Papers on Book Reports
Macbeth Vs Othello
Number of words: 1055 | Number of pages: 4.... love for his wife against him. Iago plants the idea that Desdemona Othello’s wife is having an affair with Michael Cassio into Othello’s head. He wants to get revenge on Michael Cassio and Othello. In a way he is playing a game with Othello because he does not have any evidence that his wife is actually cheating on him.
In Macbeth the witches plan to ruin Macbeth. Although he takes the action that leads to his downfall, he perhaps would not have done this if the witches had not told him that he would be king in Act 1 Scene 3. The witches also never had any proof that Macbeth was going to be king. They are als .....
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Lord Of The Flies 4
Number of words: 1580 | Number of pages: 6.... In the end Jack and his hunters leave Ralph and start their own tribe on the rocky side of the island.
Ralph is a tall, blond and is one of the oldest boys on the island. In the beginning of the story he is pictured as the leader of the boys when he blows the conch shell to call the first assembly. During the course of the story he tries to maintain the structure of their civilization and is continually forced to compete with Jack for approval from the boys.
Piggy is a fat, asthmatic boy with bad vision. Throughout the story his weaknesses are preyed upon by the other boys much like that of the "pigs" on the island, thus the .....
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Candide By Voltaire
Number of words: 1495 | Number of pages: 6.... p.86).
According to Rene Pomeau, "Voltaire-Candide...have made him [Candide] acquainted with the bad and the good side of human existence. The moral of Candide is born out of its style; it is the art of extracting happiness from the desolate hopping-about of the human insect" (Adams; Pomeau p.137). Pomeau explains that Candide shows both sides of humanity; how both great and terrible events are standard in a human life. Also according to Pomeau, the whole point of the story is to debate between good and bad; for example, as Candide becomes more independent, he starts to doubt that only good comes out of life.
Pangloss is a very .....
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The Joy Luck Club: Journey To Adulthood
Number of words: 756 | Number of pages: 3.... however, she sees that the house is uncomfortable and imposing. Lindo was not welcomed warmly as a new member of the family. Instead she was shown to the servants' quarters which gave her a good idea about her position in this household. Her sole purpose of being the bride of Tyan-yu was to provide grandsons for Huang Taitai, her mother-in-law-to-be.
Lindo was determined to honor her parents and worked hard to become a good wife, learning how to sew, cook and clean. She had promised her family she would learn to be a good wife and a good daughter-in-law as well. This kind of honor is common in Chinese families but culturally .....
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Madame Bovary: The Origin Of Emma And Nora
Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5.... Then it is possible to see why they
had certain viewpoints and how these viewpoints had an effect on the
personalities and actions of their characters.
Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Rouen, France to
a wealthy surgeon. As a boy he was well aware of the incompetence in the
medical profession, and the middle class “lip service” which he portrayed
through Homais in Madame Bovary. In his college years, Flaubert began to
despise the middle class even more as he became enthralled in the romantic
writings of Hugo, Rousseau, Lord Byron, and Sir Walter Scott. In Madame
Bovary, Emma has a certain romantic aspect .....
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The Canterbury Tales: The Perfect Love
Number of words: 1071 | Number of pages: 4.... of the knights. she expresses this
in a prayer to Diana, the goddess of chaste, " Well you know that I desire to be
a maiden all my life; I never want to be either a beloved or a wife." This is so
ironic because Arcite and Palomon are about to kill each other for her love and
she doesn't want to beloved by either of them. She enjoys the thrills of maiden
hood too much to have them ended by marriage.
While all this is going on, no one stops to think that neither Arcite
nor Palomon has ever even spoken to Emily. When Palomon and Arcite are in jail
Palomon says, " The Beauty of the lady whom I see wandering yonder in the garden
is th .....
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Great Expectations: Pip's Life In The Upper Class Society
Number of words: 495 | Number of pages: 2.... soon be out-dated. He goes through his teens like this and finds
great differences in his new lifestyle and his old. Pip gains much with
his new found wealth. He gets new clothes; which help him fit into his new
lifestyle. Also, he makes new friends and interacts with the higher class;
Something which was looked down upon and almost outlawed when he was four.
After his sisters death, Pip visits his village and his brother-in-
law Joe to attend his sisters funeral. He feels remorse for his sister but
also feels that it isn't his home anymore and feels uncomfortable. This is
peculiar to Pip, considering a lifestyle that he .....
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The Canterbury Tales Handout
Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... should have been very poor, perhaps worse off than the people he helped, however he was eating healthy and living large. He spends much time at bars and inns, rather than living with and aiding the destitute.
This man of God, hero of the poor and mediator between God and men, turns out to be as fraudulent as his claims of giving penance. He is more consumed with winning support to build a shelter for the poor. He is too busy scheming to do illegal business rather than to serve the poor. His character, dignity and nobility all lack sincerity. The Friar has no burden on his soul to assist the poor, but only to further his dist .....
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Machiavelli's The Prince: Views Of A Leader
Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3.... actions. If the public does not respect a ruler's actions, then he will have a hard time ruling his people and making him more susceptible to conspiracies against him.
Machiavelli would be disappointed in Clinton because he got caught for lying. Since Clinton was caught lying, it gave him a bad public image and he lost much of his integrity. Machiavelli would remind Clinton that "a prince must take care never to utter a word that is not implicit with the five above-mentioned qualities; and he must never appear to be anything but the very soul of clemency, faithfulness, frankness, humanity, and religion to all those who see a .....
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Number of words: 848 | Number of pages: 4.... Robbing the slave of the power of speech is a powerful way to make him or her feel like a beast. Paul D feels even less than the rooster that struts around him as he sits, mute and chained. Baby Suggs recognizes the importance of speech. She often tells her parishioners to love their mouths. Throughout , speechlessness defines the former slave's reaction to her and her past. For Sethe, the past is an unhealed wound that haunts her like the ghost of her dead daughter. Her daughter, Denver, lives resentfully in the social isolation of 124. Her knowledge of the past consists of the story of her birth and some facts about her dead fath .....
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