Papers on English
English Macbeth The Tragic Her
Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3.... a horrible deed. He knows in his
heart that killing Duncan is wrong and deceitful. Just after
Macbeth has received the news from the witches that he will
be King, he thinks to himself," This supernatural soliciting
/Cannot be ill, cannot be good. . . . If good, why do I yield
to that suggestion, /Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/And
make me seated heart knock at my ribs/Against the use of
nature?". Macbeth's heart is telling him that this suggestion of killing Duncan cannot be good.
Macbeth tries to listen to his good heart when he tells
Lady Macbeth that he will not kill Duncan,"We will proceed
no furthe .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 2176 | Number of pages: 8.... which he can't reach. At first, he is presented as two different people. The first impression is that he is an angry man who blames the world for his faults, he has tried to mould his children into images of himself and often contradicts himself (as shown in Act 1 where he talks about Biff being a 'lazy bum' and then saying 'there's one thing about Biff-he's not lazy'). Willy is an insecure man who has cheated his loving wife, lied to his sons, and has taught them that cheating and stealing is a way of life. But most of all, he has unachievable dreams which he will do anything to accomplish, including that of foolishly committing .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 949 | Number of pages: 4.... back of his mind, that he should also be dead which makes him depressed.
Another example of a fall for Holden is when he realizes he can't erase even half the "fuck you's" in the world. This doesn't sound very important, but it is symbolic because he realizes that he can not be the . His dream of shielding all the innocent children from society's harsh elements has been ruined by this one statement. Now because of this realization he comes to the conclusion that he can not shield everybody, not even half of everybody. An example of Holden trying to be the is when Holden first sees the "fuck you" on the wall. Holden said, "It dr .....
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To Tame A Shrew
Number of words: 2009 | Number of pages: 8.... craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt. (5.2.146-154)
In looking at this outtake of Katharina's speech, it can be seen that she has been tamed by Petruchio's actions throughout the first four acts. It is difficult to take Katharina's message here and say, "She is still the same person." Her monologue reveals that she now sees it is her duty to respect her husband and to be submissive to him. Her speech leads the audience to see that this duty of the wife is one that is a repayment to the husband for all the hard work he does to support her, a debt that .....
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Hedda Gabler, By Henrik Ibsen
Number of words: 1500 | Number of pages: 6.... Now you should see them, Hedda." Hedda - "No thanks, it really doesn't interest me'. In another gender role reversal, Hedda displays a financial awareness, which her husband, Jorgen does not posses. Although Brack corresponds with Tesman about his honeymoon travels, he corresponds with Hedda concerning the financial matters. This is a role that is usually reserved for men.
Hedda does not only display traits, which are definitively masculine, or feminine, she also objects to and often defies the conventions established for her gender by society. She rejects references to her pregnancy as a reminder of her gender: Tesman .....
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Aleins Among Us
Number of words: 2141 | Number of pages: 8.... another, and after a dozen or so he sat up and beamed, awed by the glowing sky. It seemed that just above him there was a whole meteor shower, purely for his delight. They fell straight down and glowed longer then Jim had ever seen before. Soon the whole clearing was shining a bright white, like on Forth of July. The dozens became hundreds until finally a large radiant circle seemed to be coming straight down above Jim. He let out a sharp little scream of excitement and sprang from the rock, twirling around and around singing to himself as he always did when he was really cheerful.
It was another minute before he realized that .....
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Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3.... situation belongs to Fred.
Furthermore, Fred's parents' lack of responsibility indirectly contributes to Mr. Haskell's death. Their first act of carelessness is when they neglect to keep the gun locked up in a safer place. Instead, they keep it in a location where it is easily accessible to Fred. Equally important, Fred's parents don't suspect anything unusual when he doesn't attend Mr. Haskell's funeral. They merely accept his somewhat transparent excuse; he just claims that the situation is too sad. When Fred's mother notices his throbbing index finger, she asks, "What's the matter with your finger? You've been doing th .....
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Compare And Contrast Thomas Be
Number of words: 2052 | Number of pages: 8.... characters that follow the hero journey are Job of the wisdom books of the Old Testament and Murder in the Cathedral’s Thomas Becket. Job is a fortunate and distinctively devout man. Satan wants to prove to God Job’s faith will falter if his blessings are obliterated. Satan creates an agonizing event sequence Job must suffer through. Job’s children, livestock, land, and health are taken away from him, and his comforters--three friends and a wife--believe Job deserves the turmoil and tell him he must repent his sins to regain his splendor. Becoming frustrated with the increasing agony he must endure, Job .....
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Kurt Vonnegut Sarcasm And Blac
Number of words: 2636 | Number of pages: 10.... cause havoc. He laughs and is pessimistic towards government and religion (Introduction 1). Vonnegut is anti-technology, anti-machine, and anti-science and he shows this throughout his books (Overview 1).
There is a concern of genuine human questions throughout his books. These questions often are about war, peace, technology, and human happiness. These questions recur throughout his books and are answered ridiculously (1). He likes to emphasize the “comic absurdity” of man looking for meaning and order in his life when the character exists in a “meaningless and disorderly universe” (Introduction 1). Vonnegut direct .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird Film An
Number of words: 689 | Number of pages: 3.... the segregation of the 30’s would normally eliminate all friendly contact with a person of the opposite race. Because of the removal of so many scenes, character development is minimal. Another negative point is that Boo Radley, a major character we hear so much about in both the book and the film, does not say anything. In the book he has one lone line, it would have been interesting to hear his voice. These negative points certainly subtract from the plot.
On the subject of scenes left out, the list is quite big for such an important story. The scene in which it snows, and Miss Maudie’s house catches on fire, did not .....
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