Papers on Book Reports
How It Feels To Be Coloured Me: Realizing Color
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... were in Eatonville. As she states, “I feel most coloured when I am thrown into a sharp white backround.” She realizes that not everyone is the same anymore as they were in Eatonville. She knows that she’s “not in Kansas anymore”, similar to what anyone would feel being out of their realm.
Unlike the days of her grandfather, when he didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of doing anything with himself, she knows that she has the ability and capability of being able to do what she wants with her life. She is enticed by what life lies ahead of her. She isn’t worried or affriad of what is out there for her. She .....
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Great Expectations Vs. Oliver Twist
Number of words: 1726 | Number of pages: 7.... at dinner one night. After making this simple request, "the
master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned
him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle."3
The whole beginning of Oliver Twist's story was created from memories which
related to Charles Dickens' childhood in a blacking factory ( which was
overshadowed by the Marshalsea Prison ).4 While working in the blacking factory,
Dickens suffered tremendous humiliation. This humiliation is greatly expressed
through Oliver's adventures at the orphanage before he is sent away.
Throughout his lifetime, Dickens appeared to have acquired a fond .....
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Filling In The Gaps: Ideology In Faulkner’s “Dry September”
Number of words: 2185 | Number of pages: 8.... I have chosen secondary sources that represent an ascending scale of critical emphasis on ideology in “Dry September.”
Paul Rogalus, in an article to the Explicator, states clearly that “Minnie Cooper…has accused a black man, Will Mayes, of having attacked her…”(Rogalus 211) Rogalus goes on to examine the scene in the theatre as a ‘victory lap’ for Minnie Cooper; where she parades herself through the town and then cannot contain her joyous laughter once in the movie theatre. He goes go on to acknowledge the ideological motivations of the main characters, focusing strictly on the members of the mob that kills May .....
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Review Of Machiavelli's The Prince
Number of words: 732 | Number of pages: 3.... nations and threatening powers (Milosevic, Sadam, and Yeltsin), and we invaded many islands in the Pacific as strategic military positions. The Aleutian Islands are a major acquisition for the United States. For if we didn't occupy those, Russia would have them and they could invade from the north.
However I disagree with Machiavelli on the subject of warfare. In chapter XIV, Machiavelli says, "a prince's main objective and profession must be warfare"(81). A lot of things can be settled without bloodshed and violence. In the modern world, war is an extremely scary thing, especially with all the nuclear and biochem technology. .....
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Myths In Human Civilization
Number of words: 958 | Number of pages: 4.... with GIS occurs when the child is not confirming to appropriate gender
behaviour. For example, if a boy wants to play with dolls and dress up as the
opposite sex. Burke reveals that at a young age all children in the gender
socialization process are encouraged to play with gender appropriate toys and
roles. If the child does not conform to these roles laid out by our gender
conscious society, they are forbidden and discouraged to continue with their
behaviour. Burke continues to write that GIS children may find themselves in
play therapy or even in psychiatric hospitals. In analyzing the way in which
myth is used in this a .....
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The Canterbury Tales: A Character Sketch Of Chaucer's Knight
Number of words: 542 | Number of pages: 2.... He has seen military service in Egypt, Lithuania,
Prussia, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Asia Minor where he "was of
[great] value in all eyes (l. 63). Even though he has had a very
successful and busy career, he is extremely humble: Chaucer maintains that
he is "modest as a maid" (l. 65). Moreover, he has never said a rude thing
to anyone in his entire life (cf., ll. 66-7). Clearly, the knight possesses
an outstanding character.
Chaucer gives to the knight one of the more flattering descriptions in the
General Prologue. The knight can do no wrong: he is an outstanding
warrior who has fought for the true faith_according .....
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Comparison Of Book And Movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
Number of words: 682 | Number of pages: 3.... a
movie, much less show the world from his point of view as in the book.
Bromden is still a very interesting character but the real puzzle to his
problems is lost.
McMurphy is a very sly, cunning man. He knows how to play his game
and does it well. In the book as McMurphy progresses, he goes through many
stages where he is rebellious, then docile, then rebellious again. This is
due to the fact that he learns exactly what it means to be committed and
what it takes to be released. Then he begins to see that all his ward
mates (I don't know what you want to call them) are counting on him so he
becomes rebellious again. These r .....
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Joy Luck Club 2
Number of words: 1490 | Number of pages: 6.... Her love for him turned to hate, and she killed her unborn baby. This act gave her remorse for all her life since she considered it a murder. Tortured by this incident, she had a mental breakdown, for a period of time, when her second son -- with her second husband, St. Clair -- died at birth. She saw it as a punishment for her previous behavior.
After leaving her first husband's house and returning home, she abandoned herself to whatever life offered her. She lived like a shadow, letting other people or events to decide for her. When she met St. Clair, she passively let him believe that she was from a poor family. Ying-Ying al .....
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Slaughterhouse Five
Number of words: 1650 | Number of pages: 6.... has many things in common with his creator: an American artist within Nazi Germany, doing what he felt was necessary to stay alive and to further his work. The author himself tells us he had to write this book. His subtitle “A Duty-Dance with Death” also takes on a personal aspect. Vonnegut had to reconcile himself with the war, the death, and its impact on him.
Tools and Context (war)
Through the use of philosophies and ideas, characters, and entire settings, Kurt Vonnegut makes his experiences as a soldier and a prisoner in the Germany of World War II an important part of his writing, as it is no doubt an important .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Jack Merridew - Not Guilty
Number of words: 414 | Number of pages: 2.... As for
influencing the boys to kill Simon and Piggy, the boys were uncontrollable.
On the night that Simon died, we were having a feast while "a thing came
crawling out the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly." (p.152) The boys,
especially the littluns, were so terrified, they thought Simon was the
beast, so they attacked with the thought of killing the beast not Simon.
Ralph was at that incident as well. He was one of us.
As for Piggy, the rock that struck Piggy was not launched by my
hand. The boys were bright enough to act on their own. "Roger started
throwing rocks from atop the castle while his other hand .....
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