Papers on English
Burdens Of Poverty
Number of words: 539 | Number of pages: 2.... charity. Octavia tried to purchase some salt meat from the old woman but makes the woman cut the offered chunk of meat in half because Octavia thinks the portion of meat that the woman offers is an act of charity on the old woman’s behalf.
Taking the portion of meat that the woman offered would have saved the family some money. Another example of how Octavia’s pride costs the family money occurs in the café. Octavia and James are walking in the cold waiting on James to go to the dentist. They step into the café to warm up. Octavia feels that she is obligated to make a purchase at the café because she is using their .....
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Harrison Ainsworth Rookwood An
Number of words: 1186 | Number of pages: 5.... of Gothic stories for various
magazines. Gothic elements are included in Ainsworth’s novel: the ancient hall, the
family vaults, macabre burial vaults, secret marriage, and so forth (John, 1998, p. 30).
Rookwood is a story about two half-brothers in a conflict over the family inheritance.
The English criminal who Ainsworth decides to entangle in Rookwood was Dick Turpin,
a highwayman executed in 1739. However, echoing Bulwer, Ainsworth’s explanation for
his interest in Dick Turpin (like Bulwer’s explanation in his choice of Eugene Aram as a
subject) is personal and familial (John, 1998, p. 31). Thou .....
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All Quite On The Western Front
Number of words: 1072 | Number of pages: 4.... of the members of Paul's unit, who were then only mildly punished. During a bloody battle, 120 of the men in Paul's unit were killed. Paul was given leave and returned home only to find himself very distant from his family as a
result of the war. He left in agony knowing that his youth was lost forever. Before returning to his unit, Paul spent a little while at a military camp where he viewed a Russian prisoner of war camp with
severe starvation problems and again questioned the values that he had grown up with contrasted to the values while fighting the war. After Paul returned to his unit, they were sent to the front. Duri .....
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Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 607 | Number of pages: 3.... thy waking, and that very night shall Romeo bear thee to Mantua.\" (Act 4, Scene 1), he tells Juliet how everything will be all right. Unfortunately, for all his good intentions the play still ends in tragedy.
Friar Lawrence is a man who is not afraid to take risks when he feels it is neccesary to help someone. For example in Act 2, Scene 6, when he marries , he is risking his reputation as a Friar so he can help the two lovers. Also, when he says \"Take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink though off;\" (Act 4, Scene 1), he is suggesting that Juliet drink a potion so that she might feighn her .....
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Number of words: 333 | Number of pages: 2.... when he says that over the spirit, and sad images are present. A constant effect of nature is shown in line 14. Here nature is predictable and the same throughout its surrounding. Day in and day out it remains as it was before. “ To Nature’s teachings, while form all around - Earth and her waters, and the depths of air, - Comes a still voice - “. Nature here has many different languages. Poetic fancy and imagination(gaining deeper truths-Divine), play a large role on line 35. Sacred grounds of Indians are a praise song by observing the praise. Growth, Reproduction, and Death are shown vividly in his literary work!
c .....
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Supernatural In Hamlet
Number of words: 752 | Number of pages: 3.... then after Horatio has expressed his fears about Hamlet following it, "What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, or to the dreadful summit of the cliff". This illustrates how Horatio is concerned for Hamlet's well being.
The conversation between the ghost and Hamlet serves as a catalyst for Hamlet's later actions and provides insight into Hamlet's character. The information the ghost reveals incites Hamlet into action against a situation he was already uncomfortable with. Hamlet is not quick to believe the ghost, "The spirit that I have seen may be a devil... and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy... abuses .....
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Frankenstein 2
Number of words: 771 | Number of pages: 3.... sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighborhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor finishes his first creation's mate there is a chance that they will not keep their promise and stay in Europe, envoking fear into the people that live nearby. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to hims .....
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Caroline Compsons Obsession Wi
Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4.... it is,
Dilsey said. He aint wore out the name
he was born with yet, is he. Benjamin
came out of the bible, Caddy said. It's a
better name for him than Maury was."(Faulkner 58)
Mrs. Compson felt that Benjy did not deserve the family name of Maury. In her eyes he was not her son. She found it impossible to love a feeble child.
Caroline Compson's fixation upon sound and appearance led to the death of Quentin. She forced Harvard upon her son. Mrs. Compson felt that she would be looked upon as an important person if she could say her son attended Harvard. She had no concerns over what effects sending Quentin to Harvard h .....
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Joyce's "The Dead"
Number of words: 1061 | Number of pages: 4.... others. A
primary example would be the way he treats his wife Gretta as an object.
As Peter J. Rabinowitz informs one that in reader response
criticism the "…activity of reading always alters the text at hand. Unless
we are limiting ourselves to reading in the sense of uninflected recitation,
reading is never a passive activity to which the reader contributes nothing.
In the reader response criticism, reading is a text in which individual
experiences bear on the subject. Every individual interprets the text
differently due to one having different experiences that determines the
interpretation of the text. (138)
The images .....
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Pornography And The New Puritans
Number of words: 772 | Number of pages: 3.... and if the bill does not describe what kind of obscenity is not allowed then how are the creators of the material supposed to know weather or not its actionable? Irving’s understanding of the bill is that it makes the publishers and distributors of the obscene material think conservatively- “that is when their imaginations turn to sex and violence.”
After given the definition of the bill and given us his reasons against the bill, he describes how individuals and groups respond to the bill. The most important group that he describes and is against is the feminist group. This group wants to ban pornography. Irving feels as .....
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