Papers on Book Reports
Madame Bovary: Emma's Unorthodox Behavior Due To Childhood
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3.... in the silence of the dormitory, to the distant sound of a late
cab somewhere still rolling along the boulevards." (page 30) In short, Emma
fell in love with a world that never existed anywhere. She embraced the
elegance of the life in the pictures which she had hung in her dormitory, and
never did anyone tell her that such realities did not exist outside those pages.
Wishing for the impossible she was never satisfied with the here and now. She
could not find happiness, and when Charles came along she was already depressed
with life, and was looking for anything to take her away in search of the things
she was looking for.
Even .....
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The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz: Duddy
Number of words: 1183 | Number of pages: 5.... allows himself to become the con-artist, the
sly scammer person without even realising that he had a decision in the
Simcha, Duddy's grandfather, was the person whom Duddy looked up to
and wanted to please because he was the only one who truly respected and
loved Duddy. It was also Simcha who planted the dream for land into Duddy's
head when he said to him, "A man without land is nobody." (p.101) In
Duddy's apprenticeship, Simcha is one of his masters who teaches Duddy
about striving for something and having the determination and perserverence
to achieve in life. What Duddy failed to hear or understand was that th .....
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The Miseducation Of Victorian Women
Number of words: 2338 | Number of pages: 9.... Herself, and Harriet Martineau who wrote What Women Are Educated For. Their views support what Barrett Browning communicates in Aurora Leigh with additional insights into the reality of the Victorian education of women.
The main focus of the instruction of young women in the Victorian era, which they referred to as an education, was on making these women into “Ornaments of Society” (Damrosch 1604). This meant that women were to adorn society with their appearance, their voices, their instrumental abilities, their dancing skills, their knowledge of obsolete information, and of course their most elegant and proper demeanor. .....
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An Analysis Of Gulliver's Travels
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3.... and France and also every
war which starts over a stupid reason, he also points out the meaningless in
courtlife were they do nothing but waste the states money.
At he lilliputians he builds a raft which he uses to sail back to England. But
instead he finds himself shipwrecked and washed upon the shores of Brumbidang or
the giants land. there he was found by a farmer whom handed him over into his
daughters care. The farmer uses Gulliver for finical reasons and shows him up as
a side-showfreak at all the inns in the land. In the giants land there are no
classdeffirences this is something that probably Swift wanted to introduce to .....
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Huckleberry Finn: Controversy Paper
Number of words: 328 | Number of pages: 2.... that should not be represented by the African American race
during that time. The question is raised by Fishkin as to if Huck Finn was
black? This in turn would take away from the whole basic outcome of the moral
lesson that we are all so desperately wanting to hear about.
I found it almost appalling to see how one author could so easily turn
the goodness of a young white boy and basically call it a lie in the eyes of
Mark Twain. It is up to us as the reader to close our eyes and open our minds
to the whole heartedness of a man kind. .....
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The Andromeda Strain: Summary
Number of words: 1275 | Number of pages: 5.... to search for Scoop VII.
When the two men sent neared Piedmont they noticed vultures circling the
town, watching, waiting. At their last check point there was only a scream
and static as the virus took two more lives.
Hours later a military helicopter with Jeremy Stone and Charles Burton took
off from Vandenberg Air Force Base. It was headed for Piedmont, Arizona.
They were going there to recover a sample of the virus and to search for
the living man they had seen in the flyby photos. Upon arriving they
search through the houses until they found Scoop VII. It had been pried
open by the town's doctor. They quickly slipped it .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: Love
Number of words: 628 | Number of pages: 3.... "flower dust and springtime
sprinkled over everything." She thought she'd have "a bee for her bloom."
She didn't exactly find this in Jody though. In him she definitely found
change and chance, but still not the love she was looking for. What Jody
had for Janie was more of a lust than a love. He was very protective of
her and didn't want anyone else to see in her what he saw. He gave Janie
many things including lots of money, but he couldn't give her love. The
little love that was there eventually died. So did Jody.
Finally, Janie met up with Tea Cake. The moved together to the
Muck in the Florida Everglades and .....
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Short Story - Red Dress: How A Girl's Home And School Environment Determined Her Attitude Towards The Dance
Number of words: 437 | Number of pages: 2.... was just as bad if not worse. She would never
be sure of herself when she is called up to the blackboard. Her "hands
became slippery with sweat when they were required to work the blackboard
compass." She would also envision the worst case scenario, that she had
her period prior to being called to the front of the class, even when
impossible. This shows that her self-esteem is really low, and she could
not deal with the dance.
The dance was an experience in itself. Her attitudes towards the events in
the dance also show her attitude. When she met Mary Fortune, she was
"grateful for her attention, her company and her cigaret .....
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The Great Gatsby: Structure Of Novel Influenced By Foreshadowing And Flashback
Number of words: 1105 | Number of pages: 5.... pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling
fingers and set it back in place. 'I'm sorry about the clock,' he said. 'It's
an old clock,' I told him idiotically." (Fitzgerald, pg. 92) This quote is the
first use of foreshadowing which is in chapter five. It pertains to all of the
trouble Gatsby causes as he tries to win Daisy back. The past is represented
by the clock and how Gatsby wants to repeat it with Daisy. (Eble, pg. 963)
This quote foreshadows to the end of the novel when Nick is left to tell the
story of the dreamer whose dreams were corrupted.
(Eble, pg. 963) "they smashed up things and c .....
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To The Lighthouse
Number of words: 693 | Number of pages: 3.... He sympathizes with her and is "ashamed" for what he had done. Mr. Ramsay wants to appease his wife and make her happy as a result of the torment that he inflicted on her. Next, Woolf again illustrates Mr. Ramsay's insensitive dimension when Mr. Ramsay makes Mrs. Ramsay "bend her head as if to let the pelt of jagged hail, the drench of dirty water, bespatter her unrebuked." (32) Mr. Ramsay is heartless to his wife's feelings; it is as if he enjoys "drenching" Mrs. Ramsay and enjoys seeing her in mental anguish. However, Woolf later contrasts the callous Mr. Ramsay with a more sensitive and caring Mr. Ramsay:
So stiffene .....
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