Papers on English
Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 452 | Number of pages: 2.... the conditions that the Okies were in search of. They were now attempting to attain extras, and feared that the arrival of the Okies would halt this endeavor. The Okies motives were much nobler than the Californians’; but the Californians still felt that the Okies had no right to invade their land. “And whereas the wants of the Californians were nebulous and undefined the wants of the Okies were beside the roads, lying there to be seen and coveted…” The Californians did not know what they wanted; their dreams were very unclear. The Okies intentions, on the other hand, were very clear and important.
This tension .....
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Beauty And The Beast
Number of words: 2000 | Number of pages: 8.... to sell one of his inventions and heads off into the woods while Belle takes care of the house. Before he leaves Belle asks him to bring her back a rose. There was a bad snowstorm that night and the father got lost in the snow. He sees a path that has a green glow to it. He is intrigued and goes down the path. At the end of the path he finds a huge mansion. With nowhere else to go he has no other choice but to try to get inside. He knocks on the door but no one answers butt the door slowly swings open. He never finds any one in the house but dinner fresh clothes and breakfast the next morning are all set up for him. He .....
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A Pair Of Tickets
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... to have. She later found out that she was totally wrong.
Right from the beginning she was surprised as she arrived at the train station where she saw crowds of people wearing drab Western clothes, as she described, with spots of bright colors and old ladies in gray tops and pants that stop mid-calf. She had to remind herself that she was in China because, while waiting in line to go through customs, she felt like she was in San Francisco. Even the skyline of downtown Guangzhou, from a distance to her, looked like a major American city with high rises and construction going on everywhere. She was also shocked to see the fancy ho .....
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Ironclads Of The Civil War
Number of words: 988 | Number of pages: 4.... regiments. And there were very few sailors in the South, so most were clueless on where to go or what to do. When everything was done and she began to move it looked like the Merrimac was capable of doing what she was meant to do.
The Northerners were warned about this ironclad “monster” and were waiting for this moment a long time. When the Merrimac came into view she fought the Cumberland and ended up destroying it. The shell burst into the rail and knocked down nine men of the Cumberland. In the end the Merrimac destroyed the Cumberland. But no ship in the navy ever fought as hard or as brave as the Cumberland did.
O .....
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Society And The River The Adve
Number of words: 1058 | Number of pages: 4.... ornery preaching-all about brotherly love, and such-like…" (Twain 90).
Huck with his anti-society attitude, you would presume that he would have no problem in helping Jim. Yet he fights within himself about turning over Jim to the authorities, by this action within Huck shows that he must have feelings that slavery is correct so that the racial bigotry of the time may be seen. This decision for Huck is monumental even though he makes it on the spot. He has in a way decided to turn his back on everything that "home" stands for, this allows us to leave our thought of bigotry behind and begin to see Jim for what he really .....
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Fahrenheit 451 Symbolism
Number of words: 612 | Number of pages: 3.... do anything that they weren’t supposed to do. Today, everything is happening just as The Hound is controlled. Programming is happening in our very world. Take schools for example. Consider Pavlov’s experiment with ringing bells to provoke an automatic response in dogs. He rang a bell; the dogs salivated expecting food. The school board rings a bell, and students rise to show respect for the American flag because ‘now is the designated time to be patriotic, and you will or face consequences”. The bell rings, students stand. The bell rings, the students sit, the student walks, the student is allowed to ea .....
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Analysis Of Gimple The Fool
Number of words: 1042 | Number of pages: 4.... the scapegoat. Gimpel could have been an integral part of his society but instead he was untrue to himself and he was lost. The townspeople treated Gimpel much like the court jesters of the renaissance period, turning the baker into the village harlequin. Although the target of many pranks and antics, they were not directed at him for intentional harm. He was the target though due to his accessibility and convenience. Instead of seeking Gimpel out for his talents as the baker, Gimpel’s neighbors sought him out to entertain themselves by ridiculing his naïve nature. The baker was not naïve and when the town’s p .....
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The Scarlet Letter - Roger Chi
Number of words: 671 | Number of pages: 3.... for being dismayed and livid. He feels betrayed, and calls Hester’s sin
unpardonable. His rage quickly becomes resentment, and he develops a strong
desire to find out with whom Hester had an affair with. Chillingworth seeks
nothing but revenge. When Arthur Dimmesdale defends Hester and her actions,
Chillingworth begins his suspicion.
Chillingworth quickly becomes determined to withdraw the truth from
Dimmesdale, who in fact was the man for whom Hester had betrayed him. The
spite Chillingworth feels towards Dimmesdale grows stronger as his suspicion
about Hester and Dimmesdale seems more and more likely. Chil .....
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The Crucible 6
Number of words: 965 | Number of pages: 4.... to get naked and dance around. By now the governor has entered the scene. The maidens see him and recognize him. They all frantically run away, except two. One is screaming because of what she has seen. She claims to not be able to move. The other one is holding her staring off into an endless gaze.
Aside from the audio and visual points, there are various camera angles used. When everyone is circled around the boiling pot the camera man uses a stedicam shot to circle around and show everyone’s face. When the viewer is seeing a girl take off her clothes the camera technician uses a zoom shot. This holds true whe .....
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Number of words: 1335 | Number of pages: 5.... of it's own. It was ruled by the Parliament in Britain which consisted of the House of Commons and House of Lords.
Meanwhile, in the 1840's, a small group formed out of the Young Ireland movement. The leader, Thomas Davis, expressed a concept of nationality embracing all who lived in Ireland regardless of creed or origin. A small insurrection in 1848 failed, but their ideas influenced the coming generations.
This small nationalism was illustrated in the stories "Evelyn" and "A Painful Case." In the latter, Mr. James Duffy, despite his dislike of the "modern an pretentious" Dublin, decides to stay at least in the suburbs .....
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