Papers on Book Reports
Siddhartha: Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past
Number of words: 549 | Number of pages: 2.... and son would
never be reconciled. Thus the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be
The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious
recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead
of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pool. According to
this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around
until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time
without reconciliation are “trapped” until they are dealt with. The entire pool
makes up all that time is. All the experiences and thoughts of pas .....
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A Farewell To Arms Is A Classi
Number of words: 1229 | Number of pages: 5.... Mr. Henry would probably like to go skiing but would never dream of leaving Catherine alone. Death wins out over love. “’It is very dangerous.’ The nurse went into the room and shut the door. I sat outside in the hall. Everything was gone inside of me. I did not think. I could no think. I knew she was going to die and I prayed that she would not. Don’t let her die. Oh, God, please don’t let her die. I’ll do anything for you if you won’t let her die...” p.330. Hemingway
went on for an entire paragraph of him pleading with God. This is how he is able to show that Mr. Henry .....
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Slaughterhouse Five
Number of words: 989 | Number of pages: 4.... the narrator, while Billy is Billy. Their single connection is that they were both in the war.
Kurt Vonnegut places his experiences and his views in the text. He begins the book by stating, “All this happened, more or less. The war parts, anyway, are pretty much true...I’ve changed all of the names.” Viewing war as a senseless act, Slaughterhouse-Five allows Vonnegut to express his feelings on the matter. Through Billy Pilgrim, he is able to indicate his views. Many things which he viewed as senseless acts were very violent. “[The two scouts] had been lying in ambush for the Germans. They had been .....
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1984: Summary And Reactions
Number of words: 3005 | Number of pages: 11.... minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where O'Brien tole
him he would meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands
and hides the diary
Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth
has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main
character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the
computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understand,
it has not really changed much over time. Seems like nothing left after nuclear
war, just ruins remaining. We are introduced to Tom Par .....
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Enduring, Endearing Nonsense Of Fairy Tales
Number of words: 668 | Number of pages: 3.... publish the first book on the advice of
friends who had read and loved the little handwritten manuscript he had
given to Alice Liddell. He expanded the story considerably and engaged the
services of John Tenniel, one of the best known artists in England, to
provide illustrations. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel
Through The Looking Glass were enthusiastically received in their own time,
and have since become landmarks in childrens' literature.
What makes these nonsense tales so durable? Aside from the immediate
appeal of the characters, their colourful language, and the sometimes
hilarious verse ("Twas bril .....
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Dantes Inferno
Number of words: 1869 | Number of pages: 7.... with phlegm, / his belly is swollen, and his hands are claws / to rip the wretches and flay and mangle them” (66). This quote vividly depicts the man-beast Cerberus that Dante encountered, and allows the reader to feel present in the scene with Dante. He further emphasizes the sights and sounds to portray the hellish environment when he states “Huge hailstones, dirty water, and black snow/ pour from the dismal air to putrefy/ the putrid slush that waits for them below” (66). This example is one of many that illustrate Dante’s ability to exhibit the sights that he encounters. Dante adds another dimension .....
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Number of words: 1063 | Number of pages: 4.... spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on." He claims he is the victim of his wrongdoing and affirms: "You, who call Frankenstein your friend, seem to have a knowledge of my crimes and his misfortunes. But in detail which he gave you of them, he could not sum up the hours and months of misery which I endured, wasting in impotent passions." He then goes on to express his feelings of guilt and hideousness because after all the beast is supersensitive.
"But it is true that I am a wretch, I have murdered
the lovely and the helpless; I have strangled the
innocent as they slept, and grasped to death his
throat who never injured .....
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Great Expectations: Life Story Of Phillip Gargery
Number of words: 1487 | Number of pages: 6.... he was very demanding. He ordered me around to get him things. And from the chains on his feet, I could tell he was a convict. I did what he said anyway, because I was afraid he would kill me, or hurt me very badly. So I got him what he needed. The next night, the town soldiers came to my house, and asked Joe to fix the handcuffs for them, because they found the escaped convict. I have never told on him, and that was the last time I’ve seen of the convict for a long time.
A couple months after that, I was invited to play with the wealthiest woman in the town, Ms. Havisham’s daughter, Estella. I willingly accepted, hopin .....
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A Journey To The Center Of The
Number of words: 641 | Number of pages: 3.... that there’s a sea, with fish and sea monsters. They find forests, giant mushrooms, animals that look like dinosaurs, and even what seems to be giant human beings.
The idea of writing this story came from a scientist who explored the crater of a certain mountain. Verne got the idea that maybe it would be possible to descend even further into the earth. Many of Verne’s “fantasy” stories have come true in the years following his death in the year 1905. Earth is farthest from reality. Even with the technology we have today, it would be impossible for one to descend into the earth. For one thing, we know now that the earth c .....
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Dandelion Wine: Douglas
Number of words: 3325 | Number of pages: 13.... and then it may leave you or fail you but then something new and exciting comes along. This too may bore you or even fail you. All throughout that summer, Douglas sees each cycle for what it really is- real life, not magic.
Doug has to go through many things to be officially initiated into maturity. He goes through the gradual process but finally reaches an all new understanding of life.
Doug feels that everything can be controlled through his own magic. It’s because he’s still a little boy with a wild imagination, that he believes this. At the beginning of the summer, he has still not gone through the initiation. .....
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