Papers on English
Crito 2
Number of words: 1598 | Number of pages: 6.... Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that he has made is just. "…I am the kind of man who listens only to the argument that on reflection seems best to me. I cannot, now that this fate has come upon me, discard the arguments I used; they seen to me much the same."(Crito p.48b)
The introduction of this work has also provided the concept that it is our society or majority that has dictated what is considered virtuous action. According to Socrates we have been given every opportunity to reject our society and renounce what it has stood for and against. "N .....
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Macbeth Character Analyse
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2.... who called him a coward. From then on, after the murder of Duncan, Macbeth entered into a life of evil. The way I see it after the murder of the king this just didn't push Macbeth over the edge it was more of a throw.
Thanks to the witches prediction about Banquo's son becoming the king, Macbeth wants further insure that his goal of being king will not be ruined, so there is another name added to his death list, this scene truly brings out the cowardice in him, because he has to hire two assassins to accomplish this feat, but the deed still got done and Banquo was another innocent person to die at the hand of the unstabl .....
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E. E. Cummings
Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6.... 'l', isolates the number; and 'iness', the last line, can mean "the state of being I" - that is, individuality - or "oneness", deriving the "one" from the lowercase roman numeral 'i' (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically ("a leaf falls:/loneliness"), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a 'one' and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a '1' (200). The shape of the poem can also be seen as the path of a falling leaf; the poem drifts down, flipping and altering pairs of letters like a falling leaf .....
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Critique Of My Reverend
Number of words: 442 | Number of pages: 2.... enough you had to listen hard to hear what he was saying. And his very heavy accent made it very hard to understand him if you hadn't been to this church. You would have had to cone a few times to be able to under stand his accent voice didn't show much variety only in a few spots for great importance.
Physical Delivery
He didn't use much body language or formal hand motions hardly at all. He sometimes leaned on the podium to show sincerity and emotion with a small amount of hand motions. And he kept good eye contact with the audience.
Audience Reaction
The members of the church said amen and praise God every once in a while. .....
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Jade Peony - Wealth
Number of words: 865 | Number of pages: 4.... opposite of emotional wealth is emotional selfishness or lack of understanding. This happens when people do not understand each other and therefore they may help another to believe that they are worthless and that they can not achieve their goals. This person is only damaging and not providing emotional support that the individual needs. Wong Suk provided a wealth that some members of Jook-Liang's family could not provide.
Most people need some people who they can tell their hearts to and express their feelings. These people usually your parents, grandparents or friends, help provide emotional wealth. However some members of a .....
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Women In The Odyssesy
Number of words: 823 | Number of pages: 3.... did not give Theseus pleasure. The only woman we hear of for a different reason is Klymene, and we only hear of her because she “betrayed her lord for gold.”(195) This is the only time we hear of a woman for something she did, and once we do, it is a negative remark.
Penelope, Odysseus’ queen, is paid attention to only because of her position. Because she has a kingdom, she has suitors crowding around her day and night. Being a woman, Penelope has no control over what the suitors do and cannot get rid of them. The suitors want her wealth and her kingdom. They do not respect her enough to stop feeding on Odysseus’ wealth; .....
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We All Take Things For Granted
Number of words: 1250 | Number of pages: 5.... her. She would stay up late and see the beauty of the sunset falling over the horizon. The second day would consist of man made beauties, such as going to art galleries to see the master pieces that she could only read about.
Finally, she would stop at the theatre so she could see the works of art she read about put into motion. On the third and final day she would go to the busy streets and witness how the average person spends their life. She wanted to see the busy ways of the businessmen on 5th Avenue and the factory workers of the suburbs. When sight is put into terms of time you can see that there is no time to waste.
E .....
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Heart Of Darkness - Ignorance And Racism
Number of words: 1003 | Number of pages: 4.... to it. Conrad probably would have been criticized as being soft hearted rather than a racist back in his time.
Conrad constantly referred to the natives, in his book, as black savages, niggers, brutes, and "them", displaying ignorance toward the African history and racism towards the African people. Conrad wrote, "Black figures strolled out listlessly... the beaten nigger groaned somewhere" (Conrad 28). "They passed me with six inches, without a glance, with the complete, deathlike indifference of unhappy savages" (Conrad 19). Achebe, also, detected Conrad's frequent use of unorthodox name calling, "Certainly Conrad had a proble .....
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Comparing The Works Of Richard Wright
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... with his desire to be considered as a man with the contrast of the oppression by white society not allowing him to become the man that he wants to be. Black society constantly deals with the way that they are looked down upon by white society which is the main problem that Bigger has with the life that he lives. Bigger deals with the treatment and accepts it until he encounters a couple of white people who do not treat him the same that the rest of society does. Not knowing what to do he retaliates against these people and in turn hurts them in a deeper way (death)than white society has hurt him throughout his life. Th .....
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Fahrenheit51 4
Number of words: 668 | Number of pages: 3.... dog that is programmed to find books). The dog growls, which are what Montag dislikes. The growling alerts him of his unhappiness. Montag thinks that the dog knows that he had snuck some books from the home of their last burning.
Montag doesn't talk to Mildred about his unhappiness with his job. But Beatty knows of Montag's unhappiness, and makes a visit to his house. He gives Montag a pep talk about his curiosity about books. He tells him that all firemen have a curiosity about books sometime. He says that books are merely stories, only fiction. He tells him that books make people unhappy, but books can be burned with fire. Mon .....
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