”
This quote is very bluntly using the lake to represent hell. Using the blood and the swirling, boiling water makes the reader think hell. I think that this is a good use of allegory.
The Pardoners Tale, a story from The Can .....
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Oedipus The King 4
Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5.... reflected upon, known and discovered by each individual philosopher to better enrich life for all. Yet, in terms of Oedipus Rex, this was meant in a vastly different way.
The unexamined life was one that was in the dark, unknown as to what fate lay beyond every turn and irony of living. Oedipus, up to the point in which he heard the comment in the tavern in Corinth, lived an unexamined life. To Socrates, he was an unfulfilled man, one who deserved to know more, one who was not complete. However, in a much less metaphysical sense, Oedipus’ life was complete, in that he had all that he needed and was living a happy and fru .....
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A Century Of Dishonor, A Triumph Or Tragedy?
Number of words: 1017 | Number of pages: 4.... after attending a lecture illuminating the poor living conditions and mistreatment the Ponca tribe was undergoing. Jackson became enamored with this issue, she effectively wielded her writing skills to illuminate the plight of the Ponca’s to the general public through the publication of numerous in-depth letters to the editors of many major eastern newspapers. She furthered her cause by writing personal letters to prominence such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes and became heavily involved in literary sparring matches with the Secretary of the Interior and others who disagreed with her cause. Her crusad .....
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Chaucer's "The House Of Fame": The Cultural Nature Of Fame
Number of words: 2300 | Number of pages: 9.... of their audience. Chaucer, while neither totally praising the written
nor the oral, reveals how essentially the written word is far more likely to
become eternal as opposed to the oral. The relative "fame" of any work is
dependent on many factors. Many traditional and classical ideas result in the
formation of the English canon, yet as Chaucer indicates, the "fame" of these
works can easily become annihilated. The arrival of new readers with different
ideals and thereby changing tradition, can reject classical or "canonical" work
and their "fame" will melt into nothingness.
Most stories, histories and legends that emerge f .....
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A Thousand Acres: An Analysis
Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... when Rose and Ginny remember about their father molesting them. Their father thought that he took the secret that he molested them to the grave, but he didn’t. It took a while for Ginny to remember that she was molested. After Rose kept on telling her that they were molested Ginny had some flashbacks and she remembered what happened. Rose and Ginny never told anyone about their father. He was a respected man in the community and Rose and Ginny were mad that their father got away with it.
The theme of this story is that when something bad happens you need to talk about it. It can trigger more and more problems if you don’ .....
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