Papers on Book Reports
To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout
Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3.... yell at children. But, they soon found out that she was in withdrawal for a very serious addiction which was why she was so angry all the time. "Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict. She took it as a painkiller for years"(Lee 111). After she dies Scout starts to grasp the fact that Mrs. Dubose had a very hard time being happy.
Alike many other children her age, Scout is very curious. She is very interested in the peculiar life of her neighbor, Boo Radley. She believes a rumor about him killing his father. He frightens her because she thinks he is a horrible man who does not care about anyone. When she was shivering in the col .....
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The Intentional Death Of Francis Macomber
Number of words: 1885 | Number of pages: 7.... 1402). What is also
important is that Margot and Francis have very different personalities.
This is clearly seen when the narrator states, (Hemingway 1402).
With this small amount of background information, the true motive for an
intentional killing can be found. This can clearly be seen in the
conversation of Francis Macomber after killing the buffalo when he states,
(Hemingway 1408. "(Hemingway 1409). Robert Wilson, the guide on the hunt,
gives the reader an outside perspective into this complex and troubled
relationship. In response to the quote above Hemingway 1409).
Robert Wilson seems to be right in his descripti .....
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Courage In Individuals In "On Being Seventeen", "The Most Dangerous Game" And "Giving Blood"
Number of words: 590 | Number of pages: 3.... high school I made honors and even won a
letter on the cross country team.Ó He put his fears aside to do what had to be
done. To learn the best he could in school for later life. The next story
deals with courage in another way. Physically.
Mr. Rainsford from The Most Dangerous Game is a sailor who is
shipwrecked on an island inhabited by only one person. A bestial hunter.
During Rainsford's stay he becomes the hunted. He has to put his life on the
line in order to escape. ÒHe stopped, held his breath. The baying of the
hounds stopped abbruply. Close. His heart stopped.Ó He ends up escaping the
dogs only t .....
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Alice In Wonderland
Number of words: 547 | Number of pages: 2.... the creatures in
Alice is very well mannered in Victorian ways to the creatures of
Wonderland. Alice shows her good manners when she enters the white rabbits
house and the rabbit tells Alice to go fetch his gloves and fan, "I'd
better take his fan and gloves- that is if I can find them", since Alice is
a guest, uninvited, she follows the owners orders. When Alice runs into
caterpillar she calls him "Sir", here is an excerpt from the book , " I
can't explain myself myself, I'm afraid, Sir", this shows that she respects
the creatures of Wonderland. When Alice enters the Duchesses house and the
Duchess throws the bab .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 1264 | Number of pages: 5.... boat and paddled to land. All of the sudden a titanic wave crashed onto the boat. It drowned everyone but Crusoe. He was lucky to be alive. When he got the strength to walk again he found himself a safe place to sleep for the night, which was between to limbs a big tree. When he awoke the next morning he went he decided to salvage some stuff from the boat. There were so many things on the ship he had to build a raft to carry them back to land. He found carpentry tools, artillery, clothes, nails, and food. When he was on his way back a current started to pull him away from the place were he had landed. It was a creek. It pulled .....
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Jane Eyre: Jane's Love For Rochester
Number of words: 626 | Number of pages: 3.... no to Rochester's question of
whether or not he was handsome, she goes on to tell him that appearances
mean little or nothing. Jane understands that to have a true and loving
relationship with someone, that both must have not looks, but a similarity
in thought, and a like for the other's personality. Relationship's such as
this are ones of quality that will last for a long time. Although Jane is
not a beautiful women, she is able to find happiness and that is what's
most important.
Jane has no regard for the beautiful Miss Ingram, for she has no
intellectual capacity. She is not jealous of her closeness to Rochester for
she .....
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Hesse's Siddhartha As It Parallels Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
Number of words: 1822 | Number of pages: 7.... for his faith). After he tires of this life, he moves on to
learn the art of love from a woman named Kamala and the art of business
from a man named Kamaswami. He lives his new life for many years but then
begins to feel that his mind has become stagnant and that he needs
something new in his life. He abandons the surroundings he now finds
decadent and becomes friends and lives with a ferry-man who he met years
before. He spends the rest of his life with his friend learning about the
nature of things from the river and seeking contentment.
Abraham Maslow was a leading American psychologist of the twen .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Character Analysis Of Jem
Number of words: 445 | Number of pages: 2.... him as well as
making him see and believe in evils in the world, such as racism. His
beliefs in why Boo Radley stayed in the house all the time changed too.
When he was young he thought Boo was just crazy and that's why he stayed in
the house. But he comes to believe that Boo stays in the house because he
doesn't want to come out, because he doesn't like the world outside.
His interests change too. When he was young his main focus was Boo
Radley. He worked all summer, every summer, to try to get Boo to come out.
But as he gets older he becomes less and less interested in Boo and more
interested in law and in football. His interest .....
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The Colors Of Daisy Buchanan
Number of words: 805 | Number of pages: 3.... of Daisy’s personality is never really revealed in the book and the use of white helps to shroud her in more mystery, as its purity does not disclose any further information about her. However, white is inaccurate when trying to portray Daisy as pure, as she did cheat on Tom. “His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God.”(117). In this case her “white face” is almost like a mask of innocence trying to hide her true feeling and .....
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A River Runs Through It By Nor
Number of words: 1435 | Number of pages: 6.... (Mclean 6).” “It was almost funny and sometimes not so funny to see a boy always wanting to bet on himself and almost sure to win (Mclean 5).” Unlike Norman who was rigorously home schooled every morning, while Paul seemed to escape this torment. The boys would spend their afternoons frolicking in the woods and fishing the Big Blackfoot River. The differences that developed between Paul’s and Norman’s fishing styles become evident in the published versions of Mclean’s life as well as his real life. Norman followed the traditional style taught by their preacher-father, ten and two in a four -count rhythm, like .....
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