Papers on English
Samson Agonistes
Number of words: 2092 | Number of pages: 8.... found alone, but rush upon him thronging, and present times past, what he once was, and what he is now. He is really struggling with his current life wanting to know why his breeding was ordered as a person separate to God. Samson lays all the blame on himself saying how impotent his mind was in a body so strong. God gave him the strength to show everyone but the gift was so slight he hung it in his hair. After debating with himself about his life he turns to his loss of sight. "O loss of sight, of thee I most complain!" (67 Samson). Samson see his lost of sight in the worse way being that he viewed it so highly. He believe .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1725 | Number of pages: 7.... was best in them" (249). This is the gift of the great. Kurtz was a great man. He was a born leader.
The Kurtz prior to the journey seems to be a man with a heart of gold. "His goodness shone in every act" (250). But in actuality his soul was conformed by society and the "warning voice of a kind neighbor" (206). He was a man with principles just because principles were all around him. Kurtz was dependent on that kind neighbor to keep him noble.
The Kurtz in transition was a man with a heart that understands what is going on in the jungle. Kurtz is described as a first-class agent, a very r .....
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Oedipus-The Tragedy Of Tragedi
Number of words: 695 | Number of pages: 3.... therefore sought justice. Oedipus, when faced with an opportunity to seek the truth, pursued it with conviction. He sought to find his true birth parents, but a distressing prophecy was revealed to him. Being the righteous man he is, he attempted to thwart his fate by leaving his parents. Later, he journeys into Thebes (his true birthplace) and saves its people from the terrorizing sphinx. The people of Thebes are grateful and make Oedipus their king. Moreover, Oedipus' righteousness propels him to capture the murderer of his predecessor king Laius. When Tiresias's reluctance to answer Oedipus during their first encounter en .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 526 | Number of pages: 2.... to her seclusion. "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such" (225). Faulkner uses the feelings of other characters to show Miss Emily's pride. Her pride has kept her from socializing with other members of the community thus reinforcing her solitary. But Miss Emily's father is still responsible for her being a hermit. Her father's over-protection is evident in this passage, "We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will" (256). Her father robs her from many of life's necessities. She mi .....
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Samuel De Champlain
Number of words: 1819 | Number of pages: 7.... and long this day. Blackrobe surprised and impressed our people as they worked as hard as we did. Blackrobe and Daniel paddled strongly along side our men. But Blackrobe has a lot to learn about the forest. He does not understand that it is our home and we have but to listen and it will speak to us and guide us. It is where we find our food and worship our Gods. It is where we play and eat. The forest protects us from danger, letting us know when it is near. He has much to learn.
The men in our tribe do not trust Blackrobe. They feel he is a demon who does not know women. He is only half a person because of t .....
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Literary Criticism Of Wutherin
Number of words: 1038 | Number of pages: 4.... Edgar is "among his books," and she cries, "What in the name of all that feels has he to do with books when I am dying." McKibben shows that while Catherine is making a scene and crying, Edgar is in the library handling Catherine’s death in the only way he knows how, in a mild mannered approach. He lacks the passionate ways in which Catherine and Heathcliff handle ordeals. During this scene Catherine’s mind strays back to childhood and she comes to realize that "the Linton’s are alien to her and exemplify a completely foreign mode of perception" (p38). Catherine discovers that she would never belong in Edgar’s society. O .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird Analysi
Number of words: 1070 | Number of pages: 4.... their lives. On the contrary to Scout s primary belief, Boo
never harms anyone. Scout also realizes that she wrongfully treated
Boo when she thinks about the gifts in the tree. She never gave
anything back to Boo, except love at the end. When Scout escorts
Arthur home and stands on his front porch, she sees the same street
she saw, just from an entirely different perspective. Scout learns
what a Mockingbird is, and who represents one.
Arthur Radley not only plays an important role in developing
Scout and Jem, but helps in developing the novel. Boo can be divided
into three stages. Primitively, Boo is .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 786 | Number of pages: 3.... help the individual to grow practically. The Savages also bestow good ideals in their people from which they can learn, understand, and grow. One of the most important things that the Savages are taught is self-control. The Whipping Ceremony is a good example of this. In this ceremony a young man was whipped to death in front of a large audience and throughout it he "made no sound…[and] walked on at the same slow, steady pace" (97). The man is taught that to show his strength he must use the uttermost limits of his self-control. They are also taught self-control in how they are prohibited free sex. They must learn restraint th .....
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Macbeth 15
Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... to overthrow Duncan's rule of Scotland. As a king, Duncan is well received which perhaps allows him to consider himself untouchable. He assumes that no one would have any reason to hurt or disobey him and so he allows his personal safety standards to fall to dangerous levels. This lack of concern also accounts for the manner in which he is unprotected while sleeping at Mabeth's castle. Duncan is governed by his ego to such an extent that he dismisses this breech of security by killing the disloyal Thane rather than try to correct and prevent the problem in the future. Macbeth's first meeting with the three witches shows his will .....
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Madame Bovary 2
Number of words: 1345 | Number of pages: 5.... the other hand hated math class. Her dislike of math class was solely based on the fact that she didn't like our math teacher. She thought that our math teacher was a horrible teacher who couldn't teach and her attitude problems. It was quit astonishing how I could only concentrate on Ms. Smith's positive attributes while my best friend was only able to the negative things of our teacher. Now that I think back I realize that our grade eighth teacher had both the positive and negative attributes. The only reason why my best friend and I had two very different opinions about her personality was because of the way we perceived her.
L .....
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