Papers on English
Number of words: 561 | Number of pages: 3.... The Queen gets angry and tells him she is not a "credulous girl."
When the leader asks how Clytemnestra found out the city was taken so
quickly, she tells him that one God delivered the message to another and so on.
He yet again asks her, which makes it seem he thinks she is a young girl with
little sense. When the leader finally accepts her answer, he belittles her
again by saying it was "worthy of a wise man's utterance." Although the Queen
has power while the King is gone, it means almost nothing to the leader because
she is female.
The chorus, hearing the news, sing again. They thank the Gods for their
help. They sing of .....
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Number of words: 861 | Number of pages: 4.... whereas in the present day, they use more of the religious view of determinism.
In the first story, a scientific view of determinism is shown through Septimus and Thomasina in order to introduce to the reader the basic ideas on determinism and science.
³No more you can, time must needs run backward,
and since it will not, we must stir our way
onward mixing as we go, disorder out of disorder
into disorder until pink is complete, unchanging and unchangeable, and we are done with it forever. This
is known as free will or self-determination...If
everything from the furthest planet to th .....
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Pride And Prejudice - Pride
Number of words: 2389 | Number of pages: 9.... the goings-on in that society are so lively and sparkling with irony that most people cannot help but like the novel. Jane Austen applies irony on different levels in her novel Pride and Prejudice. She uses various means of making her opinion on 18th century society known to the reader through her vivid and ironic descriptions used in the book. To bring this paper into focus, I will discuss two separate means of applying irony, as pertaining to a select few of the book's characters. The novel is introduced by an omniscient narrator, unknown to the reader, who describes and comments on the given situations throughout the novel. The .....
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Shockwave Rider
Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6.... no secrets from the system. Brunner illustrates this as a
reality that is not necessarily very desirable. He plants
a character, Nickie Haflinger, onto the scene. As with
many books we can look at this character and see the
author within. Haflinger is a prodigy whose talents allow
him to switch identities with a simple phone call. By the
advanced technology and the ingenuity that is completely
Haflinger’s, we see that the author is not one to be
content with the realities that may be a possibility in
the future of technology.
Brunner clearly illustrates, by the previous
description of Haflinger, that technology an .....
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The Darkness Of Insanity
Number of words: 599 | Number of pages: 3.... pay for it with his life because there are killers out to get him. As this quote shows Ole Anderson knows he will now die, "There isn’t anything I can do about it." (Hemingway 287)
The second code, a near death experience is probably as closes to the truth as a person can come, is shown in the short story "Soldiers Home". In "Soldiers Home", Harold Karps grows up in an Oklahoma, God-loving society and then goes to war. When he comes home he has the will to live. This quote represents Harold, just sitting around waiting to die,"(like) bacon fat hardening on his plate" (Hemingway 151)
Hemingway’s third code, above .....
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Iowa- An American Portrait
Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2.... Working on the farm involved all of the members of the family, which brought them together and made them stronger through hardships and great opportunities.
Draft horses used for plowing later became a luxury and farming soon lost its fun and joyful qualities. It was a time of greater hardship than ever before, but the freedom Iowa farmers had to work, worship, live, and play in their own way made it worth the despairing times.
Towns of all sizes began growing throughout Iowa. With them came churches, schools, businesses, and co-ops. The various institutions and businesses of the towns were flourishing. The children o .....
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Witches In Macbeth
Number of words: 912 | Number of pages: 4.... but it is in the end, each individuals decision to fall for the temptation, or to be strong enough to resist their captivation. The three Witches are only responsible for the introduction of these ideas and for further forming ideas
in Macbeth head, but they are not responsible for his actions throughout the play. Lady Macbeth is shown early in the play as an ambitious woman with a single purpose. She can manipulate Macbeth easily. This is shown in the line "That I may pour my spirits in thine ear". (I,V, 26)
She is selfless, and wants what is best for her husband. Before the speech that Lady Macbeth gives in act one sc .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 500 | Number of pages: 2.... forget his lack of authority of the ranch. Crooks grew up on a farm owned by his father where he was respected as an equal to the white men. Now on this ranch on California he is discriminated against and segregated. His pride is shown when he defends Lennie against Curley’s wife, but when she lashed out at him, he knows he must back down or face the consequences. Those consequences would probably be being lynched. Inside he knows he is equal to every other man on the ranch, but if he expressed these thoughts he would probably be forced out of the farm, or even worse possibly. Crooks is a bright man. He knows his rights, bu .....
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Oliver Twist 4
Number of words: 1150 | Number of pages: 5.... of thieving, his concern over Oliver's welfare on the street is a direct hint of his innocence which successfully helps him convince Oliver to board at his house. A generous and trusting man he was, perhaps too good a man to be true; but with all the malicious characters in the story, a heroic and pure persona was needed to ensure a happy ending. With honesty and great wealth as his prime qualities, he assists Oliver in his times of need and demonstrates to society with an exemplary touch, the attributes of a perfect citizen. As the positive extreme in both social status and benevolence, Mr. Brownlow is a definite aid in the d .....
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Dr Jekyl And Mr Hyde - Chapter Summary
Number of words: 2581 | Number of pages: 10.... down and urged him back. A doctor was called and Enfield and the doctor felt an odd hatred of the man, warning the man that they would discredit him in every way possible unless he compensated the girl. The strange man agreed to offer 100 British pounds.
Enfield notes that the man is like Satan in the way he seems emotionally cold to the situation. The strange man presented a cheque signed by an important person, which they together cashed the next morning. Enfield states that he refers to the building as Black Mail House. Utterson asks Enfield if he ever asked who lived in the building, but Enfield explains that he doesn't ask qu .....
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