Papers on Book Reports
Reaching Up For Manhood
Number of words: 2741 | Number of pages: 10.... from what the novel describes as an African-American male. Considering I am a Caucasian female, I was not raised with the attitude that I need to fend for myself. I did not need to learn self-defense in order to stay safe on the playground. My mother did not coach me on which ways to walk home from school. I didn't have to worry about it since the schools were well equipped with buses and money was not a problem for any of the school districts in the area I call home. I could not imagine telling a child not to go to the playground and play after school because it wasn't safe. If put in this type of culture, I would feel li .....
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Kings Lear
Number of words: 2163 | Number of pages: 8.... fate is death. His early demise is a direct result of
breaching the "Great Chain of Being" which states that no mortal will
abandon his position in the hierarchy of ranking set by God. Lear's
intention of abdicating his throne is apparent from the outset and is seen
in the following speech spoken during the opening scene of the play:
. . . 'tis our fast intent
To shake all cares and business from our age,
Conferring them on younger strengths while we
Unburdened crawl toward death. . .1
Evidently the splitting of Lear's kingdom and abdication of his throne
is not an act of necessity, but an act toward easing .....
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A Doll House: Insights
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... goes on in their family. The first step towards this is for both of them to acknowledge that each of them is one half of a partnership, and that their abilities and sensibilities compliment one another, and should not create a shadow, like the one Nora is living under. They both need to treat each other with honesty, fairness and respect. Torvald, on many occasions would degrade Nora by saying things that would hint at her being weak or even comparing her to an animal. "Is that my little lark twittering out there" and "Is that my squirrel rummaging around?" A lark is a songbird; a happy, carefree bird. One that has no need .....
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Appearance Vs Reality In Hamle
Number of words: 1676 | Number of pages: 7.... to his son with advice that sounds sincere but in reality it is rehearsed, hollow and without feeling. Polonius gives his advice only to appear to be the loving caring father. The reality is he only speaks to appear sincere as a politician, to look good rather then actually be good: "And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in thee!" Act 1
Polonius gives his son Laertes his blessing to go away, he sends a spy to follow him and keep an eye on him. This shows his lack o .....
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Of Mice And Men: Burdens Of Responsibility
Number of words: 1029 | Number of pages: 4.... Another example is
when Carlson shoots Candy's dog. Candy becomes very eager to attach himself
to George and lennie and purchase a house with them as a result of the loss
of his only real love in his life.
The responsibilities of aspiration and hope play a major role in the
structure of George, Lennie and Curley's wife's character. To an extent
their aspirations protect them from reality for short stints and acts like
a recharge to their motivational batteries. This is a good thing more often
than not. Examples of these instances are when Lennie and George are
sitting on the bank of a pool of the Salinas river in the last chapte .....
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Lord Of The Flies: The Setting
Number of words: 428 | Number of pages: 2.... and the
respect from the others. Their rules of civilization change the way people
feel about each other. For example, Jack does not like Ralph because Ralph
is the leader of the group and makes the decisions, but Jack doesn't like
the way Ralph leads them.
Another reason Golding put the setting on an island is that the
environment is different from the conditions that they're used to. The
environment and vegetation of the island is a big influence on their daily
life. Their life basically revolves around the things that live and grow
on the island. They need to be responsible and caring enough not to abuse
their reso .....
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African Americans Unnoticed
Number of words: 493 | Number of pages: 2.... was a major problem, but also realized that sexism was an even greater problem in equality. For, as she said, "to be a colored woman is to be discredited, mistrusted and often meanly hated." Through times of strife and stress she worked, sometimes successfully, to eliminate discrimination against black women. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmicheal; these names when said are ones to which black people respond to, because all of these men improved social conditions for African Americans. All were part of large organized mass movement in black history. Each on .....
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Essay Over The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Number of words: 729 | Number of pages: 3.... of this epic. Gilgamesh has gone from arrogant to scared. Second, the death of Humbaba changes Gilgamesh. Humbaba is evil. Many people who live in the city of Uruk fear Gilgamesh. Most would say that Gilgamesh himself is, in fact, evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does what he wants, and he tends to offend the gods. He has lots of problems with Ishtar. By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himself and changes the views of the people in his city. This is a very arguable point. Yes, the past of Gilgamesh does not change, but the great deed of killing Humbaba, makes him a better person because .....
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The Innocence Of Oedipus By J. T. Sheppard: Reactions And Emotions Of The Audience
Number of words: 551 | Number of pages: 3.... between voluntary and the involuntary crimes. Oedipus is in fact a good man, who was “the unfortunate man who had committed an unintentional crime.” Sheppard states his philosophy of a good man. “Of the best it may be said that they are in a sense ‘good’ since there is nothing ‘shameful’ in their intentional and purposed deed and thought. But even so, they are not secure. Perfection, if calamity comes, is not possible.” “A man may be guilty through no fault of his own, and no man, however excellent in intention and in act, no man, even, however blest by fortune or the gods, achieves and keeps perfecti .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus' Determination, Persistence, And Intelligence
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3.... another heroic quality is Atticus’ persistence. For instance, Atticus is very persistent with the children to have them do their homework and to succeed in whatever they do. This shows that he deeply cares about the children and wants them to grow up to be the best that they can be. Atticus also wants his children to prove to the world what they can accomplish. Another example is that Atticus is very persistent by having many rituals that he performs very often and never once misses a day without doing them when they need to be done. This shows that he is devoted to everything that he does such as reading the newspap .....
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