Papers on Book Reports
Thesis Paper On The Crucible T
Number of words: 1101 | Number of pages: 5.... is burning.” “The church in theocratic Salem is identical with the state and the community and will surely crumble if unquestioning obedience falters in the least.” Proctor, on the other hand, “has come to regard his self as a king of fraud,” as long as he remains obedient to an authority which he cannot respect. In other words he believes that the cannot be his true self when he has to abide by lies and not by his morals. He thinks there is to much mention of hell in God’s church and about the dangers to the community to implicit in all this talk of witch craft. He is caught in a web of moral dilemmas involving not .....
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Symbolism In Camus' "The Plague"
Number of words: 304 | Number of pages: 2.... do
something good, not a necessarily a desire to please a god or receive a reward.
Finally, without a god (or even with a god for that matter) Camus says
that we need to be responsible and create our own hope. By looking carefully at
the characters in the book, I plan to also show Camus' press for responsibility
among the people. The ultimate goal of this essay is to make prominent Camus
philosophical views of a godless world in which the people hold the
responsibility of living a moral and hope-filled life. .....
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"A White Heron" And "The Beast In The Jungle": A Comparison And Contrast Essay
Number of words: 776 | Number of pages: 3.... grandmother was most receptive and hospitable. Over the course
of the short stay, Sylvy realized many things. The hunter offered money in
exchange for help in finding the heron's nest. Not only was his offer
tempting and attractive, but a curiosity awakened in her as he was most
attractive as well. She was somewhat intrigued and in a fog, taken each
moment and each step one at a time, carefully, slowly. Sylvy seems to come
to her senses in the twelfth hour when she climbs high into the trees early
one morning to see the white heron fly in ever so close. It was as though
their was a kinship between the two, an understanding .....
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Great Expectations: Symbolism
Number of words: 838 | Number of pages: 4.... to Pip, it did
not mean anything to Estella as she was just playing with Pip's emotions.
The character of Magwitch represents the symbols of isolation and the tragic
hero. In this case, he was physically isolated from society because he was a
convict and was looked upon with disgust. When Magwitch confesses and apologizes
to Joe for stealing the food, Joe replies "poor miserable fellow creatur." [43].
Magwitch also illustrates the symbol of the tragic hero. Throughout most of the
book, Magwitch is looked down upon by Pip. Magwitch talks about his gratitude
for Pip when he helped him as a convict many years ago. "You acted noble, .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Character
Number of words: 1193 | Number of pages: 5.... the author does this to make Jack stand out. He is a very important character because throughout this whole novel, Golding depicts this island and savagery to everyday life. Jack is the perfect character to play this role due to his temperament and power hungry acts. Jack is solely concerned with hunting, and cannot see the necessity of other things that can keep them alive. Fire, an important necessity, is carelessly abused and treated by Jack. His whole existence and survival depend on fire yet his mail goal is to hunt and kill. His controlling and persuasive behavior, allow him to take over the chief position towards the e .....
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A Stranger Is Watching
Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3.... man with a family and no problems;at least in the mind of
the antagonist.The antagonist has problems with females,a career he feels is going nowhere,and a lack of
good friends.throughout the story we find out that the antagonist is very jealous of the protagonist's lifeand
that's why he indirectly targets him.This contrast was an addition to the already excitng plot of the story..
In my opinion the best part of "A Stranger is Watching"is the end,chapter 52.this chapter contains
one of the greatest climaxes I ever read.The chapter begins at a frantic moment.All of the characters lives
are at risk because Foxy's bomb is abo .....
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"A Rose For Emily": A Review
Number of words: 630 | Number of pages: 3.... the narrator we would have
understood the story in a hole different manner. Faulkner used third person
narration and from that we were able to find out many things about Miss
Emily's past. For instance the death of her father, the love she had for
Homer, and how she felt the need for affection. Those ideas she would have
kept to herself, if she were to have told the story.
The language and dialogue that Faulkner provides Miss Emily with
enables the readers to understand how she feels about the town. She is not
very pleased with the changes that have occurred therefore she lets
everyone that she comes in contact with know .....
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Social And Personal Ethics: The Subject Of Abortion
Number of words: 447 | Number of pages: 2.... or sufficient for personhood and she argues that are not persons in the moral part does not have characteristics that are central to personhood. She has six concepts that define central personhood and they are sentience, emotionality, reason, the capacity to communicate, self-awareness, and moral agency. She also argues that fetuses are people or part of the moral community. She thinks that if there are laws passed to deny women the right to have an abortion it will go against the moral law and deny them of their conditional rights.
I agree with some points that Noonan and Warren make, but I also disagree with some of their .....
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Narration In Haircut And Cask Of Amontillado
Number of words: 527 | Number of pages: 2.... for him to try, even though there is no wine and he is leading Fortunato to his death. "‘I have my doubts,' I replied; ‘and I was silly enough to pay the full Amontillado price without consulting you in the matter. You were not to be found, and I was fearful of losing a bargain.'" Montresor tells Fortunato this lie to lure him into the cellar, but the reader doesn't realize his intention until later in the story when he shackles Fortunato to the wall.
Whitey is an unreliable narrator for another reason. The reader can guess by the end of the story what happened to Jim in the boat. But Whitey just doesn't see what has happen .....
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The Day The World Ended
Number of words: 1733 | Number of pages: 7.... Lovers” from the very beginning their was a connection between Paul and his mother. It was seen that a bond was formed between the two of them, but it wasn’t very strong in the beginning. The strong mother –son bond was between Paul’s older brother William and his mother. Paul appeared to be jealous of this, and it wasn’t until William moved away that Paul’s mother noticed him. William was offered a job in London, the “big city” in comparison to their town. When he left, it was almost like a part of his mother had left too. She was crushed, very upset, and very unstable. It wa .....
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