Papers on English
The Scarlet Letter And The Cru
Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3.... as is most likely, her husband may be at the bottom of the sea; - they have not been bold to put in force the extremity of our righteous law against her. The penalty thereof is death. But, in their great mercy and tenderness of heart, they have doomed Mistress Prynne to stand only a space of three hours on the platform of the pillory, and then thereafter, for the remainder of her natural life, to wear a mark of shame upon her bosom." Ch. 3
Even though they though that the officials' punishment for Hester was too harsh, they still went along with it because no one dared argue with the court.
In The Scarlet Letter, the towns .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities The Arche
Number of words: 2271 | Number of pages: 9.... was physically identical to Charles Darnay. When Darnay was being prosecuted for treason against the English government, Carton allowed Mr. Stryver (the lawyer Carton worked for) to reveal him “Look well upon that gentleman, my learned friend there, and then look well upon the prisoner. How say you? Are they very like each other?” said Stryver (page 86). “My lord inquired of Mr. Stryver, whether they were next to try Mr. Carton for treason? But Mr. Stryver replied no” (Page 86). The court then released Darnay. This was one of the ways Sydney Carton presented assistance to others, and that shows that he is a good person wh .....
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Of Mice And Men - Lonliness
Number of words: 1140 | Number of pages: 5.... are still slightly perceived as somewhat incompetent for they are frail and lack the muscle power they once possessed. They often have trouble walking the same distances they walked when they were younger. Many also cannot exert the same strength they once were able to. When they are no longer capable of tending to themselves, many relatives have them placed in senior homes to be taken care of by complete strangers. This puts them in isolation away from the rest of the world. The reason why many elderly people are owners of pets is because they long for their company and unconditional companionship, something the rest of th .....
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How To Write An Essay 2
Number of words: 720 | Number of pages: 3.... sit down and put all of your ideas together in essay form in your first draft. As this is just your rough basis to organize your ideas better, paying attention to any grammatical kind of errors is not a very big deal, as you will pick these up later after revising. You will want to follow some form of basic structure writing each of your paragraphs, which will make it much easier and clearer for the reader to understand. To start each paragraph, it is best to write the main idea of the paragraph, and then follow it up with supporting ideas to make your point clearer.
You will want to write the introduction after you write the bo .....
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The Color People
Number of words: 1560 | Number of pages: 6.... perfect example of this is Mr. _____. Mr. _____, as he is called throughout the novel, was a wife beater, who, having been denied Celie's sister, marries Celie to look after his children. He beats her and rapes her and is just plain nasty to her. Finally, one day, after Celie discovers another mean thing that Mr. ____ did to her, she leaves with her girlfriend to start a new life. Mr. _____ is left all alone. He starts to fall apart. He becomes afraid of the dark, and just gives up on life. That was his meanness that started to destroy his life. Now, just as Mr. ____ is nearing death, his son Harpo, starts to take care of him. Mr .....
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And Then There Were None
Number of words: 663 | Number of pages: 3.... so anything you tell him. He'll most likely to believe it. He was brought to Indian Island because he ran over 2 kids. "His stunning strength proved pitiful inadequate against that of his unknown adversary."
Emily Brent
She like to keep everything secretive. She's too worried about trusting people. Many people refer to her as insane for the reason that she hides her emotions and prefers to be alone. She was brought to Indian Island for the reason that she refused to help a 13 year old girl who was going to commit suicide. "Her eyebrows rose on her narrow forehead. She said " Are you waiting for me to say something? I have noth .....
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H.G. Wells
Number of words: 850 | Number of pages: 4.... another bizarre journey of Gulliver, no more unusual than his other travels. However, upon further inspection, we see that Book IV criticizes the nature of man as a rational being (Crane, 402). Of interest to the readers of today is Swift's choice of creatures inhabiting this land; a barbaric, man-like creature dubbed the Yahoo, and the civilized, good-natured horse-like creature, the Houyhnhnms. R.S. Crane explains the reason for this choice in his essay "The Houyhnhms, the Yahoos, and the History of Ideas". Crane begins his analysis of Book IV by discussing how Gulliver is able to discard his preconceived notion of man as a supe .....
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Cyrano De Bergerac 4
Number of words: 1381 | Number of pages: 6.... refuses to be under De Guiche’s patronage, proclaiming that living under another man's honor is beneath him.
“Seek for the patronage of some great man,
And like a creeping vine on a tall tree
Crawl upward, where I cannot stand alone?
No thank you!”
(Cyrano, p.75)
However, Cyrano should have realized that with De Guiche’s support he would have a higher status and a more stable economic source. The reason why Cyrano's ingenuity is never publicly recognized is because his poems are never published. Not only does he not have funds to pay for their publication, but his poems are often spontaneous and th .....
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Honesty And Reputation In Othe
Number of words: 1436 | Number of pages: 6.... Othello being a Moor, to allow him to manipulate Othello. Othello had a reputation of being a military man, and a courageous leader. “Valiant Othello, We must straight employ you...” “Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.” Othello has been a soldier since he was seven years of age, and has experience on the battle field. Othello was chosen when they went to fight the Turkish fleet. Because of his reputation, it wasn’t hard for other people to accept the relationship between him and Desdemona. As Iago started putting ideas in Othello’s head about Cassio and Desdemona being together, another .....
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On Social Classes In Pride And
Number of words: 370 | Number of pages: 2.... Eliza, always hurriedly rushes about to get her daughters married. Her haste is understandable, partly, because, the Bennet family has no male heir, therefore any daughters left unmarried will be thrust into poverty upon their father’s death. However, most of her rushing seems nothing more than the nagging, useless bickering of a gossiping old biddy.
Mr. Bingley seems not to be a victim per se, but the people around him and their superficial motives tend to cause him harm. His sister, Caroline, causes many people to avoid Bingley because of her snobbishness. Mr. Darcy, though good intentioned, almost ruins Bingley’s .....
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