Papers on Book Reports
A Comparison Of "Of Mice And Men" And "The Great Depression An Eyewitness History"
Number of words: 684 | Number of pages: 3.... the stock market crashed was
because farms were not producing enough goods. People started to work on
farms more to help everyone. Lennie and George worked for ranches and also
in the fields. "He's a good skinner. He can rassel grain bags, drive a
cultivator. He can do anything." (Of Mice and Men p.22).
If you really look closely, George and Lennie's way of life and the
Great Depression have a good deal in common. George and Lennie were
outcasts in life. George Milton was small in size and a very smart man
compared to Lennie. He was actually only of average intelligence. Lennie
Small was a large person and very retard .....
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Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eye
Number of words: 1689 | Number of pages: 7.... most of the blacks at that time, did not see any discrimination while she was growing up. That was the building block of her strong personality. There was some teasing in school about her living in a white folks home, but she did not pay much attention to that.
Now if I may go off the subject for a moment I would like to say how beautifully and descriptively the book is written. There is one passage in particular that I truly enjoyed reading :
It was a spring afternoon in West Florida. Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back-yard. She had been spending every minute that she could steal from .....
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A Comparison Of Huckleberry Finn And On The Road
Number of words: 1716 | Number of pages: 7.... times Huck's remarks are two sided- Huck is serious about what he is saying, and Twain is using Huck's character to show the underlying humor. Also, like Kerouac's Sal, Huck is a magnificent observer: Huck notices the details of what everyone around him is doing.
One of the first things that becomes apparent about Huck's character is that he values his personal freedom more than he values money. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom and Huck found $12,000 worth of buried treasure, which they split. After the money was invested, it began earning them $1 a day in interest, which, by Huck' account, "was more than a body could tel .....
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The Firm: A Student Review
Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3.... they had, Mitchell gained a different perspective about the firm. At this point, beginning to realize the firm was not all that it was cracked up to be in holding up the high moral standards they set for others and themselves, Mitchell was beginning to get a different sense of the firm. Mitchell was also told by the FBI agent, Terrance, that the firm kept a close eye on all parts of their employees' lives. Terrance convinced Mitchell to find hard evidence on the firm to verify the murders, not the so-called accidents, of their associates.
"Mitch nodded slightly, but said nothing. Lomax lite another cigarette and kicked the i .....
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The Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara
Number of words: 581 | Number of pages: 3.... includes Sylvia, Sugar, Mercedes, Fat Butt, Flyboy, Junebug, Q.T., and Rosie Giraffe. A mixed bag, but all share the same poor life. They are treated to a taxi ride instead of the usual subway downtown and the group is exposed to Fifth Avenue and the richness of the people in that part of the city. At the expensive toy store, their minds are stretched beyond belief at the price of toys. Miss Moore cleverly interjects a few questions to get them thinking. It works; even on stubborn Sylvia who thinks she got away with something by not returning the change from the taxi ride, never dreaming Miss Moore planned it that way. The stor .....
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Comparing Events In History To
Number of words: 1613 | Number of pages: 6.... like in the Salem Witch trials. I guess that was McCarthy’s crucible, to make Americans think that a large amount of Communists worked for the State Department. Luckily we had a good congress and they didn’t let McCarthy’s ideas spread around. This relates to “The Crucible” by how one man tried to gain power by making false accusations. This is like when Parris saw the girls dancing in the woods he assumed that they were practicing witchcraft and that each girl should be punished for there doing.
Another hysteria that was big and probably one of the key moments in history was the Holocaust. This showed one mans idea .....
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Hemingway And Camus
Number of words: 4650 | Number of pages: 17.... of letters in Meursault's name times the number of letters in `Albert' times the number of letters in `Arab' you get 216. Add to that the 6 of `Albert' and multiply by 3 (which is the number one gets when dividing the number of chapters in Part one (6) by the number of books (2) that make up The Outsider) and surprise of surprises: the meaning revealing number `666' once again emerges!
Clearly, when seen in this light, these two novels take on new meaning, and this pattern discovery provides a conclusive way to counter all earlier critics who have failed to see this talisman of interpretation, this key to understanding the comp .....
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Book Report, Reinventing Government
Number of words: 1244 | Number of pages: 5.... of the focus on internal processes and not, necessarily, effective outputs. The slower pace of society, technologies, and information availability allowed bureaucracies to be basically successful as it was still be able to handle the fundamental problems and services that the public wanted addressed.
Osborne and Gaebler point out a variety of reasons that government cannot be “run like a business.” They do, however, advocate that government can borrow and tailor many of the management approaches that have proven successful in business to make government more efficient and effective, and to be able to indeed “do more with l .....
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Gatsbys Dream
Number of words: 1327 | Number of pages: 5.... the middle-west-all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family tradition."(69) Lastly, he spends his money like pouring water. He held expensive parties, owns a huge mansion, a Rolls Royce, two motor boats, aquaplanes, a swimming pool (ironically that he has never used it except the day he has died), and a flashy wardrobe including a pink suit. Gatsby's materialism is not something to praise about. However, all of his amoral actions are caused by one purpose, which is to fulfill his dream. Gatsby has committed crime in order to gain .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1346 | Number of pages: 5.... such frail-looking boys, Paul nevertheless takes Kemmerich's boots to Muller, they are of no use to Kemmerich now. Soon, underfed replacements arrive. Katczinsky, a scavenger who could find a dinner roast in the Sahara, surprises everyone with beef and beans. He listens as Paul and his friends recall the night they trapped Himmelstoss with a bedsheet and soundly thrashed him, and joins in as they argue heatedly that the leaders simply ought to slug out their war with each other, while the soldiers watch them. Horror descends on the night as they string barbed wire at the front. In the dark, the men avoid incoming shells, but the s .....
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