Papers on English
The Wild Duck
Number of words: 1454 | Number of pages: 6.... and in return receives a
small income. The inside room, representing wealth, is Old Werle's
dining room where he was hosting a party. The distinctions of these
two lit rooms contrast Old Ekdal and Old Werle.
"In contrast to Werle's party, the lighting is of comparative
poverty 'on the table a lighted lamp'"(190), explains critic, F.L.
Lucas. Unlike Old Werle's expensive and exquisite illumination, a
small inexpensive lamp lights the Ekdals home, displaying poverty.
This dissimilarity shows another significant distinction between Old
Werle and Old Ekdal.
The distinctions of the light b .....
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Scarlet Letter Thesis
Number of words: 669 | Number of pages: 3.... her very existence, and to stay in a place where her daughter is referred to as a "devil child," either has some sort of psychological problem, or is a very tough woman.
The second meaning that the letter "A" took was "able." The townspeople who once condemned her now believed her scarlet "A" to stand for her ability to create beautiful needlework and for her unselfish assistance to the poor and sick. "The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her- so much power to do and power to sympathize- that many people refused to interpret the scarlet 'A' by its original signification." At this point, many the .....
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The Abstract Wild
Number of words: 3478 | Number of pages: 13.... all contribute to the removal of our wild
experience with nature. It is the difference between visiting the Grand Canyon after you have
seen it on TV and read about it in magazines, or never having heard of the place and stumbling
across it on your own during a hike. Unfortunately, almost every wild experience between
nature and the public has been ruined by the media. Through Turner’s story he begins to explain
the idea of the wild and its importance and necessity of human interaction with the wild.
The second chapter contains two major ideas. The first is Turner’s defense and
explanation of the appropriatenes .....
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Comparing Edgar Allan Poe And Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 337 | Number of pages: 2.... soul.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, however, had a somewhat different outlook. He was an optimistic Transcendentalist. Emerson saw the good in religion, nature, and philosophy. He, like most other Transcendentalists, felt that God was not to be feared but instead to be looked to for guidence. Ralph Waldo Emerson also thought humans should be at peace and in tune with nature. He also had optimistic outlooks about philosophy. He believed in intuition, individuality, and self-reliance. He also believed that humans were naturally good.
Edgar Allan Poe and Ralph Waldo Emerson are very different, much like the Transcendentalists adn the .....
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Beowulf: What Makes A Hero?
Number of words: 421 | Number of pages: 2.... had tried using swords and other weapons but were not able to succeed. All Beowulf needed was his “fiendish strength” (544) to slay the demon. He escaped this fight and the one with Grendel’s mother with “no harm to his body”(998). Realistically, no hero is able to fight without getting wounded. Beowulf eventually gets eternally wounded while fighting the dragon. Nevertheless, during the fight, he was still able to swing a sword “with all his might”(1605). Using his inner-strength, he slayed the beast and returned home a hero. Beowulf possessed a great deal of strength, which would make him an ideal Anglo Saxon hero. .....
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The Sound Of A Memory
Number of words: 1427 | Number of pages: 6.... the author sees in his own mind, and a calm feeling is felt throughout the opening lines.
Rudman then throws in some quicker wording to describe the landscape, which is broken up into short, incomplete ideas with commas. He introduces a multitude of ideas when he describes, "Hills leeched of color,// the desert a kind of form,// with rimrock and succulents and gulches// providing borders- boundaries.// Dust and Desire" (651). The above lines are very interesting when you look at the tempo at which they are read. "Hills leeched of color," is on a line by itself and it's followed by a pause. After the pause, a comma, a new i .....
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The Crucible 7
Number of words: 2538 | Number of pages: 10.... in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible, Abigail starts the accusations by saying, "I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!" Another girl, Betty, continues the cry with, "I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil!" From here on, the accusations grow .....
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The Importance Of Friar Lawren
Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3.... 3 when he tells Romeo that he will send a friend of his to inform him the news. Instead of telling him that a fellow friar of his was bringing the message. "I'll find your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to your chances here".
The magnitude of his role is showed again when he is involved in another major part of the play; the marriage. He risks his reputation as a Friar so he can unite to star crossed lovers in marriage. The character of Friar Lawrence is extremely important because if he would not have married Romeo and Juliet the play would maybe not ended in tragedy. This gamble is shown in Act 2 Sc .....
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Personal Identity
Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3.... for the
qualities associated with being an individual (height, weight, character, belief,
etc.). Perry also comes back to challenge this using the analogy of a river.
If one goes to a river, and then the next day goes back to the same river, the
person will not say that it is a different river, although almost all of the
properties of the river have changed (water molecules, pollution level,
temperature, etc.). This is the same with a person, for we say that a person at
adolescence is still the same person at adulthood, even though the the persons
beliefs, knowledge, and character may have changed over the years. Perry
a .....
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Spoon River
Number of words: 366 | Number of pages: 2.... something they regret so badly, they begin to fall apart emotionally and financially. "While we seekers of earth's treasure, getters and hoarders of gold are self-contained, compact and harmonized." That quote is a metaphor for people who are always trying to find news ways to make more money and those who don't like to spend their money. They are cool, calm, and always prepared for a rainy day. This poem has no rhyming or rhythmic words. It tells how Thomas Rhodes feels about money. The poem is the exact way Thomas would talk if he was alive today. What drew me to this poem was the fact that Rhodes knows that other people affe .....
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