Papers on Book Reports
Stephen Kings's The Stand
Number of words: 532 | Number of pages: 2.... always there lurking, waiting to attack.
Harold admits to him himself that he is in love with Fran and goes crazy when he realizes how serious Fran has become with Stuart Redman, one of the newcomers to their traveling group. Harold becomes insanely jealous and plots to separate them, even if it means murder.
Harold doesn’t admit it to any of them, but his dreams are different from theirs. In his dreams the “Dark Man” offers Harold power and respect, something Harold could never imagine in the past. Harold knows his destiny is to go to Las Vegas.
The group arrives in Boulder, and soon after are joined by over one thousand oth .....
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Number of words: 865 | Number of pages: 4.... have not been baptized or came before Christ's birth. They receive no pain from their punishment. Yet, they must live without ever seeing God. This random condemnation rubs me the wrong way because it condems people for events out of their control, their birth. It also condems them for not being baptised which seems to go against the “forgiving God” notion. In Canto V, and Virgil descend into the Second Circle of Hell, Lustful. At the gate to the circle stands Minos, son of Zeus and Europa, King of Crete, and known for his wisdom and judicial kings. His purpose is to appoint all that enter hell to what level of hell they must .....
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Black Like Me
Number of words: 959 | Number of pages: 4.... out the lynching case. At the bus station, Griffin
acquired “hate stares “ from many whites on the benches waiting for their buses.
Griffin boarded the bus, and during the trip he conversed with a man named
Christophe, and when the white passengers got off the bus during the rest stop,
the bus driver prevented the Negro passengers from departing. The Negroes were
about to urinate all over the bus, but they decided it would just be another
thing for the whites to hold against blacks. They arrived in Hattiesburg and
John took a cab to a hotel to rest. In the hotel, Griffin tried to write a
letter to his family, but there were .....
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Alice Walker’s Everyday Use: Family Characters
Number of words: 564 | Number of pages: 3.... without understanding the heritage itself. Unlike Mama who is rough and man-like, and Maggie who is shy and scared, Dee is confident, " determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts" (73) she is beautiful and dresses eloquently. Also she has a higher education having being sent " to school in Augusta " (73). She attempts to connect with her heritage by taking pictures of the house with the family in the picture. She also takes some of the handmade items of her mother’s such as the churn top which she will use " as a centerpiece for the alcove table " (76). She associates these things with heritage now, but thought nothi .....
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Great Expectations: Miss Havisham And Disengagement
Number of words: 1690 | Number of pages: 7.... is said to be one of Dickens’ best books. Not only because of his style, his thematic elements, or his plot structure, but also because of the detail he gives to each character. The book is about loyalty, love, broken hearts, and life. Pip, an orphan, lives with his sister and her husband, Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. One day on the marshes, Pip meets an escaped convict who forces him to steal food and a file from the Gargerys for him. The convict is almost immediately recaptured. Pip is subsequently hired by Miss Havisham, a wealthy, elderly recluse, as a playmate for her beautiful, adopted daughter, Estella, .....
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Macbeth 3
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3.... is around him.
Another example of her being two sided is the role she talks about
playing in Duncan’s death, and the role that she actually does play in it.
There are a few times in the play, mostly when she is attempting to persuade
Macbeth into committing the murder, that she says he should just leave the
murder to her. Throughout the play she gradually decreases her role in the
murder until it becomes Macbeth’s job to kill Duncan, not hers. This is
another very large trick on her part, but one that Macbeth also fails to see;
Whether it is because he chooses not to, or because he is too naive to realiz .....
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Ways How Huckleberry Finn Tries To Help Jim
Number of words: 313 | Number of pages: 2.... doing it.
The final solution , is that he decides to help jim out of slavery.
He's emotional values comes in at this point also. He feels very weird
having to do this but he decides to do it anyway. He doesn't care if he's
going to hell since he believes that he has done unpleasant things before
in his life. But the main reason is to help jim. .....
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A Raisin In The Sun: The Propagation Of Pride And Dignity
Number of words: 1029 | Number of pages: 4.... just listen to him and put forth their trust his dreams would come to fruition. Following this argument Walter goes off to his job as a chauffeur which is the job he so longs to be done away with because he would rather "be Mr. Arnold[his employer] than be his chauffeur.
This episode illustrates a major conflict throughout the story. As Walter dreams bigger and bigger he seems to leave the 'smaller' things such as his family behind. This movement away from the family is against the furtherance of the values and morals of the family. Where in the past his father would have been happy working for another man and caring for his f .....
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Jane Eyre: Analysis Of Bronte's Work
Number of words: 1199 | Number of pages: 5.... lied in her being neither holy good nor evil. She was poor and
plain in a time when society considered "an ugly woman a blot on the face
of creation." It challenged Victorian class structure in a strictly
hierachal society. A relationship between a lowly governess and a wealthy
nobleman was simply unheard of. Bronte drew criticism for her attack on the
aristocracy who she deemed as hypocritical "showy but ... not genuine." She
assaulted individual's already established morals by presenting a plausible
case for bigamy. Notions which should have evoked disgust and outrage from
its reader. Yet its most scandaless aspect was its .....
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Number of words: 481 | Number of pages: 2.... (A huge sea serpent). They reach an island where the Blackstone is supposed to have been left. However, danger and mystery await them on the island.
Meanwhile, at the massive Redwall Abbey, two searats have come to stay. The brothers and sisters think they will only bring trouble, but the Abbess is slow to turn any creatures away from their gates. The searats, Dingeye and Thura, turn out to be more trouble than they are worth. They accidentally murder one of the abbey's brothers, steal the great sword of Martin the Warrior, and high tail it out of the abbey leaving the deadly Dryditch fever behind to prey on the abbey dweller .....
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