Papers on Book Reports
Number of words: 813 | Number of pages: 3.... childhood, he has always been taught to honour the Repentances. After he meets Sophie, he thinks that there is nothing wrong with her and that she's harmless for she can definitely not be a mutant. However, in his society she is considered to be a deviation and a mutant, because of her extra toe. From this point on he begins to question the childhood beliefs he was taught to obey. He doesn't realize what their beliefs mean until he experiences them. After a while, he realizes he is in fact, a mutant, because of his ability to see thought shapes. He begins to mature as a man and is aware of his uniqueness in a society that forbids .....
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Suffering In Crime And Punishment
Number of words: 720 | Number of pages: 3.... look on Lizaveta’s face when he brings down the axe on her head. These things clearly show that the crime isn’t what might cause him suffering, or pain, it is something else.
After Raskolnikov is sent off to Siberia, he doesn’t feel remorseful. His feelings haven’t changed about his crime, he feels bad at not being able to living up to his own ideas of greatness. He grows depressed only when he learns of his mother’s death. Raskolnikov still hasn’t found any reason to feel remorse for his crimes. He takes Siberia as his punishment, because of how annoying it is to go through all these formalities, and ridicularities th .....
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Themes Of Struggle, Social Oppression And Money In The Pearl
Number of words: 1184 | Number of pages: 5.... as merely animals. This is shown in the novel when Kino goes to the Spanish doctor for help with Coyotito’s scorpion bite and the doctor, selfish as he is, rejects them. The Spaniards are also turning the Indians own people against them because the doctor’s Native servants which have joined in on the oppression of his own people. Even the Spanish priest only becomes concerned with Kino and Juana once they have found the pearl. The Spanish people often cheat the Indians out of money. A good example of this would be the Spanish pearl buyers. They all work for one person at the top and organize their prices so that one price w .....
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Around The World In Eighty Day
Number of words: 1513 | Number of pages: 6.... Yokohama, San Francisco, and New York. Clearly though one the most important settings was in the Indian forests, which were passed through, in order to pursue to Kandallah. The Carnatic and the Mongolia were also key settings to the novel.
In the 19th century, a man by the name of Phileas Fogg, made a wager that he would be able to travel the world in approximately eighty days. At the time of his wager he was looking for a servant. He found a servant by the name of Jean Passepartout. These two came to the understanding that Fogg was the master and Passepartout was just a man. His master told Passepartout that they were leavin .....
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First Love: Pathway To Adulthood
Number of words: 1241 | Number of pages: 5.... couldn't help himself from
becoming infatuated with her because he didn't know the first thing about love.
As the genre moves on, Vladimir's feelings for Zinaida became deeper and deeper.
Vladimir thought to himself:
I felt weary and at peace, but the image of Zinaida still hovered triumphant
over my soul, though even this image seemed more tranquil. Like a swan rising
from the grasses of the marsh, it stood out from the unlovely shapes which
surrounded it, and I, as I fell asleep, in parting for the last time clung to it,
in trusting adoration. (48)
Vladimir allows himself to become completely wrapped up in Zinaida to the poi .....
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Original Gullivers Travel Stor
Number of words: 1505 | Number of pages: 6.... that my hands were placed in the direction, northeast. I collected my things and began walking, I must have walked for quite awhile because when I left, the sun was just overhead and when I thought to check again, the sun was already even with the horizon.
I noticed something covered with shroud, it was a sign in English but it did not make sense to me. Upon further investigation I learned that the sign must signify a warning of some sort, for there was a hole right behind it. Just then I did a 180 as I heard something behind me. Sticks were cracking and rocks were being thrown around. At first I thought it was the Witch of .....
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Scarlet Letter Essay
Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... the story it is used again to reunite Arthur with himself, the community and God before dies. It is also used in this scene to reunite Pearl with herself making her normal. He also used the cottage where Hester lived has a place of isolation for her. The cottage was just out side the sphere of the community. It was also on a sterile piece of land where nothing would grow. The forest was also a major setting that instigated sin. It was the place where the Blackman lived and if you signed his book you would wear its sign on your chest. Not only was it a place of sin but it was also a place of isolation. Isolation in the fore .....
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The Women Of The Grapes Of Wra
Number of words: 595 | Number of pages: 3.... is replaced with survival. In addition, near the end of the book, when the boxcars have flooded and it seems all hope has been lost Ma leads the family to higher ground. Despite the despair she feels she overcomes it to do what must be done to insure that they survive to live another day. Her strength gives her the power rise above adversity and be the leader that she is. Ma's strength is what allows the family to hold up as long as they do.
Rose of Sharon on the other hand shows the sacrifice the Joads and the rest of the Okies had to endure. For example, while they are driving to California she tells Ma of her and Connie's de .....
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An Analysis Of Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" And "The Devil And Tom Walker
Number of words: 482 | Number of pages: 2.... husband wife relationship in both cases. Now Rip
was sort of a say nothing do nothing when it came to his house and wife.
His wife would bad mouth him and yell at him, but Rip wouldn't do much
anyway. He would just go off and sleep. Now Tom and his wife on the other
hand would battle to the death. Tom would yell and scream and so would his
wife. Tom would hide money and so would his wife. In both of the stories
they wife husband relationship would be a turning point in both cases.
And last the way they both got what they wanted. In Rips case he
wanted to get rid of his wife and his jobs. He goes to the forest to escape
from .....
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The Theme Of Nature In Tess Of The D'Urbervilles
Number of words: 1113 | Number of pages: 5.... little sun for her soul," (24) Hardy is able to immediately present Tess as a naive, and untouched girl, even though he does not specifically mention her in this quotation. The image of white flowers provides a feeling of cleanliness and purity, which corresponds to the way Hardy has chosen to initially depict Tess. The sunshine and golden colors, indirectly signify the happiness and gaiety that she expresses early on in the book. So far Tess has never left Marlott and hasn't had much experience at anything other than looking after her siblings. The idea of a "private sun" connotes the image of a paradise world that is centere .....
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