Papers on Book Reports
Audens Dystopia - The Merchant
Number of words: 1459 | Number of pages: 6.... forget the real world, one would be trampled down by its massive stampede of events, bonds, et cetera constantly being made, ubiquitously in its domain. Shylock and Antonio are just one pair of culprits adding to the ultimate imperfection of Venice. However, the bond made between Shylock and Antonio sets them completely apart from the normal villainy dealings, "If you repay me not on such a day... let the forfeit / Be nominated for an equal pound / Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken..." [Act 1, Scene 3]. A shrewd merchant, Antonio does not immediately agree to this. He first reasons it out: "Within these two months- .....
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The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer: Summary
Number of words: 609 | Number of pages: 3.... on Tom's friend Jim came along he had to get a pail of
water from the town pump so Tom said that he would get the water if Jim
would whitewash some. Jim said no so Tom was stuck with whitewashing until
Ben Rogers came eating a apple, and said "Hello, old chap, you got to work,
hey?" Tom told him that it wasn't work it was fun. Then Ben stoped eating
his apple, and said "Say, Tom let me whitewash a little" Tom told him no
because his aunt wanted this fence to be whitewashed carefuly. Then Ben
said that he would be careful, and that he would give Tom the core of his
apple. Then Tom said he could whitewash a little. By the time Ben .....
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Lord Of The Flies Disintegrati
Number of words: 351 | Number of pages: 2.... the boys on what’s really happening- the dominance of evil within themselves, to increase. Golding shows that it doesn’t require much to trigger the beast- the common evil within man.
The boys considered most events as games, like the hunt, kill, chant, and dance, whereas in reality these were all key elements to the disintegration of their established society on the island. Order was only ever slightly restored when the boys encountered the naval officer during their manhunt. The games they played mostly to keep their mind off being trapped on an island eventually lead to killings of each other, brutal beatings, dan .....
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Holdens Shithole
Number of words: 1069 | Number of pages: 4.... as drunks, perverts, morons and screwballs. These convictions which Holden holds waver very momentarily during only one particular scene in the book. The scene is that with Mr. Antolini. After Mr. Antolini patted Holden on the head while he was sleeping, Holden jumped up and ran out thinking that Mr. Antolini was a pervert as well. This is the only time during the novel where Holden thinks twice about considering someone as a pervert. After reviewing Mr. Antolini, Holden finally concludes that maybe he wasn't making a "flitty" pass at him. Maybe he just like patting guys heads as they sleep. This is really the only time in the .....
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A Perfect Day For Bananafish
Number of words: 712 | Number of pages: 3.... though these two characters are in theory the same man, they are slightly different in some ways. You could also say that they are the same character in different stages of development. Whatever the case may be, the "reasons" for the suicide shift slightly in emphasis as the character changes.
"" attempts to symbolize that the bananas in
See More Glass’s story represent all of the things which are taken in along the journey to adulthood. If pursued with too much zeal, these bananas can prevent spiritual development and lead to a greater materialistic development. See-More has realized that he cannot get rid of enough ba .....
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The Outsiders: Theme
Number of words: 524 | Number of pages: 2.... burning. When they see that there are kids inside and
the fire could have been started by their cigarettes, they run inside to save
the kids. Johnny and Dally are hurt in the fire and taken to the hospital.
They are hailed as heroes in the local paper. Dally breaks out of the hospital
to fight in a rumble against the Socs. While the Greasers beat the Socs,
Johnny dies in the hospital. When Dally finds out he goes out and robs a
grocery store. When the cops pull up he pulls out an empty gun so the cops
shoot him.
The theme of this novel is that all people are set back at times and
they all want the same basic things. This .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 2300 | Number of pages: 9.... people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental dissimilarities between them.
Jack was first described with an ugly sense of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of the tallest boys on the island, Jack's physical height and authority matched his arrogant personality. His desire to be Chief was clearly evident in his .....
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Sex In Ragtime
Number of words: 1024 | Number of pages: 4.... novel. Doctorow writes, "On Sunday afternoon, after dinner, Father and
Mother went upstairs and closed the bedroom door"(p 4). Their marriage is happy
as long as they continue to have a good physical relationship. Whereas in the
beginning of the novel Mother and Father's relationship was good, by the end of
the novel "He felt it had been stupid to leave his wife alone"(p 233). Mother's
disdain for Father is conveyed to the reader when he tells her that he will be
taking their boy to the Baseball game on the following day. Doctorow writes, "…
she was checked in her response, which was to condemn him for an idiot, and when
h .....
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Summary Of Jane Eyre
Number of words: 946 | Number of pages: 4.... out to the village to post a letter, she meets a horseman with his dog.
The horse falls and the man is hurt and Jane helps him on his feet. When she is back home she recognizes the dog and understands that the horseman is Mr. Rochester.
She meets Mr. Rochester many times and they have interesting conversations and she starts to like him very much, in spite of his sarcastic and authoritarian manners. He tells her much about his journeys. Sometimes she hears strange laughter in the night coming from the third floor. One night hears a noise and finds out that Mr. Rochesters bed is on fire. She puts out the fire and Mr. Rochester exp .....
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"The Doll's House" Essay
Number of words: 521 | Number of pages: 2.... "But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to
say `I live here.' The lamp was so real."
Conflict intensifies as Kezia remains the odd ball. The appreciation of
the lamp is a metaphor for the actions to come. Kezia likes the lamp
because she does not know any better. Thus, she decides to befriend the
Kelveys because she doesn't see anything wrong in doing so. The Kelveys
are a family that are shunned because of their economic status. Throughout
the town, "Many of the children, including the Burnnels, were not allowed
even to speak to them." Without a second thought, school children and
their families follo .....
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