Papers on Book Reports
A Thousand Acres: The Monopoly Game
Number of words: 1151 | Number of pages: 5.... book in that it illustrates the another aspect of their lives that Smiley left out.
The infamous monopoly tournament between Ginny, Ty, Rose, Pete, and Jess went beyond a mere harmless board game played to pass the time and fill pages of the book. Beneath the seemingly innocent game lays the symbolism and significance Smiley used to describe the characters in a different light and to tie the tournament to the rest of the novel. Within these few scenes the reader acquires a wider vision of life off of the Cook farm and out of Zebulon County.
Unquestionably overlooked by some, each piece of the monopoly game chosen is symbolic .....
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The Maturity Of Scout And Jem In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3.... that he will be found innocent. Instead, Tom Robinson is found guilty. Her disappointment in the verdict makes Scout question the idea of justice.
"Who in this town did one thing to help Tom Robinson, just who?" (215)
Scout and Jem had believe that their father was not like any other fathers in school. They see him as an old man who can’t do anything. However, when a mad dog appears on the street, Atticus, their farther, kills that dog with one shot. They are surprised to learn that he is the best shot in the town. They’re attitude towards their father has changed. This is a sign of maturity.
"The rifle cracked. Tim John .....
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A Critique Of "Gone To Soldiers" By Marge Piercy
Number of words: 497 | Number of pages: 2.... both still loved each other, because she
was strong enough to resist him and his womanizing ways. Piercy gave me a much
better understanding of the cultural and social issues of the World War two era.
I learned about the little struggles of working American women, such as the
unavailability of stockings and society's negative attitude towards women
wearing pants. These issues were ones that I had never thought about before.
It amazes me that only fifty years ago a woman could not wear pants to work.
Ruthie's friend was sent home to change for wearing loose fitting red pants
because they were considered racy. It is equally su .....
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Kafka's The Trial: The Reality Of Guilt
Number of words: 2762 | Number of pages: 11.... Most of the paragraphs are
confusing and lengthy; some even more than one or two pages long. In
chapter two when Joseph is speaking at the Court of Inquiry, he is abruptly
interrupted by the shrieks of a woman. Kafka explains the scene in almost
two pages, paying extreme attention to detail. Most of his descriptions
seem unnecessary, redundant, and quite confusing. At one point he is
describing the scene of one part of the room, then Kafka describes a
revelation, which occurs to Joseph about the men to whom he is speaking.
Ordinarily, an author would designate a separate paragraph to Joseph's
revelation about the men and hi .....
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Tess Of The D'Urbervilles: Analysis Of Angel And Alec's Attitudes Toward Tess
Number of words: 1260 | Number of pages: 5.... loved Tess for her innocece: "What a fresh and virginal daughter of
Nature that milkmaid is (176)." After he came from Brazil, Angel realized
that "The beauty or ugliness of a character lay not only in its
achievements, but in its aims and impulses; its true history lay, not among
things done, but among things willed (421)." Angel loved Tess for her
intentions in the forest not her actions. The beautiness of Tess does not
diminish because of the rape because she did not "aim" for that to happen.
Angel's attitutude toward Tess in not of sexual nature and does not want to
take advantage of her. While Angel took Retty, Izz, M .....
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Grapes Of Wrath: Summary
Number of words: 460 | Number of pages: 2.... Wilsons
with the car. Tom suggested that him and Casey stay and fix the car while the
rest of the family go's on to Bakersfield and that they would meet them there.
Ma then let out her fury, she held up a tire iron and demanded that they all
stick together and that they will go to Bakersfield together.
Ma is also very smart. Her common sense is a higher then the rest of
the family's. When Tom gets hit under the eye by a officer Ma devises a plan to
get Tom out of that government camp. She says, "We'll put one mattress on the
bottom, an' then Tom gets quick there, an we take another mattress an' sort of
fold it so it make a c .....
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An Analysis Of Maya Angelou's "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"
Number of words: 812 | Number of pages: 3.... her strongest
defense and force, her love of literature, to open this barrier and allow
Maya to end the silence. By doing this, it enhanced Maya's courage and
willingness to conquer other barriers and fortresses. Maya's love of
literature expanded and opened her horizons. One of Maya's favorite pieces
of literature is The Tale of Two Cities. She enjoyed it because it was a
tale of her life, although in different cities, now being St. Louis and
Stamps, it seemed as if she was reading her own autobiography, which is, in
fact, rather portentous and foreshadowing. With the first line of the book
being, "it was the best of times .....
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Summary Of The Old Man And The Sea
Number of words: 1431 | Number of pages: 6.... Santiago let him carry things when the boy was just
five years old. That is how young the boy was when he first started his
"classes on fishing" as I would call them.
The boy loved Santiago with all of his heart. To prove this one
day the boy bought some minnows for the old man. That same day he also
bought him a "can" of coffee. That day he wanted to go fishing with the
old man, but the old man refused to let the boy come with him. He said,
"You are with a lucky boat, stay with it." The boy was heart broken but
soon got over it and went fishing with his boat. The boat the boy was on
had a captain who was nearly blind. .....
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Gulliver's Travels
Number of words: 769 | Number of pages: 3.... simply too large to perceive
them in detail, Gulliver judges the country's inhabitants he meets to be as
perfect and innocent as their toylike appearances. He refers to the Lilliputian
emperor, a being not even six inches high, as “His Imperial Majesty” and blindly
agrees to perform any demanded service, even though he could easily overpower
the tiny nation. It is only after his services have been exploited and himself
banished that Gulliver realizes how cruel and deceitful the Lilliputians truly
are and his personality begins to transform.
In book two, "A Voyage to Brobdingnag", Gulliver faces quite an opposite
situat .....
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Moby Dick
Number of words: 507 | Number of pages: 2.... to indicate these feelings of death and suicide. The month of November is known for being lifeless, a period in which some just wait for death to set in.
In this quote Melville is strongly emphasizing Ishmael’s thoughts about death and suicide. "I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet," although Ishmael doesn’t mean to, he finds himself running into things related to death, "coffin warehouses" and funerals. The phrase "requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street," also shown Ishmael’s thoughts o .....
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