Papers on English
Bartelby The Scrivener
Number of words: 950 | Number of pages: 4.... here between the scientists of his day trying to control nature and by the failure of scientists to do this in the past. Aylmer’s attempt to control nature leads to the death of his wife which is unnecessary, she is quite content with the minor facial blemish until he makes a big deal about it. Maybe this too is a parallel between the mass majority being content with the state of the world and a certain few who would like to make it better, and, in turn, destroy it. I can understand Hawthorne’s idea. I live in constant fear of nuclear war and the technology that has made it available. But, I am grateful for the medical .....
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Spenser's "The Faerie Queene"
Number of words: 2129 | Number of pages: 8.... virtue of Temperance through the knight Sir Guyon. The Fairy
Queen ordered him to locate and destroy Acrasia's seductive Bower of Bliss.
With his companion and guide, the Palmer, Sir Guyon completes his mission
successfully, and after his encounters along the way, he becomes the virtue
of Temperance.
II. Body Section
In order for the reader to recognize the maturation of Sir Guyon,
Spenser leads him on a path of temptation. Thus, after conquering all of
his encounters, Sir Guyon will be a symbol of Temperance. The first test
Sir Guyon faces involves characters from the First Book of The Faerie
Queene. Sir Guyon and the wise P .....
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Blackmur R.P., Form And Value
Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4.... the experience which stirred them: the labor of keeping in mind what our knowledge is of: the labor of craft. With the poetry of Yates this labor is, as I say, doubly hard, because the forms of knowledge, being magical, do not fit naturally with the forms of knowledge that ordinarily preoccupy us.”
What Blackmur is arguing, is that magic and the interpretation of this, is dependent on the reader’s knowledge of magic. He continues the argument, by implying that Yates believed that imagination was as valid a way of understanding the world as was logic. Blackmur also argues that because Yates has a view of life, that many r .....
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The Dying Dreams
Number of words: 1295 | Number of pages: 5.... the ultimate sin of murder. In All My Sons Joe Keller immensely influences the lives of many outside his family while caring only about his own. By contrast, in Death of a Salesman Willy Lowman commits adultery, a rather minor sin when compared with murder. His influence is limited only to the lives of his wife and sons, while he desires to impact the lives of those outside his family. Arthur Miller emphasizes the destruction of lives more apparently in All My Sons then in Death if a Salesman. However, both plays are linked to events dealing with acquisition of money. The theme of material wealth can often be noticed as th .....
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A Bird In The House
Number of words: 1396 | Number of pages: 6.... the trapped conditions that aunt Edna was living in and her mother was going to have to live in again. Vanessa always tried to free herself of the things that went on around her by writing exaggerated adventure stories. When Vanessa wrote, it was her chance to get away from the things that made her feel trapped. Vanessa is freed of Grandfather Conner's tyranny when he dies, at least one thinks so. However it is evident in the story "Jericho's Brick Battlements," that Vanessa will never be free of Grandfather Conner. The painful memories that she has of him will remind her everyday that she is not free of his oppression. Van .....
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Hamlet The Central Dilemma
Number of words: 1841 | Number of pages: 7.... tragedy dilemma. This central issue is the seed that has spawned the generation of the other themes of the play. Hamlet’s father has been murdered in cold blood by the scheming and adulterous Claudius by pouring poison into King Hamlet’s ear while he slept, in order to succeed him to the throne. A ghost in the form of Hamlet’s father appears to Hamlet, revealing to him that the King of Denmark is corrupt and a murderer, and that he must revenge his death. However the ghost was very specific in saying that he must revenge his death without implicating his mother, or corrupting himself.
“Taint not thy m .....
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Stranger In The Kingdom
Number of words: 804 | Number of pages: 3.... and grief.
Howard Frank Mosher paints the same portrait for us, only in a more commonly know setting. A black man and his son are cognizant of their color when they are forced to live in a town of solely white people. As the murder trial unfolds, we find out that the man’s son also has been having a relationship such as the one Ishmael and Hatsue had. He had been having "relations" with a white mail-order bride that had just arrived in town. They kept this secret because of the obvious problems it would have caused with the bigoted townspeople. In both stories, a love between two different people has evolved. .....
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Macbeth 6
Number of words: 577 | Number of pages: 3.... safely thus our fears in Banquo stick
and in his royalty of nature reigns that which
would be fear'd tis much he dares"(Act 3, I, 47-52)
Macbeth decides to take Banquo's life because, he has a slight idea of the true nature and identity of Macbeth. Banquo knows that Macbeth was behind the murder of Duncan. What Banquo does not know is that Macbeth knew of Banquo's observations and inquiries, so before Banquo has a chance to blow Macbeth's cover, he is killed. Murder of a fellow soldier is a sign of disrespect and an evil act.
The strength of evil is evident in Lady Macbeth's dirty influences on Macbeth's decision to .....
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A Farwell To Arms- Book Report
Number of words: 1175 | Number of pages: 5.... already regarded as a good literary writer, but after the publication of this book he was considered a great one. A Farewell to Arms was Hemingway's first commercial success, selling over 80,000 copies in the first four months.
In this story there are only two main characters, Frederick Henry and Catherine
Barkley. Frederick Henry acts as both the narrator and central character in the novel. The reader is not told so much about Catherine, only what is understood from Frederick's point of view. Catherine acts as a static character in the novel. She has already known love and lost it so she understands that she cannot build her .....
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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Number of words: 580 | Number of pages: 3.... lines join together as the old man and his son accept that death is a part of life.
Next, the references to "good men," "wild men," and "grave men" display the three basic stages of life: birth, life, and death. In stanza three, the stanza pertaining to "good men," the portion "the last wave by" depicts the old man’s generation as fewer and fewer still live. The color symbolism of the "green bay" lets us know that the speaker refers to the young and new generation of yesterday. Stanza four’s reference to "wild men" concerns the living part of life. .....
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