Papers on English
Berger's "Ways Of Seeing"
Number of words: 638 | Number of pages: 3.... example a person walking down the street sees a homeless person begging for money to get food. He walks away without helping the man as he reminisces about trickery by a beggar in the past. He acted on prior knowledge of past occurrences when this time the reality was homeless guy really wanted money for food.
Images are portrayed in many different ways. When an image is portrayed on TV the filmmaker "... leads the spectator through the painting...." This causes the audience to assume the view of the speaker and not its own. The viewer can not draw his own unique conclusion because he sees only through the eyes of the camera. T .....
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The Stranger 2
Number of words: 837 | Number of pages: 4.... him some troubles. The biggest would be a senseless murder he is drawn into.
The story begins with the death of Meursault's mother in an elders' home. That was the first time he's shown his carelessness in life. He went to her funeral, but didn't cry. Basicly, what he did was just sitting there and watched the whole thing as it was someone else's mother. He was distracted by all kinds of actions, and noticing unnecessary details.[quote] He didn't even know his mother's accual age. [quote] This alone to some people is probably unforgivable. Then again, does that really matter? Does remembering someone's age make you l .....
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Dantes Divine Comedy Essay
Number of words: 1932 | Number of pages: 8.... to Odysseus before he sets out for home, "You will come first of all to the Sirens, who are enchanters / of all mankind and whoever comes their way…/ They sit in their meadow, but the beach before it is piled with boneheaps / of men now rotted away, and the skins shrivel upon them" (Homer 12.39-50). Odysseus chooses to listen to their sweet song as his boat passes their island, and, were it not that he were bound fast to the mast, would have jumped overboard to seek his death upon their shores. According to Vernant, examination of the original Greek text, as well as the popular conception of these creatures "locates .....
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Song Of Solomon A Search For A
Number of words: 2053 | Number of pages: 8.... of flight. According to a legend in Hurston, the transgression, was eating salt. The Africans brought to Jamaica could all fly. They had never eaten salt. Those who ate salt after they arrived, stayed and became slaves because salt made them too heavy to fly. Those who did not partake, flew back to Africa. (Hurston 315). Whether Africans really fly or just escape a monumental burden, perhaps only through death, is a decision Toni Morrison has apparently left to her readers. Never the less, no matter what you believe, within Song of Solomon, the suggestion is, that in order to "fly" you must go back to the beginning, back .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1178 | Number of pages: 5.... has experienced it. A period of leave when he visits his hometown is disastrous for Baumer because he realizes that he can not communicate with the people on the home front. His military experiences and the home front settlers’ limited, or nonexistent, understanding of the war do not allow for a discussion. When he arrives home and greetings are exchanged, he realizes immediately that he has nothing to say to his mother. “ We say very little and I am thankful that she asks nothing” (Ch. 7 P.141). The fact that he does not wish to speak with his parents shows Baumer’s movement away from the traditional institution o .....
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In-Just Topographical
Number of words: 1532 | Number of pages: 6.... that reads with both excitement and a measured awareness.
White space is used after the first line, “in Just-”, by cummings to emphasize the speaker’s observation that only in spring do the following things happen. The white space after “spring” in the second line suggests that the speaker ponders first what his audience later learns to be a springtime memory . The white space is quite obviously used for the benefit of someone listening to the poem being read. The white space in the first line between “Just-” and “spring” of the second line builds suspense when the reader pauses to simulate white space, and .....
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The Great Gatsby Ending
Number of words: 1445 | Number of pages: 6.... was very much alive for him. He cared more for the dream than he did for truth. During his life while the dream was still very much alive, the grass was cared for attentively just as his goals were cared for
attentively. After his death, the grass had no one to care for it just like the dream.
The grass was just as long and uncared for as Nick's symbolic that Gatsby's
dream was just as dead to him now as the dream had been dead to Nick. Both the grass and the dream were just as alive as they were dead in that though
Gatsby could no longer care for either one during his death, there would always
be someone else to carry .....
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Iliad 2 -
Number of words: 596 | Number of pages: 3.... to modify the Trojan lines, an adjective that intensifies the effect of Paris’ action of retreating by mentioning its opposite. Homer further reviles Paris by calling him, ironically, “magnificent” and “brave,” thereby heightening the indignity of his cowardly retreat.
Another contrast in Paris’ character is represented in his beauty. He is known as one of the most handsome men in Troy, but looks can be deceiving, as Hector implies when he says, “Paris, appalling Paris! Our prince of beauty--/mad for women, you lure them all to ruin!” In this quote, Hector is highlighting P .....
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Number of words: 2013 | Number of pages: 8.... you. You died before I had time--," this portrays the extent of her hatred toward him. That she was so appalled by his character that she would end his life if only she had the strength. But he died before she grew strong enough to stand up to his horrible countenance. The next portion of the poem, "Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, Ghastly statue with one grey toe big as a Frisco seal," shows how large she sees his presence. Comparing him to the weight of marble with the powers of God. However the one grey toe, which was injured, and allowed for sickness to set in, brought him to nothing. Something she had not .....
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Number of words: 779 | Number of pages: 3.... of them not swallowed. When Zeus was old enough he fought his father, and forced him to disgorge his other brothers and sisters. was entrusted to Ocaenus and Tethys, by Rhea, to be raised while Zeus struggled with the Titans. later returned after Zeus won the war.
Zeus and got married on the summit of Mount. Ida in Phrygia. Together they were the parents of; Ares the god of war, Hephaetus the god of fire and metal work, Hebe the goddess of youth, and Elithyia the goddess of child birth. Ares was unpopular with both gods and humans. Although he was fierce and war like, Ares was not invincible even against mortals. Hephaetus .....
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