Papers on Book Reports
Summary Of "Ceremony"
Number of words: 871 | Number of pages: 4.... a spider's web, it went out in all directions. His mind snapped at
that exact moment and went into "shell-shock".
Tayo started very early trying to find his path, but yet his path
paralleled Rocky's until the time when Rocky died. Tayo's path paralleled but
was always a step behind, because he was trying to retain his heritage and still
keep with the new ways. Tayo walked a thin line trying to keep his path and
Rocky's close together because he loved Rocky, and yet could not understand
Rocky wanting so badly to leave the old ways. Rocky believed in the white man's
science, when all Tayo wanted to believe in was Native American s .....
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Billy Budd: Perfect Character In Unjust Microcosm
Number of words: 603 | Number of pages: 3.... figure. (THAAL, pg. 2513) Melville compares
Billy's physical appearance to that of Alexander the conqueror creating an
image of a superior being.
Billy is an "honest soul" and wants simple peace and quiet. (THAAL,
pg. 2514) The simple peace that he seeks may represent the romantic view of
a noble savage, who has goodness because he is untainted by the corruption
in society. Melville has interest in the noble savage and creates Billy
Budd to represent this idea. Billy seems naturally good with no sins in his
character. He lives a simple and serious life. For example, when Claggart
makes fun of him, Billy does not understand .....
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The Lottery
Number of words: 811 | Number of pages: 3.... are doing what all stereotypical females do, “exchang[ing] bits of gossip.” The men are being average males by chatting about boring day-to-day tasks like “planting and rain, tractors and taxes.”
Despite this comfortable and normal setting, there are hints of the town’s unusualness that foreshadow a surprise ending. For example, is being held “around ten o’clock” in the morning, which is an unusual time because in most towns all the adults would be working during mid-morning. In addition, the author mentions a bank and post office as key buildings surrounding the town square, but what about a church or court .....
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Amory Blaine's "Mirrors" In Fitzgerald's This Side Of Paradise
Number of words: 1475 | Number of pages: 6.... merely cultivates his personality du jour
depending on how he believes he would like to be. Essentially, Amory is
shopping at a personality store, trying each one on until he can find one that
This personality imitation began when Amory spent his adolescent years
in the presence of his flamboyant mother, Beatrice. Beatrice raised Amory to be
what she wanted him to be, as long as it was stylish and acceptable to coeval
virtues. When he goes to Princeton, the separation from his mother, who
essentially thought for him, leads Amory to search for himself. However, his
idea of searching for his identity entails merely simula .....
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The Portrayal Of Women In The Novels "One Hundred Years Of Solitude" By Gabriel Marquez And "The House Of The Spirits" By Isabel Allende
Number of words: 1482 | Number of pages: 6.... in
standing to women. As a woman aged, her position in the social hierarchy
would increase. Furthermore women had few career choices; all were linked
to some form of domestic service whether solely as a wife and mother or as
a nanny or a combination. Religion played a very important role in this
predominantly catholic area. The role of women as portrayed by the church
was somewhat of a paradox, simultaneously acknowledging and praising women
for the gift of child bearing and yet depicting them as the root of all sin,
as the temptress inducing thoughts of fornication as well as causing the
original sin, that being Adam eati .....
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The Pearl: Music
Number of words: 1296 | Number of pages: 5.... first found the pearl. In time, a
little after Kino hears this evil music, the doctorarrives having already
heard about the baby's miraculousrecovery. The doctor informs Kino of
Coyotito's situation, andhow the illness will return. He then treats it
with a smallremedy. Kino knows Coyotito is not sick, but accepts the
doctorshelp to ensure his sons health. Already knowing the
doctor'sexpectations in payment, Kino refuses to give up his pearl. Once
the doctor leaves the house, Kino no longer hears theevil music that once
played with his ears. Following thesymptoms that the doctor assumed,
Coyotito becomes ill and lateron returns .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Crawford
Number of words: 535 | Number of pages: 2.... questioning
herself, which is why I think that she loses the part of her voice that she has
discovered by running away from Logan. At times, she has enough courage to say
no to Joe, but he always has something to say back that discourages Janie from
continuing her argument. But, in my opinion, Janie does not lose her will to
find herself and it might have even become stronger because the reader can see
that Janie is not happy with the way things are now and that she will probably
want to change them in the future.
When Joe dies and Janie marries Tea Cake, she feels free because even
though Tea Cake asks for her opinion when h .....
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The Crucible And Death Of A Salesman: Search For Happiness
Number of words: 509 | Number of pages: 2.... along with her friends with their stories and accusations of witchcraft, her plan backfires on her. Instead of doing away with Elizabeth, John, whom Mary Warren accused of being the devil, was hanged. Therefore, Abigail does not attain her happiness due to her vicious, vengeful ways.
Similarly, in the play Death of a Saleman, a search for happiness is also a theme. Taking place in the late 1940's, in New York, one views the troubled Loman family. The main character, Willy Loman, a saleman, has never reached his true happiness. His son Biff, a washed up has been, stands as a symbol of what Willy wants to be. Willy wants to .....
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Pride And Prejudice: Marriage For Money
Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3.... man in possession of a good fortune must be
in want of a wife”, sets the tone for the rest of the novel. We interpret
it to mean that a wealthy man either actively pursues a wife based on his
knowledge that no one would turn down a wealthy suitor, or attractive
women use their beauty to their advantage to attract a rich husband.
Confident in his knowledge of his own wealth and magnificence, Darcy's
less than romantic first proposal to Elizabeth is a good example of the
first of these truths. Darcy marches into the room, and after stating all
the reasons why a wealthy man such as himself should never marry a “
socially infe .....
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Cahill's How The Irish Saved Civilization
Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3.... to the barbarians beyond Greco-Roman law “who looked into the
hearts of others.” (Cahill, p. 115)
Cahill notes Ireland is the only land where Christianity is introduced
without violence - there were no murdered Irish martyrs. (Cahill, p. 151) He
discusses the growth of monasteries in Ireland and their eventual spread to Iona
and beyond by Columcille and his “White Martyr” followers. (Cahill, pp. 171-
184) Growth continues as Columbanus establishes the first Italo-Irish
monastery where monks continue to pray and copy. Between these two men Irish
monasteries were established in England, Scotland, Italy, France and .....
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