Papers on Book Reports
Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 917 | Number of pages: 4.... Holden tried all he
could to fit in. He drank, cursed and criticized life in general to make it
seem he was very knowing of these habits. I myself have found me doing this
at times, also. I, at times, feel the need to fit in to a group and do
things similar to what others do in order to gain acceptance by them. I
smoked a cigar once with two friends of mine because they kept going on and
on about how great cigars were, but that was only once. Holden and I both
place people on levels other than our own for amount of knowledge and
likeness to ourselves.
Holden used the term 'phonies' to describe more than a few people in .....
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Hester Prynne: Comparion Beween Reynold And Herzog Essays
Number of words: 693 | Number of pages: 3.... combination of different types of heroines. His heroines are
equipped to expel wrongs against their sex bringing about an awareness of
both the rights and wrongs of women. Hester is a compound of many popular
stereotypes rich in the thoughts of the time ...portrayed as a fallen woman
whose honest sinfulness is found preferable to the future corruption of the
reverend (Reynolds 183). Hester was described by Reynolds as a feminist
criminal bound in an iron link of mutual crime (Reynolds 183). According
to Reynolds, Hawthorne was trying to have his culture's darkest stereotypes
absorbed into the character of Hester and res .....
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Number of words: 839 | Number of pages: 4.... Or how much pain the families of the victims will have to endur? I'm telling you as a friend and a villager, Please stop all these murders! These people do not have to die. I know that in some of these cases the evidence was leading towards witch craft, and I agree that those girls were very believable, but if you would have looked very closely, you could tell it was staged. Did you even notice that whenever Abby would collapse or scream that the other girls would start to scream shortly after? For instance, do you remember when we had just convicted Mr. Proctor of trying to overthrow the court, that after Elizabeth had given her c .....
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1984: Abolute Power In 1984 And Government Power In Today's Society
Number of words: 389 | Number of pages: 2.... the thoughts and ideas of the people. A thought crime is any thought or idea about going against Big Brother or The Party. To the government a thought crime is considered one of the worst felonies. “Thoughtcrime dos not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death (Orwell,pg27).”To prevent thoughtcrimes people must use the concept made up by The Party. This concept is called doublethink. Doublethink is having to different conceptions of one thought. Each conception completely contradicts each other. If the Party says that 2+2=5 but one knows that 2+2=4 the concept of doublethink must be used.
The words thought crime and double t .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1029 | Number of pages: 4.... looking at books in the farmhouse. They also learned
many other things. The animals had to work even harder than before. They had to harvest the
fields without any tools. The animals were still happy anyway because they were free from the
farmers rule. An old donkey named Benjamin was unchanged after the rebellion. They had sort of
what was like council meetings. Napoleon and Snowball were most active in the debates. They
made committees to teach the animals how to read and write. Napoleon found that two dogs,
Jessie and Bluebell, gave birth to six sturdy puppies. He took them away to the barn loft where no
one could reach them but .....
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Gullivers Travels By Jonathan
Number of words: 1371 | Number of pages: 5.... Period."(Cook, V) In
1710, he became a powerful supporter of the Tory government in England.
Through many of Swift's articles and pamphlets in defense, he became one of
the most effective public relations men any English administration ever had.
The Tories saw how good Swift's literature was and hired him as an editor
for their journal, The Examiner. His political power ended when a new
government came to power. This was the Whig party. The Tory government and
the Whig party were against each other and shared different views like the
republicans and democrats in the U.S. The last stage of Swift's life shows
him transfor .....
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And Then There Were None By Ag
Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2.... from the edges of a serving plate. One more mystery was that every murder followed, in order, the famous poem "Ten Little Indians", which reads: Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; One chocked his self and then there were nine. Nine Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself then there were eight. Eight Indian boys traveling in Devon; One said he'd stay there then there were seven. Seven Indian boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves then there were six. Six Indian boys playing with a hive; A bumble-bee stung one then there were five. Five Indian boys going in for law; One got in Chancery then t .....
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Jack Londons Apparent Conflict
Number of words: 1482 | Number of pages: 6.... imprisonment that was so degrading it made him decide to turn to education and pursue a career in writing. His years in the Klondike searching for gold left their mark in his best short stories; among them, The Call of the Wild, and White Fang. His novel, The Sea-Wolf, was based on his experiences at sea. His work embraced the concepts of unconfined individualism and Darwinism in its exploration of the laws of nature. (Walcutt 1-2) He retired to his ranch near Sonoma, where he died at age 40 of various diseases and drug treatments.
“To Build a Fire” has often been called London’s greatest masterpiece. It .....
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Oedipus The King 3
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2.... for no fault of his own, is one of the major themes of the play, and reiterated by Oedipus’ ignorance to his own problem. Though his father may have had a reason to want Oedipus dead, after hearing what the mystic had to say about young Oedipus’ future, it was not Oedipus fault that he was destined to do what he was. A second example of this, when Oedipus does in fact kill his father, he is met at the crossroads and attacked by his father’s men, through no fault of his own. Once again this displays the symbolism of his ankles being pierced as a child, meeting the second of the three criteria.
Finally, in the e .....
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Color Symbolism In The Scarlet
Number of words: 579 | Number of pages: 3.... of a wild red rosebush growing outside the prison where Hestor was imprisoned. This is representing Hestor's pride and passion, growing in a place not fitting, similar to how Hestor's passion did not fit in with the Puritan society. As the sunlight shines through a red and yellow window in the governor's house, a red light shines throughout the room. This is symbolizing Hestor's passion spreading throughout the Puritan society.
Hawthorne also uses black and darkness as symbols throughout The Scarlet Letter. Black is used to represent evil and hiding. Hawthorne calls the prison the "black flower of civilized society, .....
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