Papers on Book Reports
Symbolism In The Scarlett Lett
Number of words: 490 | Number of pages: 2.... of the book as several years have passed the meaning of the letter “A” starts to change. Instead of it meaning adultery it means something else which is a good meaning. The reason for this is because she starts to create beautiful needlework and she helps the people who are poor and sick. “The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her -- so much power to do and power to sympathize -- that many people refused to interpret the scarlet 'A' by its original signification”(Pg. 141).
At the end of the novel the better way the letter “A” is looked at by the townspeople .....
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Hobbit Essay
Number of words: 808 | Number of pages: 3.... of previous events. All of these examples of happenings and objects found in Middle Earth are physically impossible in a world such as ours.
Several of the organisms in the book are not known to exist on Earth. Hobbits, of course, are fictional characters, as are dwarves, elves, goblins, and trolls. Many species of animals are able to vocally communicate with humans and dwarves in the novel, which is not possible on our planet. Beorn, a human who is able to morph into other creatures at an instant, is an excellent example of such fiction. The dragon, Smaug, is the main adversary of the fourteen adventurers and is a type of creatur .....
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Janette Turner Hospital: 4 Vivid Female Characters In Her Two Novels
Number of words: 1626 | Number of pages: 6.... for India with him. It is more likely
that the fate designated Juliet's future. She is married to Dave on her
own accord. Therefore, she does what a good wife is supposed to do.
1. Reviewed in : Booklist v.79 p.994 Apr 1, 1983
2. " The Ivory Swing " p.18
In Kerala, where David is on sabbatical to study primitive Indian
culture, the couple encounters Yashoda," a widow who does not accept the
fate and rigid rules of her culture." Yashoda wants the right to wear
jewellery, to appear in public; most of all, she wants love. She does not
care about either inauspicious or disgrace. She even runs the risk .....
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Music And Ednas Awakening
Number of words: 423 | Number of pages: 2.... previously hidden conflicts gives birth to dramatic emotions within Edna. It is so powerful that Edna wonders if she "shall ever be stirred again as...Reisz’s playing moved" her that night (p.38).
For Edna, the times that Reisz plays are times when she "take[s] an impress of the abiding truth" and realizes her true desires(p.34). When Edna visits her, Reisz first improvises at the instrument and then plays the Impromptu which itself has original and adventurous themes. Through music Edna realizes the importance of being self-actualized and making choices. She again feels the same as that night when "new voices awok .....
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Madame Bovary: The Theme Of Fantasy
Number of words: 217 | Number of pages: 1.... for the romantic fantasy life she had dreamed about since she
was a child. She found her life dull and unfullfilling and was constantly
trying to change reality.
Emma wanted a dreamlover. She wanted a man to fullfill all her
fantasys, a man to rescue her from the life she was living and to take her
into her fantasy world. Emma went through many lovers, searching for the
one love that would last always. She wanted to live through her dreams,
never realizing that she would never find her dreamlover. Emma died
because she would not step out of her fantasy world.
Living in a fantasy world, rather then the dream world, .....
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All The King's Men: Man As A Slave To Knowledge
Number of words: 1344 | Number of pages: 5.... something (49).”
He is saying that everyone has something to hide, a skeleton in the closet.
Stark knows that everyone has some bit of knowledge to hide, and that the
knowledge makes man a slave as he tries to hide the bit of knowledge. Stark
often wields the power of knowledge to enslave others to do his bidding. He
finds the dirt on someone, the secret bit of dark knowledge, and then has them
do his bidding. When a certain Byram B. White tried to get rich, Stark had him
sign an undated resignation form to hold him in his power. Willie said himself, “
Well, I fixed Byram. I fixed him so his unborn great-grandchildren will w .....
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Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry...
Number of words: 305 | Number of pages: 2.... more towards to TJ dying.
Many risks were taken in this novel. Almost every character took a risk some of the risks came out positive and some came out negatively. I think papa and TJ’s risks were the biggest in the novel. The scary thing about this book was that America really used to be like this, you rarely hear about it today but still happens. .....
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Race Relations With Huck Finn
Number of words: 1478 | Number of pages: 6.... We see the sub ordinance that blacks were placed in America, because blacks were not allowed to be in the house, because they were uneducated, and had to be working in the fields.
Another example of the classes we put each other into is when Huck, the main character, and Jim were heading south. Jim and Huck are sitting on the banks of the Mississippi River, and Jim says “I owns myself en I’s wuth eight hund’d dollars.” (54). This shows the reader that blacks are so low, that the white people place prices on the blacks. As uneducated as the blacks are, they believe they are worth so much money, because t .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 1704 | Number of pages: 7.... in the book to
illustrate the individuals.
Theme: In the foreword Huxley states: "The theme of 'Brave New World' is not the
advancement of science as such; it is the advancement of science as it affects human
individuals." The picture of the world given in the book describes the condition of the
human individual in a western civilization in a 'near' future. The society has turned into a
well oiled machine, in which everything is controlled, even the future profession of the
individual is determined before birth. It's a society in which the human being only serves
a sociological and scientifical purpose, the individual though .....
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The Glass Menagerie: The Tragic Effects Of The Past
Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3.... exists, causing them
distress in their journey through life. Tom is unsuccessful with his job
at the warehouse and Laura cannot seem to fit in with the outside world.
These personal downfalls in life drive Tom into a life of poetry and movies,
and Laura into a world of glass figurines.
Tom is unsatisfied with his work at the warehouse and feels his
life lacks adventure. Therefore, he finds it through writing poetry and
watching movies. When business is slow at the shoe warehouse, Tom goes to
the washroom to work on his poetry. Tom finds adventure in poetry because
he is able to create and control his own world. Along with poe .....
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