Papers on English
Oedipus Rex 3
Number of words: 715 | Number of pages: 3.... baby and takes him in as one of his own.
Oedipus left Corinth to avoid his foretold fate, he went to Thebes. On his journey he ran into a caravan at the crossroads before entering Thebes. This caravan was of the present King of Thebes, Laius, but Oedipus did not know that. The people on the caravan started insulting Oedipus. Oedipus lost his temper and in a rage he killed them all, except for one servant who escaped "... I found myself upon the self-same spot where, you say, the king perished ... When in my travels I wa come near this place where three roads meet, there met me a herald, and a man that rode in a colt-carriage ... A .....
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“Shiloh”: Norma Jean Moffitt
Number of words: 603 | Number of pages: 3.... that had chewed a baby’s leg off. Norma Jean believed her mother was punishing her, because Mabel had caught her smoking the day before. Norma Jean looked “small and helpless” to the writer, but Leroy took up for her mother and told Norma Jean that “she really did not mean it” more than once (page 52). Leroy sided with Norma Jean’s mother. That made Leroy the enemy too, because if Norma Jean’s mother was the antagonist then Leroy was right there with her.
Norma Jean is a dynamic character because; she is continuously working to better herself in this short story. In the first sentence, she is working on her pect .....
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Huckelberry Finn- Censorship
Number of words: 977 | Number of pages: 4.... the conversations that he assigns them. Their dialogue is composed of nothing but broken English. One example in the novel is this excerpt from the conversation between Jim ,the fugitive slave, and Huckleberry about why Jim ran away, where Jim declares, "Well you see, it ‘uz dis way. Ole missus-dat's Miss Watson-she pecks on me all de time, en treats me pooty rough, but she awluz said she woudn' sell me down to Orleans." Although this is the spelling of how some Collier pg.3 Collier pg.3 African Americans from the south used to talk, Clemens applied this kind of speaking only to Blacks and not to Whites throughout the novel. .....
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First Impressions May Be Deceiving
Number of words: 724 | Number of pages: 3.... add strength but also give the library this impressive look of a bank.
These light white-grayish, square pillars are 2 by 2 ft. and almost half
the way up them there are two engraved lines that run all the way around
them about 6 in. from the other. Concrete, a sign of strength, is also
used in the patio around the tower entrance. This grayish colored concrete
was poured in slabs of 3 by 3 ft. sections. Concrete was also used as
dividers between floors. Between each floor, the redish-brown, 4 by 8 in.
bricks are split up by a light grayish horizontal concrete layer. The
items used in the construction of this building sho .....
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A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 875 | Number of pages: 4.... well in A
Farewell to Arms and therefore it "is his richest and most
successful handling of human beings trying to come to terms
with their vulnerability."
As far as Stubbs is concerned, Hemingway is quite blatant in
letting us know that role-playing is what is occurring. He
tells that the role-playing begins during Henry and
Catherine's third encounter, when Catherine directly
dictates what is spoken by Henry. After this meeting the two
become increasingly comfortable with their roles and easily
adopt them whenever the other is nearby. This is apparent
also in that they can only successf .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 1201 | Number of pages: 5.... a happy man with a batch of cement … so wonderful with his hands … he had the wrong dreams, all wrong.". It has been often said that the play emphasize the path not taken may have been the right one, still Willy holds the inability to see who and what he is. Miller has created Willy’s wife Linda in such a way, that it is difficult to confirm whether she is a positive or destructive force upon him. It is hard to understand why she allows this deception to rise to the level that it does. The love Linda holds for Willy is relentless. She sees herself as his protector, allowing him to laps into his illusions where he feel .....
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The Birdcage
Number of words: 1241 | Number of pages: 5.... are forced to accept that their daughter will be marrying into an "alternative" family.
Every sexual orientation and lifestyle is explored in this film, through each individual character. Albert plays the emotional, insecure, flighty homosexual male. Armand plays the part of a more reserved, logical, manly homosexual. The Senator is a conservative, political white man who claims to be interested in family values and morality. Both he and his wife are upper class snobs, who do not want to associate with "commoners." Armands first wife plays the part of a desperately horny, divorced woman. Val and Barbara are the only .....
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The Moon Is Down
Number of words: 1108 | Number of pages: 5.... to captures and captors. The story takes place in a small town and is invaded by the Nazis. The main character of the story is mayor Orden. He has to make important decisions that will affect everyone in the community. He also has to give up his office. Dr. Winter is his best friend. He helps Orden through the crisis. Orden is ordered to make his people behave but they have such high beliefs that they won't. This show's the strength of a small town and the people in it. The Nazis have a hard time also. Like Orden the colonel has to make hard decisions. The whole story revolves around this town and the people in it .....
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Words On "To His Coy Mistress"
Number of words: 818 | Number of pages: 3.... time keeps going, with or without them, they must be active
participants and not just the static spectator. Otherwise, the fate Marvell
relates would become their reality.
Marvell's vegetable love is rather oxymoronic. Love is not normally
like the uncaring, thoughtless, and noncommunicating plant. And yet his love is
vegetable in that it is not adaptable. She is the water, food, and light for
his love; and as long as she is there, he will love her. She is evrerything
that supports his love, and if she is not there, his vegetable could not be
supported and would die. His idea of love seems to just be to say that he loves .....
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Pigeon Feather
Number of words: 2290 | Number of pages: 9.... of which, I am happy to report that his publisher felicitously chimes Mr. Updike's Pennsylvania-Dutch tones with a Linotype contribution named for Janson, a Dutchman. And paper made at Spring Grove, Pa.
Over Territory and Time
The stories in "Pigeon Feathers" float from Pennsylvania to England, to New England, to New York, and always back to Pennsylvania. In general outline and under various names the characters are repeated as frequently as characters are repeated when you are reading the works, say, of J.D. Salinger or John P. Marquand.
An iconoclastic schoolteacher father, an indomitable mother, an even more ind .....
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