Papers on English
Lord Of The Flies - Piggy
Number of words: 930 | Number of pages: 4.... thinking is the fact that Ralph relies on Piggy’s good advice to succeed. Without Piggy, Ralph would be lost. As the story progresses we see the boys drift apart however we see Piggy try to retain order as an adult might. When there is going to be a fight he says, "Come away. There’s going to be trouble. And we’ve had our meat." He realizes the intensity of the situation and tries to stop any altercation. The boys continue to drift apart but Ralph and Piggy continue to be friends. In particularly, after the killing of Simon, Piggy tries as best as he can to support Ralph although he realizes they were a part .....
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The Moviegoer By Walker Percy
Number of words: 1041 | Number of pages: 4.... of life long rut. He does not want to settle for just living just an existence. He wants to be noticed, to have the ability of excitement on a daily routine. To work hard and start a family and fight for what he thinks is a grand life. Only to realize years later that such a routine was established you never left from where you started. To Binx that is death. Not physically dead, but soulfully dead. But what is so wrong with everydayness. One could argue that everydayness could be a positive influence. Millions of people for hundreds of years have lived a life of everydayness. Has society stopped? Have people withered into tiny .....
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Martin Luther King And Patrick Henry: Cry For Freedom
Number of words: 532 | Number of pages: 2.... well is imagery. A good example of Henry's imagery is, "The next gale that
sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!"
Henry uses these and many more devices to keep the attention and the open mind
of his audience who was mostly opposed to his viewpoint.
These two speeches were much more different than they are alike. The
main difference between the two speeches, in a general sense was that one calls
for a change through violence and war, while the other calls for a peaceful
solution. Patrick Henry's speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses calls for a
revolution against Great Britain. This .....
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A Doll's House And Tess Of The D'Urbevilles
Number of words: 487 | Number of pages: 2.... when a man sacrifices himself for the one he loves it brings him honor. Torvald is viewed as a true hypocrite. Torvald also believes the most important thing is to "save the . . . appearance."(65)
He follows his mind, only interested in what is best for society. Ibsen illustrates him as a truly weak human. In contrast to Ibsen, Hardy takes an intellectually free thinker, Angel, who shows a very close minded perspective on events instead of opening himself to his true inner feelings. When Angel’s bride reveals to him that she has committed the sin of pre-marital sex as did Angel, he begins to reveal to the reader his ignoranc .....
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Authority And Macbeth
Number of words: 977 | Number of pages: 4.... good warrior he is thus showing that he has respect for Macbeth. Once Macbeth became king, he became overpowered with keeping his authority. Macbeth realized that he was being used just so that Banquo's sons can inherit the throne:
They hailed him father to a line of kings.
Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown,
And put a barren sceptre in my gripe,
Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand,
No son of mine succeeding (act III, scene 1, lines 60-64).
Macbeth feeling this way convinces a pair of men to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. By having Banquo and Fleance murdered, Macbeth believes that it will prevent Banqu .....
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No Name Woman: Bewitching Creation
Number of words: 1792 | Number of pages: 7.... the inspiring temptation, but while getting people to submit to their base desires, he also managed to convert them to the sinful lifestyles he himself led.
Gation lives in a five-story mansion with his personal financial advisor and a lover, Alexandra. They share the mansion with their one-year-old baby, who was born out of wedlock, and his two daughters from a previous marriage. This cold, calculating man is often very rude towards his employees, and yet it was through them that his house of sin was so successful. He used these "demon's helpers" to confiscate illicit drugs from the club-goers upon the entrance to the club, .....
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Les Miserables
Number of words: 1332 | Number of pages: 5.... her daughter from the Thenardiers. Fantine looks for money and does everything possible such as selling her hair, her central incisors, and then turns to prostitution. She is arrested one day but is saved by Madeleine. Fantine moves in with Madeleine and gets very sick. Fantine wants to see her daughter which Madeleine promises her that he will bring her to her before she dies.
However, Madeleine has some problems of his own. A man gets arrested under the name of Jean Valjean and is about to be condemned for his crimes. After a night of deep meditation, Madeleine decides to confess his past. Madeleine goes to Arras w .....
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In The Skin Of The Lion
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4.... blind woman's remaining eye "darting", "moving with delight", "and alighting", all easily visualized. Later in the story, Carvaggio watches a woman in the boathouse. "In this light, and with all the small panes of glass around here, she was inside a diamond, mothlike on the edge of burning kerosene, caught in the center of all the facets" (198).
Moths are part of the insect imagery in the book. These insects formed part of Patrick social network as they served as a form of communication for him. His father being a man "withdrawn from the world" raised Patrick and with no mention of a mother, any siblings or school friends, we can i .....
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Columbine High School
Number of words: 353 | Number of pages: 2.... still be alive, parents and friends would not be suffering the loss of loved ones, and a nation would not be mouring. The effect thid massacre had on millions of people will face us everyday. Will students be safe in school, can we suspect others to do the same thing? That is what is wrong with our nation and other nations today. We have no compassion or respect for ones life. We do not value things that should be important to us. We never seem to realize the value of something, until it is gone. Most people in most likely didn't value all the people in it. It took something like this to show them how beautiful life is .....
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William Shakespeare
Number of words: 2848 | Number of pages: 11.... when the London theaters were closed by order of the Puritan Parliament. Like so much
nondramatic literature of the Renaissance, most of these plays were written in an
elaborate verse style and under the influence of classical examples, but the popular taste,
to which drama was especially susceptible, required a flamboyance and sensationalism
largely alien to the spirit of Greek and Roman literature. Only the Roman tragedian
Lucius Annaeus Seneca could provide a model for the earliest popular tragedy of blood
and revenge, The Spanish Tragedy (1594) of Thomas Kyd. Kyd's skillfully managed,
complicated, but sensational plot .....
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