Papers on Book Reports
Review Of The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 439 | Number of pages: 2.... of this novel . At first I thought it was about wealthy people not being happy, but all the wealthy people were happy in sick ways. What I also found to be confusing was all the married couples and all of the mistresses. Everyone who was married seemed to be cheating with a dozen mistresses. This book was hard for me to understand.
My other reason for not liking this book was because of its realistic theme. In the beginning Jay Gatsby was seeing Daisy until he was sent to war. When he left for war, Daisy left for Tom Buchanan and his money. The rest of the novel is about Jay trying to go back in time. The theme of the story .....
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Analysis Of Grendel And Beowul
Number of words: 1252 | Number of pages: 5.... ‘Oh what a conversion’”(Gardner 51)! Grendel then cries for mercy from the Danes. He wants their forgiveness as well as unification with them, which represents the good in him. The Danes reject him by confusing his outburst of sorrow as an attack. After visiting with a dragon who tells Grendel a fictional version of the Shaper’s tale, Grendel continues to believe the Shaper’s story. He searches for the goodness in human beings, which was mentioned in the story. He eats people only because it provides a place for him in society, even if it is a negative position (The Two Faces of Grendel, 2). .....
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A Comparison Of Macbeth And Cr
Number of words: 1602 | Number of pages: 6.... the need to decide how he is to live within this “absurd and irrational world” (Moore & Bruder 504). “Macbeth” employs many existentialist concepts. Macbeth’s murdering of Duncan to obtain his kingship displays a basic existentialist philosophy in that he eliminated his obstacles in order to fulfill his ambition (Gellrich 17). The witches who constantly taunt Macbeth drive him to his ultimate goal (Craig 255). Dostoevsky also employs an existentialist philosophy in his novel. The “set of unconscious drives” (Cox 42) that propel Raskolnikov to commit his crime reveal that “human nature is not entirely defin .....
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Things Fall Apart: Roles, Responsibilities, And Treatment Of Women
Number of words: 1396 | Number of pages: 6.... They Ibo believe that men are strong and determined while women are weak in all aspects of life mind and body. They brand crimes and deaths as either masculine or feminine. Murder and beating are considered masculine and accidental crimes, stealing, or other misdemeanor crimes are named feminine. Ikemefuna was brought into the forest to be killed by Okonkwo and another man. Okonkwo had been acting as Ikemefuna's father, since he was separated from his tribe, and turned away when the other man swung the machete at Ikemefuna. The boy, still alive came running at Okonkwo screaming, "My father, they have killed me!" Okonkwo did not .....
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Wuthering Heights
Number of words: 1467 | Number of pages: 6.... what is happening at in conjunction with Thrushcroff Grange. Soon afterwards, Nelly Dean makes her appearance, while she herself is somewhat unpreceptible. Overall, content and structure is rather fractured, although a so-called Satanic hero begins to emerge as a creature of darkness as well as rebellion and passion. Conversely, pressures on Heathcliff are internal. Results of his life emanate from his orphan years in Liverpool and his horrific treatment at . The author underscores the violence and darkness of man...even to such a primal and universal degree that it is impossible to overcome. In the beginning, Mr. Lockwood vi .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice
Number of words: 948 | Number of pages: 4.... and get over their fear of him. They did not succeed. But he showed
affection for them by leaving them gifts in a tree. Finally at the end of the
book he proves he is a good person by saving Scout and Jem's lives. In this
instance Scout may have found that to negatively prejudge someone is wrong. She
also learned compassion.
Scout also learnt about the ugliness of life. About death and pain.
This lesson occurred while her brother had to read to a sick and dieing old lady.
This lady's name was Mrs. Dubose. She had been a morphine addict and had decided
to go clean till her death. To die as a free women, to die knowing s .....
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Tradition: Lost And Kept
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3.... the fifth
one brought him a daughter. Another tradition that was shown in the story was
the explanation of how Oganda (the chief's only daughter) received her name. Her
name meant "beans" because her skin was smooth, very much like the skins of
beans. A last example of tradition is the sacrificing of Oganda. She is
scheduled to be sacrificed to a lake monster in order for the tribal villages to
receive precipitation and water. In modern days, we would check the local
satellite forecast for the area and determine when to conserve water during a
drought. However, in this story, tradition must be followed to allow the people
to live a .....
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Romance And Gender Positions I
Number of words: 3012 | Number of pages: 11.... particularly a modern one, to perhaps read her as suspecting or even knowing that Cesario is female, yet choosing to love him/her anyway.
Olivia's description of Cesario's beauty, both here and upon their first encounter, praises typically feminine qualities, but curiously doesn't question Cesario's gender. The comparison of love to guilt tempts the readers mind to wonder if Olivia is guilty about her love for such female attributes. Olivia's oath on maidenhood also tempts the reader toward a lesbian reading by hinting that Cesario would also understand maidenhood (141). When Olivia declares that not even "wit nor reason"(143) .....
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Black Boy By Richard Wright
Number of words: 1524 | Number of pages: 6.... to Granny. His mother is living at Granny's her health is improving.
Chapter 4
Richard is twelve years old. The poetry of religious hymns inspires Richard to write his own poetry. Richard isn't religious his granny tries to convert him. One day at church he tells his grandmother that if he ever saw an angel he would believe. His grandmother misunderstands him and thinks that he has seen an angel. His grandmother tells everyone that he has seen an angel. Afterwards Richard apologizes and promises to pray for salvation. When he prays he find nothing to say to God. This is when he writes his first story. Richard is given up by the .....
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Madame Bovary: Destiny
Number of words: 1048 | Number of pages: 4.... regards her as well very educated, sophisticated, sensitive and loving,
with the last characteristic being the one she lacks most. Soon after Emma
marries Charles we see her unhappiness, and we are faced with a dilemma,
why did she marry him? There are numerous possible answers to this, but
the end conclusion is the same: if she had not married him it would have
been better for both of them. Emma would not have been so miserable and
depressed throughout her life and Charles would have found someone who
would return his love and who would appreciate him. Throughout the novel
Emma never expresses her appreciation for her husban .....
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