Papers on English
Comparison And Contrast Of Lit
Number of words: 604 | Number of pages: 3.... Eve,” (820) and another example “you must run as if the Devil is after you.”(820) Yet another phrase that relates to the Devil states, “They say there’s an ointment the Devil gives you that turns you into a wolf the minute that you rub it on.”(820) Note that the passages all came from the same page, a clever tactic used by Carter to keep a strong theme in certain parts of the story. This concept of referring to religion is somewhat ironic because most modern day writings that I have read really do not imply religion events. Granted Christmas is wintertime and the author could be referring to .....
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Romeo And Juliet 12
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2.... and a friend of Romeo) fights him instead. Tybalt kills Mercutio, and then Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge.
Juliet goes through a fit of weeping when she finds out Tybalt is dead, but she is still glad Romeo is alive. Her nurse then announces that Romeo has been banished and Juliet beging weeping again.
The Capulets arrange for Paris (A suitor of Juliet, liked by Lord Capulet) to marry Juliet on the coming Thursday, but Friar Laurence (Romeo’s older friend) has a plan to get Juliet out of her dilemma, and back with Romeo.
Friar gives Juliet a potion to drink, which will put her to sleep for long enough to make everyone thin .....
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The Man Who Mistook His Wife F
Number of words: 1236 | Number of pages: 5.... about the sixty year old Madeline J. who was suffers from being “congenitally blind” and has “cerebral palsy”(Sack 59). She was a very bright and intelligent woman that gained all her knowledge and learning from listening to books and from talking to people. She had never learned Braille because her hands were “Useless godforsaken lumps of dough…” Through simple tests, Sacks discovered that her hand recognized light touches, pain, and temperature. All basic sensations and perceptions were in tact. However, when objects were placed in her hands, she could not identify them. She did n .....
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Analysis 2
Number of words: 612 | Number of pages: 3.... self-esteem because of the way his father treated him; his father made him feel as though he was not wanted by the way he treated him. His suffering and depression would make him think of disturbing thoughts like his own death. In "Metamorphosis," Gregor had a slow and painful death. First, he began to lose his vision. Second, the apple that his father had thrown at him began to rot. He was also cut by a piece of glass from a bottle of alcohol, which made him bleed heavily. On his way home from getting cut, he gets stuck in the door. All of these occurrences and descriptions suggest what Kafka thought of. They suggest a slo .....
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A Bird Came Down The Walk.
Number of words: 474 | Number of pages: 2.... a convenient Grass–
And then hopped sidewise to the Wall
To let a Beetle pass–
When the bird finally flies away the poem's flow mimics that of a flying bird, very calm and free "And he unrolled his feathers / And rowed him softer home–". She describes a birds flight like rowing in an ocean, but without all the splashing of the oars.
In the first two stanza of the poem she rhymes the second and fourth lines of the quatrain.
A Bird came down the Walk–
He did not know I saw–
He bit an Angleworm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw,
She us .....
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Number of words: 508 | Number of pages: 2.... of our friendship- that in his hand's grasps had the strength of other thirty men. (p. 63). Not only did he have this rare gift, but used it all the time to protect his people. During the fight between and Grendal, he decided to make the fight fair by not using a sword since Grendal was a terrible sword player, therefore wrestled to monster to death. (p64-64) The final example ________________________________________________
Although was strong he served his king in the most loyal way a wa .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Night
Number of words: 1014 | Number of pages: 4.... In the last lines of the story the author clearly acknowledges Beowulf’s overall triumph, “Telling stories of their dead king and his greatness, his glory, praising him for heroic deeds, for a life as noble as his name.”
Sir Gawain on the other hand is deemed a hero but seems to lack something that Beowulf simply does not. This is because he is a passive hero. Sir Gawain appears to be incapable and thoughtless at first, but he slowly proves himself by his subtle actions. Sir Gawain represents loyalty along with an unclear purpose. He must put his life before the king’s and fulfill duties that are not .....
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Antigone, War Of Beliefs
Number of words: 910 | Number of pages: 4.... the Gods was very important to her. She felt that "…I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me." (Page 341). Creon's order was personal to Antigone. His edict invaded her family life as well as the Gods. In Antigone's eyes, Creon betrayed the laws of the Gods by not allowing her to properly bury her brother, Polynices. She believed that the burial was a religious ceremony, and Creon did not have the power to deny Polynices that right. Antigone's strong belief towards the burial of her brother is what, in many cases, led her to .....
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Satire Or Tragedy - Macbeth
Number of words: 2067 | Number of pages: 8.... character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is
the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation
of men, but of action and life. It is by men's actions that they
acquire happiness or sadness. Aristotle stated, in response to Plato,
that tragedy produces a healthful effect on the human character
through a katharsis, a "proper purgation" of "pity and terror." A
successful tragedy, then, exploits and appeals at the start to two
basic emotions: fear and pity. Tragedy deals with the element of evil,
with what we least want and most fear to face, and with what is
destructive .....
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Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber
Number of words: 531 | Number of pages: 2.... see him until you're on him." (Page 14). As the two men go to clear the lion out, he (the lion) charges and Macomber can not kill the lion without Wilson's help. This is when Mrs. Macomber begins to think of her husband as a coward. In an attempt to gain some of his wife's lost respect for him, Macomber decides that the next day they will hunt for buffalo. That night, Mrs. Macomber and Mr. Wilson sleep together. Unfortunately for Mrs. Macomber, her husband finds out. They go about the day as planned until they reach some buffalo. Again, Macomber's poor aim and judgment lead to trouble. One buffalo gets shot and seeks refuge .....
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