Papers on English
Story Of An Hour
Number of words: 1076 | Number of pages: 4.... throughout her whole life. At the tender age of five, her father, Thomas O'Flaherty died in a rail accident2. Seven years later, her great grandmother, Victoire Verdon Charleville dies, who she had been living with for six years. The same year, Kate's half-brother, George O'Flaherty, dies of typhoid fever3. During the next seven years, she graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart and visited New Orleans, which she loves. She marries, Oscar Chopin, they have six children, but in 1882, Oscar dies of malaria4. One year later, Kate's mother dies. After, moving back to her native St. Louis she beings to write and attempts .....
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Review Of Ernest Hemingway And Writings
Number of words: 1492 | Number of pages: 6.... Cross ambulance
driver in Italy. In July of 1918 while serving along the Piave River, he was
severely wounded by shrapnel and forced to return home after recuperation in
January 1919. The war had left him emotionally and physically shaken, and
according to some critics he began as a result "a quest for psychological and
artistic freedom that was to lead him first to the secluded woods of Northern
Michigan, where he had spent his most pleasant childhood moments, and then to
Europe, where his literary talents began to take shape." (CLC, 177) First he
took a part-time job as a feature writer for the Toronto Star, eager to further
p .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Biff Character Profile
Number of words: 720 | Number of pages: 3.... to change his father, and will do this by shockingly awakening him to the reality that something is wrong with him, and Biff tries to get his father to stop trying to kill himself. He wants his father to love him like he loves his father, but he will not, because of his mood swings, and the fact that sometimes he just hates Biff.
Biff is a no nonsense kind of guy. He gets straight to the point, and doesn't beat around the bush. He cuts straight through it, and isn't afraid that the subject might be touchy or hurt people's feelings. When Biff wasn't seen by Oliver, Happy wanted to make Willy happy, so he just told him that Biff g .....
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The Lady With The Dog - Anton
Number of words: 1600 | Number of pages: 6.... he felt free, and knew what to say to them and how to behave; and he was at ease with them even when he was silent.” If Gurov regarded women as the “lower race” than why was he only at rest when in their company? In truth I think that he liked women, he needed women. The reason he puts on this “tough guy” act is because he has never found a woman that he truly loved. Every time he had met a new woman, “he was eager for life, and everything seemed simple and amusing.” However, “Every intimacy inevitably grows into a regular problem of extreme intricacy, and in the long run the .....
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Fallstaff Friend Of Fatherfigu
Number of words: 1030 | Number of pages: 4.... behind the backs of his friends; - and yet we are never disgusted with him." (cited in Hemingway 418) Falstaff's underlying purpose of the play is to act as a father figure to Hal, Henry IV. So, how does a man of such a personality attract noble followers such as Hal? In order for us to answer this question we must first observe the character of Hal. Hal can be compared to a chameleon. At the beginning of the play, the audience witnesses Hal's constant indulgence in drink and pranks. But, as the play progresses the audience begins to realize that behind the drunken escapades of Hal and his friends, lies a "man" who is bot .....
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Buried Child
Number of words: 1169 | Number of pages: 5.... when the farm ceased to be fertile, and fell into disuse. This is a symbol of the death of honesty and the birth of the family’s terrible secret.
Why exactly does everything go wrong for this family? We don’t know exactly when the problems started, but we know that Ansel died on his honeymoon, Bradley cut off his own leg in a chain saw accident and is now mentally imbalanced, Tilden is nonfunctional and has been driven out of New Mexico, Dodge is a crazy old sick guy, and Halie is doing shady things with the preacher. Vince is the only person capable of facing the world and life, but he too is corrupted by the secret at the en .....
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Heart Of Darkness 4
Number of words: 1087 | Number of pages: 4.... the insensibility of reality, and the moral
We have noticed that important motives in Heart of Darkness
connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white
men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to
"darkest Africa" have themselves been deprived of the sanctions of
their European social orders; they also have been alienated from the
old tribal ways.
"Thrown upon their own inner spiritual resources they may be
utterly damned by their greed, their sloth, and their hypocrisy into
moral insignificance, as were the pilgrims, or they ma .....
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Bloody Merdian
Number of words: 793 | Number of pages: 3.... he had chosen to stray away from the fate the Judge had set for him and “elect therefore some opposite course (pp.330)?”
The opposite course the Kid elected for himself was one without pointless slaughter, and meaningless bloodshed. The kid wants desperately to get away from the “vast” and “broken” world of the desert and elects to complete his “circle” instead of staying out west. He chooses his own path out of the desert, one that “calls for the largeness of heart (pp. 330),” one that deviates from the Judges own “empty, barren, [and] hard [heart, whose] very nature is stone (pp.330).” This path .....
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Hamlet Father And Sons
Number of words: 812 | Number of pages: 3.... an excellent king, a god-like figure and a loving husband. It is strange that the Prince did not convey information about being a loving father. It is left for us to infer that there must have been a special bond between father and son for the Prince to be so willing to carry out retribution against his father's murderer.
Prince Hamlet changed after the death of his father. He is grief stricken certainly, but also he pretends to be getting increasingly insane to divert suspicion from his real purpose of avenging his father's death by killing his murderous uncle. He appears melancholy, and wore dark clothes to fit the mood .....
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Indian Camp
Number of words: 738 | Number of pages: 3.... husband had committed suicide. The quotes, “ Take Nick out of the shanty, George” and “I’m terribly sorry I brought you along, Nickie. It was an awful mess to put you through.” also help show how in some senses Nick’s father has compassion for his son. The fact that he feels bad that his son had to witness the dead man means that he is sensitive towards his sons’ feelings. Also under extreme situations, the mans death, his father reefers to him as Nickie not Nick as in the rest of the story. This also shows compassion.
On the other hand, Nick’s father can be seen as insensitive, uncaring, and not very comp .....
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