Papers on English
Huck Finn 3
Number of words: 4279 | Number of pages: 16.... while reading this page, it would seem as though Huck Finn was a boy who was a killer and one with no conscience, but it is mearly describing a boy who was in the beginning of a great adventure, yet to take place.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," takes place during a period in a young boys life, when he is trying to find out who he really is and trying to find a place that he can call home. Mark Twain is thought of, by some critics, as being an author who is describing the adventures of a boy, in a racist sort of way. One critic states: "Huckleberry Finn is a book that is absolutely immoral in its tone, it also seem .....
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The Dark Half
Number of words: 1048 | Number of pages: 4.... Thad's penname come to life. Stephen King made that seem possible with his explanation that Thad had a brain tumor when he was a child. It was not, however, a normal brain tumor. The doctor removed an eye, some teeth, some fingernails, and parts of a nose. These pieces were what George Stark was. When Thad Beaumont stopped writing novels under the name George Stark, Something happened to the pieces and they began to grow into a person.
The part of the story that could have been better was the fact that it is exactly like every other book by him. In my opinion it is too regular. A psychopath chases a righteous man with a fa .....
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The Great Gatsby 4 -
Number of words: 895 | Number of pages: 4.... of the characters show the worthlessness of materialism, the futile quest of Myrtle and Gatsby, and how America ‘s moral values had diminished- through the actions of Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Gatsby’s party guests. Despite his newly acquired fortune, Gatsby still cannot afford his one true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything which is important to Daisy. "..Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby’s insistence on being able to repeat the past , an inviolability. It exists in the world of money and corruption but is not of it." (Lewis 48 )
In the novel The G .....
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Macbeth 4
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... character. When King Duncan announced Macbeth’s rise to Thane, he referred to him as “noble Macbeth”(Line 69)
The first flaw we see in the character of Macbeth and the first signs of the evil power Lady Macbeth has over her husband, come late in the first act. In this part of the story (Act 1, Scene 5) Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are discussing the murder of King Duncan planned for that night. We hear of Macbeth’s uncertainty of committing the crime, however lady Macbeth taunts him until she convinces him to commit the murder. This shows the mental weakness in Macbeth’s character.
The famous .....
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Diction And Imagery In The Poe
Number of words: 367 | Number of pages: 2.... with every stroke. Shattering glass suggesting danger and fear. “Barely missing the moon’s pale hiss,” portrays the image of a deadly snake, heightening the risk of the challenge. The depiction of “white nudes between each sizzling shaft,” brings to the reader the vulnerability the swimmer feels running from one danger to another. Also, the affect of a challenging computer game is again played. The swimmer is like a loosing player challenging each feat and then faced with yet another.
Some goodness comes out of taking the risk of swimming alone. Ones“prohibition and expectations are .....
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1984 Irony
Number of words: 421 | Number of pages: 2.... watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear.
The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown how horrible his health is and is continually getting worse and more difficult, but as Winston gets involved with Julia then he begins a metamorphosis into a more healthy person. Another major example is the betrayal of many of the people whom Winston thought were his friends, such as M .....
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The Joy Luck Club Anthro
Number of words: 2672 | Number of pages: 10.... crossing a vast ocean, with only the company of a swan, yet she is not scared. She has dreams for her daughter, and this dream is the driving force of her actions. She is moved to realize this dream, that she is not even aware of the potential bad outcomes. There is no talk about hoping to have a daughter it says I will have a daughter just like me, and she will always be to full to swallow any sorrow. There is no single thought of failure in her mind. Her dreams have instilled in her blind faith, and inherent optimism. She will go as far as that she lets these qualities take her. The swan feather is a symbol of Chinese .....
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Number of words: 460 | Number of pages: 2.... in time, like the above him, as a four-day-old infant. She considered this while shifting her vision to the huge slab of white stone near the left road.
This was the children’s saint, with most of the children buried around it. When her family came to the grave when she was in grade school, she used to love to climb on the smooth stone and hear the sparrows in their tiny trees dotting the plateau of the dead.
She shook this thought off with a cold shiver as the first droplets of a new rain fell tumbling on her jersey. Her eyes showed she was inattentive to it while she kneeled, slowly outlining the word "Joey" with her l .....
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Atwoods Theory Of Canadian Sho
Number of words: 603 | Number of pages: 3.... in the
woods."(21), and of course "bundling was an invention of the devil."(22). Therefore Kezia cannot declare her bundling with Mr. Mears to Mr. Barclay or Mr. Hathaway for fear of being punished. Kezia then offers herself as wife to Mr. Mears, thus getting her out of an undesired marriage and no longer being a victim to that arrangement. She demonstrates an incredible amount of intelligence in her situation.
The Butterfly Ward by Margaret Gibson introduces the reader to Kira, a patient of the Neurological Ward in a Toronto hospital. She is the type of victim who blames her mental illness on something else, "the amoeba"( .....
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East Of Eden
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... scent of sweetness, but that is just what Cathy
the town to see and think when Cathy planned her kill. On page
114-115, "The fire broke out... the Ames house went up like a
rocket... Enough remained of Mr. and Mrs. Ames to make sure there were
two bodies." Cathy had set the house on fire and broke into the safe
to steal the family's money. As the investigators scoped the place,
they noticed that the bolts stuck out and there were no keys left in
the locks. They knew it was not an accident. Cathy's body was never
found, but the town assumed that she died. "If it had not been for
Cathy's murder, the .....
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