Papers on Book Reports
Krutch's "Killing For Sport"
Number of words: 360 | Number of pages: 2.... wanted to live is dead.' " On the other hand the
killer for food receives life in return for his killing, further stating
that the hunter for sport is evil. This work clearly exposes gaming
hunters and expresses how senseless it is to kill for fun. Krutch
identifies hunting as a "reality of evil" because we know it is wrong to
kill without purpose.
There is a secondary descriptive mode used to illuminate the
reader's imagination and give them insight into the working of the hunter
character. I believe Krutch used the evaluation mode to create a
distinctive, persuasive, description of the hunter.
Joseph Krutch ha .....
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Conrad Jarrett
Number of words: 700 | Number of pages: 3.... about Jeanine Pratt, he still keeps the anger to himself. Yet another example of Conrad as a troubled character is his first meeting with Berger. He basically keeps to himself because it was his father’s idea to visit a psychiatrist and not his. Berger, patient doctor, however, is willing to keep at it until Conrad finally gives in.
As the story progresses, there are many elements of change that switch Conrad from the depressed state to the better state of mind. For instance, the girl at the library tells him that he is an attractive guy. “’I embarrassed you in there, didn’t I? I’m sorry.’ She shrugs her shoulder .....
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Pudd'nhead Wilson: Summary
Number of words: 698 | Number of pages: 3.... Dawson's
Landing. They judged him for what he said before even knowing him for very
long. You can't judge a person for one wrong thing that they said.
Pudd'nhead proves the rest of the town wrong when he solves a big murder
case by using one of his best abilties. The town should have never judged
him, yet instead listened to him and give him a chance. I would say the
people of Dawson's Landing would definitely qualify for the antagonist part.
Pudd'nhead Wilson comes to Dawson's Landing around 1830. He is
socializing with some people there when a stray dog starts snarling,
howling, and barking. Pudd'nhead makes says he wi .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Country Or Society
Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2.... dreary time under
the tyrannical rule of Prince John. A childhood friend of Robin, Maid
Marion places her friendship with Robin Hood above loyalty to the crown.
She has numerous opportunities to betray Robin Hood, but she does not. She
sees the good he is doing for the land and the lone resistance he and his
band of Merry Men provide against the evil Sheriff. Had she been loyal to
her country, Robin Hood would have never been successful against the
Sheriff of Nottingham and the citizens of her kingdom would have had to
endure even greater injustices.
Sharing many of the same principles Robin Hood embodies is Alexandre
Dumas's The .....
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Review Of The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 487 | Number of pages: 2.... Chillingworth, Hester's true husband, can
be seen in both lights. Either they can be perceived as just upholding the
law -she committed a crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are
they going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl, Hester's
daughter, away just because Hester has deviated from the norm, all to
enforce an unjust law that does not even apply to this situation?
Although the subjects of the novel do apply to important issues in
history and could have had influences on the time period, they were not
great. During the times and in the Puritan community this did not have a
large affect on an .....
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Great Expectations- Morals
Number of words: 939 | Number of pages: 4.... displayed this because Mrs. Joe was constantly beating and threatening him. This kind of behavior made Pip very sensitive and easily swayed in his thoughts. A specific example of Pip acting out of fear was when he met Magwitch, his convict, on the marshes and was told to bring him a file and some whittles or else Pip's liver would be ripped out by the convict's friend. This made Pip steal from Mrs. Joe and lie to his family. This shows that morally, his fears are taking over, making it impossible for him to move ahead in the future and mature.
When Pip receives money, he begins to indulge himself. This is to make up for the past .....
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Book Report On "A Dramatic Death"
Number of words: 1335 | Number of pages: 5.... sister's friend for so
long Steve treated her as a sister, which she didn't like. Emma became so fond
of Steve that she start doing all these gruesome things and in the end she went
to a mental hospital. Emma liked to be in the play a lot and she was said to
have a very over active imagination.
The setting was in a small quiet town called Dorking, the play took in a high
school drama room. The setting brings people together (the drama group) which
brings conflicts. The town was described to bring a spooky setting to the novel.
The theme of this novel is that we shouldn't trust everybody we know no matter
how clos .....
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A Report On: Laurence's The Stone Angel
Number of words: 717 | Number of pages: 3.... was the cause of his
greatest loss, when his son died in a house fire while Murray and Lou Lees
were at the Tabernacle. This loss created a permanent distrust in religion
for Murray Lees, something Hagar also has. The loss of a child reminds
Hagar of the loss of her son, John, which allows her to trust Lees' opinion
of religion. Unlike Mr. Troy, who has only learned about suffering by
viewing it from the outside, Mr. Lees has life experience, and understands
what suffering really is. This creates an emotional bond between Hagar and
Mr. Lees, allowing Hagar to finally find someone who shares her view on
While Mr. Lees was .....
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The Great Gatsby: The Question Of Nick Carraway's Integrity
Number of words: 591 | Number of pages: 3.... of Nick and Jordan, we sense that she is only leading
where Nick's interest is already taking him.
It is Jordan, then, who makes Nick feel comfortable at Gatsby's party,
as we sense what Nick senses: they're becoming a romantic couple. As they drive
home a summer house-party, Nick notes her dishonesty but forgives it,
attributing it to her understandable need to get by in a man's world. She
praises his lack of carelessness, tells him directly "I like you"--and he is
smitten, After Jordan tells him the tale of Gatsby and Daisy's past, Nick feels
a "heady excitement" because she has taken him into her confidence. Attracted by
he .....
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An Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3.... to happen to him. Candide meets several people along the way who all
have their own interesting story of misfortune and the inhumanities of mankind.
Candide ends up on a small farm, married to Cunegonde and living with two
philosophers. He argues with others at the end of the book if this really is
the best of all possible worlds and they conclude the we must "work without
reason" and "must cultivate our garden".
In this novel Voltaire is extremely influenced by his frame of reference
and mindset. He finds room to include almost all of his political views. He
takes Candide on a journey through all of the wrongs he beleiv .....
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