Papers on Book Reports
Antigone 4
Number of words: 760 | Number of pages: 3.... the punishment given to her. She bows to death because she is aware that she has done a good deed and she will inhale her last breath in honor. Whether Creon thinks of her as a traitor or not, Antigone knew the gods would reserve their judgment in favor of her. She never once regrets burying her brother which makes her character all the more admirable.
Although their personalities drifts down opposite paths, Creon's background is much like Antigone's. In the beginning of the play Creon characterizes himself as a loyal king, who wants to prove his worthiness to the people of Thebes. This illusion of himself allows the people to b .....
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Saki's "The Interlopers": Plot Analysis
Number of words: 349 | Number of pages: 2.... for the situation: how many times in
one's own life has a mere squabble gotten out of control and wrecked
everything? The men lay, crippled beneath the tree in the cold and realize
the foolishness of their ways. Ulrich says to Georg, "Neighbor, do as you
please if your men come first. It was a fair compact. But as for me, I've
changed my mind. If my men are the first to come you shall be the first to
be helped..." (p. 45) The men continue to talk, and they reconcile. But in
a strange twist of fate, wolves come and devour them both before they can
be freed by their men. The message Saki was trying to get across was this: .....
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The Chosen: Chaim Potok's Look Into Human Nature
Number of words: 440 | Number of pages: 2.... unable to comprehend his father's reasons for
inflicting. His father feared, and with reason, that if something were not done,
Danny would never find his soul. After many years, Danny finally understands,
and accepts the reasons for his father's silence, and is in many ways grateful
for its success.
History is rich with individual, and broad examples of Potok's look into
human nature. During the Second World War, America suffered approximately four
hundred thousand casualties, yet reached a state of national unity that has not
been achieved before or after. The war also ended the Great Depression that
caused so many people, .....
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Materialism And Happiness In America: The Gatsby Era And Today
Number of words: 1061 | Number of pages: 4.... for things is what drives our economy. The free
market has given us great blessings, but it has in some ways also put us on
the wrong path -- the path to a selfish, unhappy society. Michael Lerner,
who worked as a psychotherapist to middle-income Americans notes that
"The problem is that the deprivation of meaning is a social problem, rooted
in part in the dynamics of the competitive marketplace, in part in the
materialism and selfishness that receive social sanction. . . many
Americans hunger for a different kind of society -- one based on
principles of caring, ethical and spiritual sensitivity . . . Their need
for meaning i .....
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Prejudice In Native Son And Bl
Number of words: 1913 | Number of pages: 7.... but he still left behind him three books, one of which is The Blacker the Berry. Unlike Wright, Thurman chose several different settings in following the protagonist from home, to school, and then the city. As some African-American authors choose to write about the racial prejudices in the nation Thurman, a writer of the Harlem Renaissance, choose to use Intraracial color prejudice as the theme to write The Blacker the Berry (1929). The protagonist, Emma Lou Morgan, is a very dark girl "born into a semi-white world, totally surrounded by an all-white one, and those few dark elements that had forced their way in either way had eit .....
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Zeus The King Of The Gods
Number of words: 1014 | Number of pages: 4.... to strangers were punished by him. Zeus was also the god of thunders and storms, and generally of the weather and everything that had to do with the sky. The father of Zeus was Kronos (Saturn) and his mother was Rhea. Kronos was afraid that one day a child of his would take away his domination, so he was eating his children right after they were born. As Rhea's despair was getting deeper with the loss of every child, she paid a visit to her mother Gaia and asked her what she could do to save the one she was caring those days. So Gaia told her to hide the child from Kronos and instead of it, to give him a stone raped with the chi .....
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Loneliness And Friendship In Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 774 | Number of pages: 3.... us.” What that quote means is George and Lennie are not alone; they got each other to care for one another. Next, when George was talking to Slim, a person working at the ranch, he said, “ ‘Course Lennie’s a God damn nuisance most of the time, but you get used to goin’ around with a guy an’ you can’t get rid of him.” What that quote is saying is that even though George doesn’t like Lennie a lot he can’t get rid of him because they spent so much time together that they became very close.
My next example is a character named Candy. Candy is an old janitor working at a ranch. He has no friends there but a .....
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Fahrenheit 451: A Censored And Structured World
Number of words: 452 | Number of pages: 2.... of all the characters is the fire chief Beatty. Beatty is a man who
once was educated but has now turned his back on education and works to destroy
it. Beatty knows what is in books but chooses not to care, not to do anything
but help the destruction of books.
The loss of the characters freedom to read and to think was not an act that
was forced on the people but, embraced by the people. The people loved the idea
of not having to think anymore. The desire to confront issues was gradually lost
by the people. Since the desire the desire to confront issues was lost people
stopped doing anything that was so called "political .....
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Call Of The Wild: Character Sketch - Buck
Number of words: 924 | Number of pages: 4.... damaged, if not completely wiped out by men who used tools to
restrain him. No matter how many times Buck tried to lunge, he would just be
choked into submission at the end. When Buck arrived at his destination, there
was snow everywhere, not to mention the masses of Husky and wolf dogs. Buck was
thrown into a pen with a man who had a club. This is where Buck would learn one
of the two most important laws that a dog could know in the Klondike. The law of
club is quite simple, if there is a man with a club, a dog would be better off
not to challenge that man. Buck learned this law after he was beaten half to
death by the man who ha .....
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Comparison Between Novel And Film Version Of "Lord Of The Flies"
Number of words: 555 | Number of pages: 3.... distinguish their role. The cinema is unsuccessful in establishing Simon as a "Christ" figure and Roger's murderous nature. On the other hand, the novel installs all these ideas and allows the reader to use their creativity. Therefore, due to the film's inability to give audiences more information about the characters, their role and their emotions, the novel is much more informative.
Secondly, the novel is capable of giving readers more insight into the story with the use of symbols and hidden meanings. The novel is able to do this because it depicts important underlying messages and critical incidents. For instance, Piggy's gla .....
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