Papers on Book Reports
Ragged Dick
Number of words: 652 | Number of pages: 3.... the proposal, and in exchange, his uncle buys Dick a new suit, and helps him clean himself up. This was the real turning point in Richard Hunter’s life because Frank’s family was able to help young Dick. They did this by providing shelter and more importantly, friendship for him.
From this point forward, Richard Hunter was no longer on the streets, and was determined to never look back. He was able to get a job, earn more money, and eventually succeed in achieving his dreams.
While reading this book, I really was able to put myself in the story, and live Dick’s life with him. This typical story of “R .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 551 | Number of pages: 3.... came to realize that order is what matters. One of the men responsible for this was their drill sergeant, Corporal Himmelstoss, who was a short, mean man. He would force the men to do unnecessary work and torture them with pointless assignments. Paul, Tjaden, Kropp, and Westhus were especially picked on by Himmelstoss, but they were secretly defiant. The training that they received was especially harsh, but it is what has saved them in the trenches. We now see the background that has shaped the men’s ideals so far.
Paul goes to visit Kemmerich at his hospital. Kemmerich now knows that his leg has been amputated, but Paul tries t .....
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Jailer Jailed
Number of words: 413 | Number of pages: 2.... because he was a reporter, his public power failed him. "A Nincompoop" also shows real life as Chekhov sees it, but this particular one depicts how exploitable people are by one another. This story begins with a women's payday. But, to her surprise her employer starts to deduct for things she has broken and for other dumb reasons. When he gets all done all she is left with is eleven out of sixty rubles. But she takes them gladly anyway. Then her employer asks if she thinks this is fair, and she agrees. Then her employer says that she is stupid and gives her the rest of her money. This above plot shows how exploitable people ar .....
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Crucible Term Paper
Number of words: 1319 | Number of pages: 5.... against his own morals, and a sinner against his Puritanical society. He was so troubled by this sin of adultery, that he came to regard himself as a kind of a fraud, although he does not show it on the surface for even a second.
Elizabeth Proctor, John’s wife, is a strong woman who knows about her husband’s sin but, like John, does not let on to her secret. She spends most of the novel trying to cope with her husband’s sin and as she comes to terms with it, Elizabeth is able to once again forgive her husband and make an effort to protect him from slander. This is what ultimately gets her and her husband in tro .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 538 | Number of pages: 2.... Willy was driven to the latter. (Not his own greed for he was a simple man with simple dreams, but by the greed of others.) The developers who took away the sun and gave birth to shadows, his boss who reduced him to commission and his sons which reduced him to a failure.
The next largest flaw in society is a lack of compassion. This could be as a result of almost overwhelming greed, the main culprit being big business. "I'm always in a race with the junkyard! I just finished paying for the car and it's on it last legs. The refrigerator consumes belts like a god-dam maniac. They time those things."(Act 2, page 73, lines 16-1 .....
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Antigone Essay
Number of words: 623 | Number of pages: 3.... Not even the threat of death is enough to make Antigone afraid of Creon. At this point in the book she is stubborn and self-righteous. Antigone then goes out at night and buries Polyneices. That makes Creon very mad, so he unburies Poylneices and posts guard around the body. The next day a whirlwind kicks up around the guards and Antigone starts to bury Polyneices again. Unfortunately the whirlwind died before Antigone could finish burying him, so she is captured and brought to Creon.
Antigone boldly admits to burying her brohter despite the fact that she could be killed. Creon tries to convince her that what she did is .....
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How Is Tension Built Up In “The Monkeys Paw”
Number of words: 546 | Number of pages: 2.... blame me for what happens.”
The major coincidence centres around the two hundred pounds. “How could £200 hurt you?” says Mrs White ironically, she will find out! There are two real climaxes in the story – one is how they get the two hundred pounds (and the fact that Herbert’s death is a shocking mutilated death) and the second climax is the tension associated with the knocking on the door.
Herbert the son is himself the focus in what he says and in what happens to him of some tragic irony. (a) He refers to the mummy and uses the words: “Before I come back.” He never does come back. (b) His mother says of he .....
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The Devil's Shadow
Number of words: 786 | Number of pages: 3.... had
the power to perform "black magic" that caused some kind of trouble. Every time
something bad happened they would blame it on witches and witchcraft.
Main Characters: One of the main characters in this story was Tituba, an
African slave woman from Barbados. She was purchased in Barbados by a merchant
named Samuel Parris. She lived in Barbados until Samuel Parris brought her to
Salem to work as his servant. She was known to practice Obeah, an African cult
sorcery. People who performed or practiced Obeah were said to be able to
predict the future, make magical charms, and drive away evil spirits. Tituba
was accused of te .....
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Number of words: 535 | Number of pages: 2.... new town doctor, Doc Stair. So in his eyes he had to make one of them look bad in order to boost himself up. He called Julie on the phone and impersonated the doctor, urging Julie that she had to come to his office at once, knowing the doctor was out of town, because he had something he needed to tell her at once. Julie bought into it and went to the office just to find no one there and to heed the abuse of Jim and his cronies as they made fun of her all the way home.
Jim also made fun of a boy in the town, Paul Dickson, that had an accident and in turn was mentally harmed by it. Jim would send him on errands that could never .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Creative Story
Number of words: 280 | Number of pages: 2.... saying, "First, we all need to make tents to sleep in so
everyone would have there own privacy and shelter. Next, to make some
bonfires for warmth and in hopes of passing ships seeing it. I will send
out a bunch of people to find food, good sleeping grounds, and high hills
good for fires. Then set up posts so that people could watch out for
passing ships. We can ration the food and everyone's belongings because
there's no telling how long we all could be stranded. Everyone who has
glasses, take out your lenses to facilitate starting fires. Pig, fish, and
whatever else anybody can salvage off this deserted island will be di .....
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