Papers on English
Theme-Basketball (no Works Cit
Number of words: 75 | Number of pages: 1.... the game, or getting stronger by going up against bigger people, basketball will be socially, mentally, and physically helpful. .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird -x
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... named Dill try to invent ways to lure a mysterious neighbor, whom they have never seen, to come out of his house. Then when summer is over Scout begins her first year of school. She then recalls he hard times at school. Ultimately summer comes and Scout, Dill, and Jem continue their scheme for attempting to encounter Boo Radley, the mysterious neighbor. In the upcoming fall the children learn that their father,
atticus, is being called a "n**ger lover" by the people living in Maycomb for defending a colored man named Tom Robinson. Mr. Robinson is being accused of attacking Mayella Ewell. The verdict at the trial enrages the Ew .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2.... humor he eased the pains of America and also made himself a popular literary figure of the time. In the story "Life on the Mississippi" he writes of the life in a small town on the Mississippi where steamboats passed and little boys dreamed. Written about a small average American town, yet there is so much truth revealed within it and how it is the American experience. He traveled through out America experiencing much of the country, the life and the people, and writing things down as he went along. He used these experiences as the basis for his stories and since they were based on truth, spoke of America, and included h .....
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Utopia, 1984 Comparison
Number of words: 2232 | Number of pages: 9.... a look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself¡¨ (Orwell, 65). This example shows the unfortunate replacement of loyalty with fear and suspicion of everyone in 1984. ¡§It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place, or near a telescreen¡¨ (65). Suspicion is a dominant feeling felt by almost all the members of the Outer Party in 1984. For example, when Winston met Julia for the first time, his immediate thoughts were; ¡§She must be with the thought police¡¨ (45). The society of 1984 is a total nightmare, in which everyone is suspicious of everyone and very little loyalty exi .....
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Literary Analysis
Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2.... Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes”.
This is exactly how Romeo behaves. Juliet on the other hand had to marry Count Paris so her love with Romeo is simply a way to get out of it. She never had a relationship with a man and she didn’t like to have her first and only relationship with a man her parents arranged for her. She wanted freedom and Romeo was her ticket to it.
During the story Romeo and Juliet convince them selves to be in love with each other and they become obsessed, not with the love for each other, but with the fact of being in love with each other. Young peo .....
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Othello: Iago The Con
Number of words: 923 | Number of pages: 4.... a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio." [Act II, Scene I, Line 163] His cunning and craftiness make him a truly dastardly villain indeed.
Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to forward his purposes. Throughout the story he is commonly known as, and commonly called, "Honest Iago." He even says of himself, "I am an honest man...." [Act II, Scene III, Line 245] Trust is a very powerful emotion that is easily abused. Othello, "holds [him] well;/The better shall [Iago's] purpose work on him." [pg. 1244, Line 362] Iago is a master of abuse in this ca .....
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A Farewell To Arms 2
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... his characters'--beliefs. The punchy, vivid
language has the immediacy of a news bulletin: these are
facts, Hemingway is telling us, and they can't be ignored.
And just as Frederic Henry comes to distrust abstractions
like "patriotism," so does Hemingway distrust them. Instead
he seeks the concrete, the tangible: "hot red wine with
spices, cold air that numbs your nose." A simple "good"
becomes higher praise than another writer's string of
decorative adjectives.
Though Hemingway is best known for the tough simplicity of
style seen in the first passage cited above, if we take a
close look at A Fa .....
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Number of words: 1540 | Number of pages: 6.... was no more savage than the English customs of public disembowelment of thieves and the burning of women accused of being witches.
In May of 1607, English colonists arrived on the Virginia shoreline with hopes of great riches. They established a settlement that they named Jamestown. Little Pocahontas watched as these strangers built forts and searched for food. She eventually became quite familiar with them and brought the near starving settlement food from time to time.
In December of 1607, Captain John Smith led an expedition and was taken captive by the Indians. He was taken to Werowocomoco, 12 miles from Jamestow .....
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Winterbourne And Prufrock
Number of words: 599 | Number of pages: 3.... of innocence or from her being, essentially, a young person of the "common" class. After getting to know Daisy, he was confused about getting to know his and her emotions. It is far evident that Winterbourne does not come to conclusions about people easily. He was very much influenced by the biases of his upbringing in culture, and he questioned them occasionally.
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is about a timid and downcast man in search of meaning, of love, and in search of something to break from the dullness and superficiality which he feels his life to be. Eliot lets us into Prufrock’s world for an evening, .....
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A Murderer's Journey Through The Works Of Dostoyevsky And Poe
Number of words: 1697 | Number of pages: 7.... then he spent
a long time poring over the handwriting on the envelope, over the small,
slanting handwriting, so familiar and dear to him, of his mother who had once
taught him to read and write. (Crime and Punishment, pg.47)
Raskolnikov's mother, who taught him how to read and write did this job quite
well. This resulted in a very gifted and brilliant university student. This
point is illustrated throughout the novel from the planning and carrying out of
the murder, to interactions with the police.
The narrator from the short story "The Black Cat" describes his
"tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the j .....
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