Papers on English
Faust And Frankenstein
Number of words: 772 | Number of pages: 3.... books will not satisfy his curiosity and that maybe sensual pleasures will. Therefore, in the process of creating his new life, Faust, becomes distant and unconcerned with all reality and humanity around him.
Do not fancy anything right, do not fancy that I could teach or assert what would better mankind or what might convert. I also have neither money nor treasures, nor worldly honors or earthly pleasures; no dog would want to live this way!(p. 95)
Obviously, Faust has fallen into a inhumane state of living, through the pursuit of the unattainable. He becomes greedy, desperate and feels justified in whatever it takes to achieve .....
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The Odysseus: The Theme Of Love
Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3.... most emphasized in the Odyssey is the father - son relationship. These relationships clearly support the issue of love in the Odyssey.
The father - son relationship between Odysseus and Telemachos is a little awkward because they both never really got to know each other but they still care for each other's well being. When Odysseus hears of all the suitors devouring Telemachos's future fortune and mistreating him, he wants to return and revenge the misuse of his family and property. Odysseus, like any parent, also misses his only child while he is at war. Telemachos on the contrary also displays a lot of love for his father. T .....
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In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
Number of words: 1286 | Number of pages: 5.... his “Coyote wagon”, just a normal boy.
Perry and Dick.
Perry Smith is a very quiet person who had a lousy childhood, which affected his behavior in worse form. He seems to be a quite decent person to talk with, but he’s very easily influenced. In the end you feel a little sorry for him because Truman Capote describes him as a person who had a very difficult childhood. Perry was the person who killed the Clutters by shooting their brains out with a .12-gauge shotgun. He’s feel’s no sorry for the crime he has committed. But he also says he liked Mr. Clutter, and thought he was a very nice man. Then there is his compa .....
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Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3.... Witch
That will be ere the set of sun.
Although she knows that there will be darkness, the first witch is not even sure when they should meet again. The second witch mentions the hurly-burly, or commotion, that will occur along with a battle. The third witch is sure that this time will be when the sun will shine no more. All of these statements are true when it comes to Macbeth's plans in becoming king. Evil will overcome him and allow him to murder the king. A commotion is sure to happen when news of the murder is heard. Macbeth's life will fall downhill, as the sun will shine no more on him. The witches .....
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Briar Rose
Number of words: 505 | Number of pages: 2.... the book I wasn't very enthused but once I read the first four chapters (for the second time) I started falling into the novel. I became so emotionally involved with the characters and the story that I had to finish it. It made me recall everything I had learned in history class about the Holocaust. At that time it did not seem to "click". Now that I read this story and all of its frightful horrors it all comes rushing back.
Now that I think about it, this is actually a great book for young adults to read. It teaches them a little about the holocaust and the terrible tragedies that had occurred. It even teaches them a bit about ho .....
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Number of words: 1541 | Number of pages: 6.... we see that his madness is assumed. After the Ghost's first appearance to , decides that when he finds it suitable or advantageous to him, he will put on a mask of madness so to speak. He confides to Horatio that when he finds the occasion appropriate, he will "put an antic disposition on" (I.v.172). This Pg. 2 strategy gives a chance to find proof of Claudius' guilt. Although he has sworn to avenge his father's murder, he is not sure of the Ghost's origins: "The spirit that I have seen / May be the devil" (II.ii.610-11). He uses his apparent madness as a delaying tactic to buy time in which to discover whether the Ghost's tale o .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 514 | Number of pages: 2.... girl, but she has little money. Although Mr. Collins could obviously never satisfy Charlotte as a husband, Charllote agrees to marry him for his money. Hence the original understanding of the quotation at the start of the novel seems to be justified. Mr. Darcy also seems to follow this quotation. He believes that woman would marry him for his wealth and status no matter what. Therefore, when he falls in love with Elizabeth he does not treat her with the preferential treatment with which one would normally treat his beloved. Instead he treated her with the same condescending and proud manner as he would any other person. Afterall .....
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The Night Journey In Heart Of
Number of words: 866 | Number of pages: 4.... innocence to experience and becomes acquainted with evil in the novella, I have interpreted the character of Marlow as the embodiment of good, and Kurtz as that of evil, (although not entirely).
The events of the night journey of Heart of Darkness are described through the character of Marlow who acts as a mediator as he tells the story. Depth and meaningfulness are given in the text, through Marlow's function, serving as a conciousness.
Even before the journey to the Congo, Marlow provides a sense of depravity when he comments (on page 33) that Africa '…had become a place of darkness.' Marlow further describes the Cong .....
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Number of words: 288 | Number of pages: 2.... scale, astronomy, weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics, and the care of olive trees.
Maia gave birth to in a cave in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. Some say that Acacus, son of the Arcadian king, raised
was born at dawn, in the afternoon he played on the lyre, and in the evening he went to Pieria, a region in Mount Olympus in northern Thessaly, and stole the cattle of Apollo, while Apollo was distracted because of his love for Hymenaeus. Battus, who promised not to tell, witnessed the stealing of the cattle. But not being able to keep his promise, he was turned by into a stone. Also there were others who had their shapes tran .....
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The Original Sin (poem)
Number of words: 275 | Number of pages: 1.... this famed story.
The Original Sin
A woman and a man,an essential part of God’s master plan.The Garden of Eden, the place they lived.They were given all it had to offer, except for one thing.
Not allowed the forbidden fruit,but the snake tricked Eve, he did beguile.
He spoke with an evil smile,“To be like God, the forbidden fruit ye must eat”
Eve was convinced, she had been defeat.The temptation far too much,she had to have just one touch.She bit into the apple with a sense of satisfaction.
Yet, for the first time she sensed a strange emotion,for she felt guilty, awaiting God’s reaction. The serpent had .....
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