Papers on English
The Pearl
Number of words: 1020 | Number of pages: 4.... were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a "sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought..." and quickly attacked the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly. "It will destroy us all" she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon Juana began to lose her spiritual side and for a long time she had forgotten her prayers that had at once meant so much to her. She had tried .....
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Cause And Effect Of Speeding
Number of words: 471 | Number of pages: 2.... kind, and offers a traffic school option, the
unpleasantness continues. Usually the traffic school is no where near to
the courthouse, which causes you to search to find the it. The great
experience of paying is close at hand after locating the school. You must
endure the nine hour course after paying for the privilege of attending.
This is a class most people would have never taken if given the chance. The
unpleasantness associated with a speeding ticket is almost finished when
you have completed the course.
A reoccurring reminder of a previous mistake is evident in higher insurance
rates. Most insurance companies feel that speed .....
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Robert Frost 2
Number of words: 674 | Number of pages: 3.... will not be scared of the desert places, but of the loneliness. He is scared of his own loneliness, his own desert places.
Most of Frost’s poems are about nature. All three of the mentioned poems are about nature. In “The Road Not Taken”, he talks of the woods and paths to follow (line1). Also, in “Birches”, he talks of the birch tree, and winter mornings (line 7). He also talks about rain and snow (line8-11). In “Desert Places”, he talks of woods and snow covering the ground (line 1-5).
He shows the relationship between nature and humans. As in “Tree at My Window”, the beginni .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 946 | Number of pages: 4.... Oedipus’ life and his kingdom were filled with riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries. Oedipus’ beginning and ending at Thebes both arose from the riddle of the oracle. Without his parent’s confrontation with the oracle, Oedipus would not have been cast away from Thebes in the first place. Yet without the riddle of the sphinx, Oedipus would not have arrived at his royal position. This could be Sophocles’ method to involve our minds, letting us know that every action we take has an effect on us later in life. At Thebes he is bothered by the plague of the city. For this mystery, Oedipus consistently strives for the truth, .....
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Romeo And Juliet Why They Died
Number of words: 509 | Number of pages: 2.... This will cause a lot of problems to come.
Act III is the feud climax. Mercutio dies by the wound inflicted by Tybalt after they meet and fight over Romeo. Romeo tried to stop them but he couldn’t and the sword of Tybalt went under his arm and sliced Mercutios breast. Tybalt ran away after the death of Mercutio. Romeo is sadden and realizes his love for Juliet has blinded him. Furious over his friend’s death he slays Tybalt when he returns. The Prince arrives after Benvolio told Romeo to run. Benvolio tells the Prince what happened and the Prince orders Romeo’s banishment: Romeo killed him but Tybalt killed Mercu .....
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Beloved-Water Motif
Number of words: 1470 | Number of pages: 6.... Beloved. They took her in and she lived with them. Throughout the novel, Morrison uses many symbols and imagery to express her thoughts and to help us better understand the characters. Morrison uses the motif of water throughout the novel to represent birth, re-birth, and escape to freedom. In Beloved, one of the things that water represents is birth. When Sethe was running away form Sweet Home, she was pregnant. In order to get to freedom, she had to cross the Ohio River. On the way to the river, Sethe met a young white girl named Amy Denver. Amy helped Sethe to keep going because her feet were swollen up. When Sethe and Amy got .....
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Exotica - Character Analysis
Number of words: 1700 | Number of pages: 7.... with separate desires, and unifies them via the complex and tangled narrative in such a manner that by the end, these people are so tightly wound up together that if you took one away, their world would collapse. After the first few scenes of the film, we are taken to club Exotica where we are introduced to Francis (Bruce Greenwood), the tax auditor. At first, we assume he is a typical man seeking entertainment of a sexual nature from the young and innocent, (as depicted by her "school girl" ensemble) Christina (Mia Kirshner). However, as the story develops we find that Francis has a more honorable reason for attending this clu .....
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Death Be Not Proud
Number of words: 844 | Number of pages: 4.... recuperate, even if he had to do things himself. "I watched him give himself a hypodermic injection of liver extract on the side above the hip, an awkward place to reach. I could not possibly have done on anybody, let alone myself." (p77) Johnny, had to take hypodermic injections, and were more than painful, and gave himself the shots. That shows the courage he has, to give himself painful injections that his dad wouldn’t be able to give, yet alone watch. Although he realized that eventually his life would end, he still never gave up the hope that perhaps he could outsmart his fate to die, if just to steal a few extra hours.
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The Catcher In The Rye 3
Number of words: 751 | Number of pages: 3.... it - I really wouldn’t.”
Holden is not fond of the society that he lives in. It is a superficial
society that worships the movies and actors because they portray a type of
living that seems wonderful, although it is very false. Holden does not like the
movies, he views them as a world that people wish they could be in. An
example of this is when Holden says “If there is one thing I hate, it’s the
movies.” Holden also dislikes the actors. He feels that they do not act like
common people instead they act “more like they knew they were celebrities”
and that annoyed him because he .....
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Main Theme In Lady Oracle
Number of words: 951 | Number of pages: 4.... her mother's mistreatment and condescending attitude. A good example of this can be found when Joan's mother says to her (Pg. 87): "Is this all your good for? Sitting around and eating? Look at yourself, it's disgusting!" This shows us just how much her mother is focused on physical appearance. The way Joan feels about herself and her mother is clearly shown through her thoughts and reflections. Joan has little self-confidence or self esteem. (Pg. 124): "It seemed like everything my mother had accused me of and predicted for me was coming true…I was nothing more than a fat, insecure, uncultured and useless bl .....
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