Papers on English
Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1322 | Number of pages: 5.... and particularly the roles of women. Elizabeth Bennet's character is put to a test by Mr Collins' proposal in Chapter 19, and it passes with flying colours. With great many advantages to be had by marrying Mr Collins, such as security for her sisters and mother after their fathers' death, she still chooses to reject him rather then humble herself before him.
Mr Collins's manner in which he proposes to Elizabeth is very matter-of-fact; the proposal itself is more of a business proposition than a marriage proposal in the way that it lacks any emotional expression. The comical aspect of it stems from the abrupt nature o .....
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Fahrenheit 451 - Similarities To Our Society
Number of words: 600 | Number of pages: 3.... house, they notice how fast drivers go that they "'don't know what grass is, or flowers because they never see them slowly,' she said. 'If you showed a driver a green blur, Oh yes! he'd say, that's grass! A pink blur! That's a rose garden! White blurs are houses. Brown blurs are cows. My uncle drove slowly on a highway once. He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days'"(9). Their speed limit is so high that everything that they see seems like blurs. They never see objects; they only see colors. Our speed limit isn’t as high as theirs is, but people usually go much faster than the speed limit is.
Another reaso .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 457 | Number of pages: 2.... Carton has recently switched places with his look alike, Darnay, and is awaiting the guillotine. While Sydney awaits his death he thinks, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, then I have ever done, it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known." Through these words Sydney recognizes that by sacrificing his life for Darnay, a loved one of Lucie, he will be doing the best thing that he has ever done and can do. Sydney is finally satisfied with himself, he is no longer a drunken fool, but a hero that now can live or die with himself. By dying, and saving Darnay for Lucie, Sydney Carton is "recalled to life .....
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The Scarlet Letter 10
Number of words: 1304 | Number of pages: 5.... way she displays the scarlet letter with elaborate designs showing that she is proud. Furthermore, she does not want to live a life of lies anymore when she states “forgive me! In all things else, I have striven to be true! Truth was the one virtue which I might have held fast, and did hold fast, through all extremity save when thy good--the life--they fame--were put in question! Then I consented a deception. But a lie is never good, even though death threaten the other side!”(Ch.17: 177). Hester learns from her sin, and grows strong, a direct result from her punishment. The scarlet letter ‘A’ was as if .....
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Oedipus 2
Number of words: 2692 | Number of pages: 10.... the child of Jocasta and King Laius who was taken to the mountain by a shepard to be killed so the omen of the god apollo that Laius’ son would kill him and lay with Jocasta would not come true. Oedipus was the weakest of his life at this point. If it has not been for the shepard spairing his life and giving him to Polybus to raise as his own Oedipus would have died. Man walks on 2 feet when he has matured. This is a metaphor for Oedipus when he reaches adulthood and leaves Corinth to escape the oracle. Oedipus meets up with a band of travelers and in a rage kills them. Inadvertently Oedipus has killed his own father. Oedip .....
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1984 9
Number of words: 1139 | Number of pages: 5.... his own daughter told the thought police on him. In this society children are at school more than they are even home. It is very possible to have a closer relationship with a teacher than with a parent. On top of that, Big Brother and the inner party teach that it is only “you and the party”. Meaning the party is very individualized. This allows the party to function very nicely because people do not make relationships with other people only to the party. People in Oceania are never left alone. If you are alone and you are not sleeping this would definitely be looked at by the thought police. To keep people occupie .....
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William Faulkner
Number of words: 2796 | Number of pages: 11.... granddaddy"(Minter 18). Faulkner took interest in poetry around 1910, but no one in Oxford, Mississippi, could tell him hat to do with his poems. Faulkner, who was very talkative, would always entertain Estelle Oldham by telling her vividly imaginary stories. Eventually, Faulkner grew very fond of Estelle. She became the sole inspirer and recipient of Faulkner's earlier poems. Not long after Faulkner began seeing Estelle regularly, he met a man named Phil Stone who was dating one of Estelle's friends, Katrina. Katrina had told Stone about Faulkner and his poetry. So one afternoon, Stone went to Faulkner's house to get to know him .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird 2 -
Number of words: 464 | Number of pages: 2.... conceded
(ch.1, pg.15)
This quotation shows that his dad is saying he is not a crazy freak. If anyone
would know, it would be his dad.
In this way, Arthur Radley reflects the mocking bird by not coming out of his
house, so he is misunderstood.
The second person who reflects the mocking bird is Tom Robinson. Who
prejudice is because he is black.
In our courts, when it’s a white man’s
word against a black man’s, the white
man always wins. They’re ugly, but those
are the facts of life.
(ch., pg.223)
This is said by Atticus, to Jem. Even if there is no way Tom commit .....
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Identity In Metamorphasis And
Number of words: 896 | Number of pages: 4.... the majority of the attenders of the party do not even grasp the concept of galoshes, a 'neccesity' of life that has not filtered down to the less fortunate. Gabriel's shame for his famile is readily apparent. He speaks down to them, refuses to learn their common language, and prefers to escape away from their land as much as possible. When he is asked about this shame and it is brought to the forefront, he becomes very upset and even lashes back at his family. "O to tell you the truth, retorted Gabriel suddenly, I'm sick of my own country, sick of it!" (The Dead, 363) All of these illusions come crashing down when Gabriel real .....
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Ethan Frome
Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3.... day. He seemed to have found someone that cared for him, was always happy, and could share his youth, unlike his sickly wife who always nagged him. He longed to be with Mattie, however he had to be loyal to his wife. Being married to the wrong person proved to be Ethan's first failure.
Ethan's second failure was not being able to stand up for himself against his wife. Zeena claimed that a new doctor said that she was extremely sick, and needed more help around the house. She told him, without any discussion, that Mattie had to go. Ethan could not find the words to make her alter her decision. His wife also decided that Mattie had .....
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